My hi-tech Library

Chapter 285: technical intimidation

Xingyao Technology's interstellar entertainment is becoming more and more popular.

Countless unemployed people saw the opportunity and joined in eagerly.

This is the case with Li Anping. He is a Chinese who studied in the United States. He graduated from Harvard University 22 years ago and chose to stay in the United States who abandoned the country.

For two decades, he has been bitter and regretful about this decision.

Since the strong rise of Xingyao Technology, Longguo's technology has developed rapidly, its economic strength and military strength have developed rapidly. In just over 20 years, it has begun to develop to the moon, Mars, and space.

On the other hand, because of the transformation of nuclear fusion energy and the disintegration of the world monetary system, fifty states of the entire country have declared their independence, and completely disintegrated into more than twenty independent countries. Civil strife, war, mutual accusations, and strong military strength, The currency status collapsed overnight.

The most powerful country in the world has become a joke overnight, with no immigrants returning to their own countries.

However, Li Pingan could not go back to his former motherland.

The nationality of the Dragon Kingdom is the most difficult to obtain in the world. Once lost, it is very difficult to obtain it again.

After the disintegration of the American Federation, the order became chaotic, and the economy went from bad to worse. On the other side, Starlight Technology led human civilization to produce the fifth and sixth scientific and technological revolution, and various new technologies emerged one after another.

The quality of life of the people in Longguo has been continuously improved. Although a large number of intelligent machines have robbed them of their jobs, Longguo has greatly improved the welfare of the people.

A large number of advanced industrial products, the worldwide dumping of new technology products, to life-extending gene drugs, gene technology for cancer treatment, virtual networks, virtual games, energy, aviation, artificial intelligence, and other advanced technologies, Xingyao Relying on the unshakable global technological status, technology recklessly robs the world's wealth.

Xingyao Technology relies on advanced technology to **** the world's wealth and resources, and Longguo also eats meat. The development of the entire industry chain has obtained massive corporate taxation, providing endless financial support for improving people's welfare.

The promotion of the Dragon's currency in the world and the extremely high value of the currency enable the people of the country to enjoy the most abundant resources at the least price. The people living in the Dragon country are happier than the citizens of the United States in the heyday of the Commonwealth.

However, all this has nothing to do with Li Anping, he is only thinking about how to survive now.

Now he has been out of a serious job for many years, living in a relative's restaurant doing odd jobs, relying on others, and his wife and children are separated.

Now, he finally saw a chance to turn over, and the launch of Xingyao Technology's Interstellar Entertainment was his chance to turn over.

When Li Anping was young, he studied music, piano, violin, guitar, drums and several musical instruments, and was even a member of the main band of the school. Later, for his studies, he gradually gave up this hobby. When he was on the street, he even recited Played the guitar and spent some time in the square.

Today, Interstellar Technology is engaged in Interstellar entertainment, holding various auditions, interstellar music creation solicitations, interstellar movie-themed music solicitations, etc. Music talent shows are a great opportunity for countless musicians around the world.

Soon, Li Anping landed on the official website of Xingyao Technology and found the introduction of relevant rewards in the music collection audition.

Xingyao Technology's investment in Interstellar Entertainment can be said to be regardless of the cost. Through the first round of audition of music tracks, it can get tens of thousands of financial rewards, and at the same time, it also needs to share the copyright of music sales.

The second round, the third round, ..., the bonuses obtained in each round of audition competition are doubling.

Successfully advanced to the fifth round of audition, there are 100,000 places, and the promotion bonus has reached 1 million. In this round of audition alone, Xingyao Technology has invested hundreds of billions of real money.

Not much, as long as you can pass the fifth round of audition, your life will be completely changed.

If you can make it to the top 100 in the world, you will not only get the honor of a gold medal music creator, a bonus of nearly 100 million yuan, but you can also join Xingyao Technology.

Seeing such a generous reward and so many places, Li Anping showed excitement and began to devote himself to music creation.

The experience of being down on the street, unemployed, and separated from his wife and children during this period is an indelible memory for Li Anping, which endows him with rich content and inspiration for music creation.

