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Chapter 232: Biological Armor (part 1)

the next day.

Li Yi met Professor Wei Hanzhi and his scientific research team in the conference room of the company's headquarters to learn about the sequelae of the life-extending gene drug.

In the conference room of Nuo University, Li Yi sat on the chairman's seat, Tang Shaohong sat on the right, and Sun Bingwen sat on the left.

Professor Wei Hanzhi was standing on the podium, with a LCD screen behind him, displaying complex DNA patterns and various molecular data.

"According to the test data and survey results, it can be concluded that the reason why this patient has this symptom is related to her own genetic defect. This gene defect is recessive and is usually in an inactive state, ..., Because of the relationship between life-extending gene drugs, this gene defect was activated, and a severe immune storm eventually occurred." Professor Wei Hanzhi introduced the findings in detail on the podium.

Hearing this, Li Yi, Tang Shaohong and others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It turned out better than they thought.

"Well! Are there many users like this?" Li Yi looked at Professor Wei Hanzhi and asked with concern.

"There will be more or less, but the reaction will not be so drastic. In fact, our genes are changing all the time, and genetic defects are about: 1 in 4 million, and the probability of genetic mutation of DNA is about 1.4%. In addition to the legacy that appeared in the genetic process, ...," Professor Wei Hanzhi introduced in detail, and then continued: "We have stepped up prevention work in this area, and now, all users who use life-extending gene drugs have been comprehensively carried out. , and found that there is such a sudden and severe user, so far, this is the only one."

Li Yi nodded, and finally a smile appeared on his face.

Professor Wei Hanzhi and their work can still be done. Even if the vaccine is injected, death may occur. It is better to use this kind of life-extending genetic medicine. Nearly one in ten million severe cases, the price is completely acceptable.

"Mr. Tang, let the propaganda department work harder to announce this news and continue to release the sales of life-extending genetic medicines." Li Yi looked at Tang Shaohong and instructed.

"Understood!" Tang Shaohong nodded happily.

"It's okay, that's all, let's end the meeting!" Li Yi smiled and announced immediately.

Hearing this, everyone's atmosphere relaxed, and they began to pack up their documents and prepare to leave the venue.

Li Yi followed Sun Bingwen and Professor Wei Hanzhi to the Xingyao Experimental Center, chatting about the development of body-enhancing genetic medicines while walking.

Compared with the success of life-extending genetic medicine, the project of strengthening human genetic medicine has not been able to achieve a major breakthrough.

"The strengthening project is too difficult. The success of the life-extending gene drug only needs to change a few key genetic information. If it is strengthened, it involves all aspects of the human body's genetic situation. It is difficult to achieve satisfactory results with the strengthening of multiple attributes." Professor Wei Hanzhi complained to Li Yi.

What Li Yi expects is to let him develop a genetic medicine that strengthens the human body, so that the human body can better adapt to the cosmic environment.

However, this is too difficult.

There are many reasons why humans cannot leave the earth. The oxygen, suitable temperature and abundant water sources on the earth are only one aspect. In addition, the gravitational environment on the earth, the radiation protection ability on the earth, etc., these are actually key to human survival.

For example, to immigrate to Mars, it is necessary to transform Mars into a "simulated Earth", otherwise, humans cannot survive on it. If there is an opportunity to modify human genes so that the human body can endure harsher environments and withstand the super radiation in space, then it will not take too long to modify Mars.

However, human beings have evolved into what they are today. They have been genetically selected again and again. They have adapted to the environment of the earth. Using genetic technology to edit themselves is a huge scientific challenge.

Soon, Li Yi and his party came to the experimental area of ​​the experimental center.

In the huge experimental area, hundreds of scientific researchers are carrying out various biochemical scientific research work.

"Mr. Li, this is one of the main projects we are currently working on. It is too difficult to develop enhanced genetic medicines. Regardless of the transformation, the enhancement has failed too many times. Therefore, we have taken a different approach and started from another direction. Research will help human beings enter the interstellar space. The way to survive in the times." Professor Wei Hanzhi introduced Li Yi and Sun Bingwen to a laboratory where various biological tanks were placed.

"This is the Bio-A project? Old Wei, have you come up with it?" Sun Bingwen looked at Professor Wei Hanzhi and asked.

"What kind of creature armor? Why don't I know about this?" Li Yi was surprised, looking at a set of green membranes in the creature tank.

"Mr. Li, you don't know, this project was initiated by Lao Wei's strong request. Their biological group has earned a lot of scientific research funds in the gene life-extending drug. What about Yue! I brought you here for inspection, and I also suffered a lot from being deceived." Sun Bingwen gave Professor Wei Hanzhi a bitter look, and quickly explained to Li Yi.

Professor Wei Zhihan smiled and introduced a young man beside him to Li Yi. He introduced: "Mr. Li, this is the case, this is my student - Zhang Tianyu, this project is completely led by him, let him come Introduce!"

"Hello, President Li!" Zhang Tianyu stood up excitedly and greeted Li Yi respectfully.

Looking at Zhang Tianyu, who was about the same age as himself, Li Yi glanced at Professor Wei Hanzhi unexpectedly. Unexpectedly, Professor Wei had already started to train heirs.

"Hello! Please introduce me!" Li Yichong smiled at Zhang is willing to give him a chance.

"Okay, Mr. Li, our biological armor project was developed on the basis of research on water bears." Zhang Tianyu introduced.

Hearing this, Li Yi's heart moved, and he immediately remembered the origin of the tardigrade creature. The tardigrade is known to be the most vital creature on earth. The tardigrade's vitality is so strong that it can survive without any protective measures. They can survive under freezing, boiled, air-dried, or even put them directly in space or under radioactive rays, and they can still survive, and their lives are extremely tenacious.

"Well, this direction is good, you continue to talk!" Li Yi was already interested in this creature A.

"The life of tardigrades is extremely tenacious. This little thing can survive in extremely harsh environments, and the cosmic environment is no longer a problem. It is difficult to kill them under normal circumstances. However, the reason why they are strong is because The surface of the tardigrade has a protective shell, which we call the "capsule". To kill the tardigrade, the capsule on the surface must first be destroyed. This capsule requires extremely high temperatures to be destroyed. Therefore, through this principle, we conceived it on the biological armor worn by humans." Zhang Tianyu eloquently introduced the characteristics of the tardigrade's 'capsule'.

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