Like Li Anping, countless people around the world who understand music know the magnificent Interstellar Entertainment of Xingyao Technology.

Those people who don't understand music are also attracted by the generous bonuses and the opportunity to gain fame and fortune, and they have begun to crawl.

Xingyao Technology's virtual network has a wealth of virtual tutorials, including music education. Therefore, these people who do not understand music creation have purchased music tutorials and devoted themselves to music learning.

For them, this interstellar entertainment project of Xingyao Technology represents a dawn in life, and whether they can seize the opportunity to change the fate of their lives is a matter of one fell swoop.

Xingyao Technology's interstellar entertainment has set off a wave of entertainment frenzy in human society. All people learn and create music. Countless people who have lost their jobs have seized this opportunity to regain their lives.

In addition to music, there are also movies, mainly science fiction movies with interstellar civilization as the main body.

Xingyao Technology has invested in thousands of interstellar blockbusters, each of which is billions or tens of billions of investment, driving the theme of interstellar power to detonate the global entertainment circle.

"Universal Electric has launched the global public recruitment of actors for "Heidis Galaxy Adventure"!"

"The new version of "Star Trek" is restarted, and the virtual interstellar special effects are fully used, and the effect is more realistic, ..."

"The opening ceremony of the famous sci-fi masterpiece "Star Ring 2" will be held in three days! The global selection of actors will be opened."


The popularity of the world's major news networks was occupied by news of various interstellar power sources. The entire film circle became extremely popular in vain. The global actors were once scarce, and countless people were eating melons.

"There are so many interstellar masterpieces together, the actors are not enough!"

"Crazy! The actor was robbed crazy!"

"Where the **** is Zhao Jie going! It's not "Star Ring 2" anymore, why did he go to "Magic Star" again!"

"I feel like signing up for an actor training class, maybe there is a chance to play a third- or fourth-tier role!"

"Xingyao Technology has fired up the actor's worth!"

"Why don't you use a single line to make it clear that you can't afford it!"

"Xingyao Technology is not stupid. They invest in thousands of masterpieces, not to give money to stars, but only to pay actors' wages. What kind of stars are invited."

Thousands of star-rated blockbusters were released at the same time, detonating the entire entertainment industry. Countless directors and actors were invited and selected. All kinds of news emerged one after another. .

On the top floor of Shining Star Technology Headquarters Building, the chairman's office.

Tang Shaohong and Xu Yang, sitting on the virtual big screen at the conference table, looked at the data on the screen, their faces were slightly tired, and Li Yi, who was sitting in the chairman's seat, frowned and was dissatisfied with the results of their work.

"Mr. Li, a thousand interstellar blockbusters are launched at the same time. To be honest, this project is too hasty. If it can be implemented in several stages, the result will definitely not be like this!" Tang Shaohong looked at Li Yi, for the purpose of this mission. Unsatisfactory defense.

"Yeah! Mr. Li, the global film and television resources are not enough to support us to open so many interstellar blockbusters at the same time. First, there are not enough directors and role actors to host the films. Second, it is necessary to launch a thousand interstellar movies of the same theme at the same time. Power supply, there will definitely be the imagination of the homogenization of film content, the return on investment will definitely not reach overdue, and thirdly, there is not enough time, and there is a high probability that these thousand blockbusters will have poor and defective products..." Xu Yang looked at Li Yi eloquently explained the problems of this investment.

Xingyao Technology is an advanced technology-led enterprise. It does not know much about the entertainment industry. This is an unfamiliar industry, and technology cannot lead it.

Therefore, in order to implement Li Yi's Interstellar entertainment plan, Xingyao Technology can only carry out strategic cooperation with many entertainment companies and film companies around the world, customize various fine cooperation agreements, and entrust film companies to shoot these interstellar blockbusters.

However, even with the assistance of artificial intelligence, a strict cooperation agreement has been customized and a large amount of money has been invested. When these film companies began to produce films, various problems occurred one after another.

Insufficient main director, fierce competition of actors, insufficient group performances, ..., all kinds of problems, constantly consuming the funds invested by Xingkong Technology, all kinds of problems in a film, more than a thousand star masterpieces, gathered together, There are more problems.

Fortunately, these problems are all under the control of Xingyao Technology and can be solved in coordination. However, the profit and loss of investment and whether the film creation can be completed as scheduled have become inevitable problems.

After listening to Tang Shaohong and Xu Yang's introduction, Li Yi remained expressionless and stern. In this thousand interstellar masterpieces, the loss of investment or something is not important at all.

If these interstellar sci-fi movies can become popular among the alien civilizations in the star map, use those virtual special effects to leave all alien civilizations with the impression that human civilization is a powerful and high-level technology, and eliminate the influence of those alien civilizations on human beings. The evil thoughts of civilization, this little investment loss, is not worth worrying about at all.

Looking at Li Yi frowning and thinking, he didn't care.

"Mr. Li!" Tang Shaohong couldn't help but said.

Hearing this, Li Yi came back to his senses, looked at Tang Shaohong and said earnestly: "If you don't have enough funds, you need to supplement it. You must pay attention to completing these projects with high quality and quantity. This is very important for the future development of Xingyao Technology. Don't hold me back."

Tang Shaohong and Xu Yang looked at each other, once again shocked by Li Yi's determination.

"Understood!" Tang Shaohong sighed and nodded helplessly.

"Mr. Li, do you mean that this is just a preliminary plan, and you will continue to invest in this field in the future?" Xu Yang looked at Li Yi thoughtfully and asked tentatively.

Li Yi thought for a while, nodded and said: "Yes, if the effect is good, a large number of such interstellar films will be shot in the future, but I don't want to see the kind of homogeneous film you mentioned, I hope to see better ones. A more innovative interstellar sci-fi masterpiece."

"These interstellar films must be innovated around a main line, reflecting the powerful scientific and technological civilization of mankind, highly realistic, and can withstand the scrutiny of real science..." After a pause, Li Yi reiterated to them the thousand interstellar films. main line of development.

The main purpose of shooting these interstellar films is not for human beings, but for alien audiences in the star map. The black technology in the film that exceeds the level of human technology can be solved with special effects, but it must not violate the normal laws of science. Otherwise, it is easy for those alien civilizations to see the reality of human civilization, so that this method of 'technological intimidation' cannot work.

Li Yi purchased the scientific and technological materials of the large-scale stellar civilization with a large amount of star coins, but the overall scientific and technological level of mankind is still very low, and it takes time to develop.

In particular, the speed of technological advancement, even if there are advanced and complete technical materials, it is definitely not something that can be accomplished overnight. UU Reading

However, in the current situation, the situation of human civilization is very dangerous.

Nowadays, the music of human civilization is now popular in the star map space of the library. More and more alien civilizations know that human beings have rich music creation ability, and also know that relying on this excellent music creation ability , this civilization has gained a large amount of star coins.

Under the attention of countless alien civilizations, Li Yi felt as if he was walking on a crowded street with a cornucopia. Every 'pedestrian' looked at him with malice.

Li Yi is seriously insecure.

It is precisely because of this that Li Yi invests in 'interstellar sci-fi blockbusters' at all costs, preparing to promote these films in the star map space, warning those alien civilizations that are malicious to human civilization, so that they cannot confirm the scientific and technological level of human civilization, Buy more time for the technological development of human civilization.

"Understood! Director Sun and the others have provided technical assistance and theoretical guidance for the future technology used in the film. We will definitely do a good job in the audit." Xu Yang nodded and assured.

After a pause, Xu Yang looked at Li Yi and suggested: "Mr. Li, the film investment project was launched so quickly this time that there were problems that could have been avoided. If there are next batches, I suggest expanding the existing ones. investment in the basic industries of film production, the development of a broader layout for the basic industries of filming, the education and training of excellent directors, the cultivation of actor talents, the creation of film and television scripts, ... The industry as a whole, to avoid a situation where these problems are beyond our control.”

"Very good, this suggestion is good, you can make a plan for me." Li Yi nodded and motioned to Xu Yang.

"Okay, Mr. Li!" Xu Yang readily answered.

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