My hi-tech Library

Chapter 278: Unfinished 'black pot'

After the virtual meeting dissipated, Li Yi left the study. In the living room, the twins were dismissed from school, and the sound of playfulness came.

Li Yizhan smiled, put aside his work, and went downstairs to play with the children.

Xingyao Experimental Center, Sun Bingwen jumped up from his seat excitedly in the luxurious office as soon as the virtual meeting ended.

"It's great, it's great, this year's Xingyao Awards finally have the highlight! It's really great!" Sun Bingwen blushed, walking back and forth, muttering to himself with joy.

The Xingyao Prize is an award established by the Xingyao Experimental Center. It mainly rewards scientists who have made significant contributions to human science and technology for the advancement of basic science. It is very similar to the Nobel Prize that has attracted worldwide attention.

For the extremely wealthy Xingyao Experimental Center, the bonus is extremely rich. Each award place means the birth of a billionaire.

The Star Award has become the highest prize and the most influential scientific award in the field of human science and technology.

In order to promote the Xingyao Award and strengthen the influence of the Xingyao Award, Sun Bingwen has devoted a lot of energy to this. Every year, some major breakthroughs in the field of science and technology have won awards, from cold fusion, to virtual networks, nanomedicine, etc. Over time, the weight of science and technology that has won the Star Award is declining.

This is the case this year. Sun Bingwen is worried that he does not know which scientific research achievement should be honored in this year's Xingyao Award, so as not to affect the scientific weight of the Xingyao Award.

Well now, the scientific research results of wormholes provided by Li Yi today solved Sun Bingwen's troubles at once.

The only question now is who should be arranged to receive this award?

Chen Yuhua, or Xia Yumei, who else is a professor in the field of space-time physics? Arrangements that are not suitable for anyone,

What a big head! How could he let him arrange such a thing!

Li Yi has already provided many major scientific research projects, and the sources are all obtained from artificial intelligence deductions. Sun Bingwen has no doubts about this, and is used to dealing with such arrangements.

Except for Professor Zhou Shuzhi, it seems that no one is suitable for receiving scientific achievements.

Sun Bingwen decided to persuade him again, and if he really didn't want to, let him recommend someone.

Sun Bingwen left the office, took the smart tram in the center, and drove towards Zhou Shuzhi's office.

When he came to Zhou Shuzhi's office, he was studying the 'wormhole' material, concentrated and concentrated.

"Professor Zhou, excuse me!" Sun Bingwen pushed the door and said with a smile.

"I know what you want to say. I have already claimed the scientific research results of antimatter. I really can't help you with the 'wormhole'." Zhou Shuzhi saw that Sun Bingwen immediately understood his intention, and quickly reminded.

"Professor Zhou, these two are related to a certain extent. Don't worry about having a lot of debts! You will be more burdened." Sun Binwen licked his smiling face and begged.

Hearing this, Zhou Shuzhi couldn't help showing a wry smile.

The scientific research achievements that others have been craving for all their lives but cannot be obtained are like hot potatoes in the Xingyao Experimental Center. If they are pushed around like this, if they are known to the outside world, I am afraid they will drop their jaws!

But in Sun Bingwen, Zhou Shuzhi became accustomed here.

In the past ten years, the Xingyao Experimental Center has produced too many major scientific research achievements. However, some very advanced and very important scientific research projects are all from the scientific research materials provided by Li Yi, and even the detailed technical drawings, ... ,and many more.

However, Li Yi doesn't care about these scientific research achievements, no matter who's name is used to publish, as long as he doesn't use his name.

As a result, arranging the attribution of these major scientific research achievements has become the responsibility of Sun Bingwen. Many 'well-known' scientists in the Shining Star Center are forced to 'name', such as: the field of nanomedicine, life-extending genes, and gene-enhancing drugs. Professor Wei Hanzhi, Professor Chen Tao of Interstellar Communicator, etc., when several scientific leaders in the experimental center were enjoying their fame, their hearts were somewhat uncomfortable.

The same is true for Zhou Shuzhi, starting with cold nuclear fusion, followed by antimatter scientific research results, but three things, he will no longer accept the title of the scientific research result 'wormhole'.

Seeing Sun Bingwen's resolute attitude, Sun Bingwen sighed helplessly: "Okay! Since you don't want to accept it, I'm not reluctant. However, you have to recommend a suitable person to me. I really can't think of a suitable person."

"How about Professor Chen Tao, he has a deep understanding of papermaking in astrophysics, and now he focuses on the field of gravitational waves." Zhou Shuzhi thought about it and suggested.

"Professor Chen Tao who studies the gravitational wave interstellar communicator? Yes, yes, just him." Sun Bingwen's eyes lit up, and he immediately made a decision.

Hearing this, Zhou Shuzhi breathed a sigh of relief, and finally threw the 'black pot' out.

"Okay, I'll call him here, just hand over these materials to him, and discuss with him by the way." Zhou Shuzhi smiled and arranged. After speaking, Zhou Shuzhi quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed Professor Chen Tao's video call.

"Professor Chen, are you free? I just have a question for you."

"You're busy in the lab? Don't wait, Director Sun and I went there together, just to conduct some experiments."

"Okay! Let's go now!"

As soon as the video call was connected, Zhou Shuzhi made an appointment to meet in a few words.

"Professor Chen is in the laboratory, Director Sun, let's go! We just went to the particle laboratory to verify the theory of wormholes." Zhou Shuzhi put away his phone and suggested with a smile.

The area of ​​the experimental center is extremely large, covering an area of ​​millions of square meters and a hundred-story high-rise building. It gathers many scientific research fields and has various scientific research laboratories. It takes half an hour to walk from one experimental area to another. possible.

The experimental center has various intelligent machines, unmanned trams, three-dimensional elevators, vacuum airbag-type bullet cars, ..., etc., which are convenient means of transportation.

Sun Bingwen and Zhou Shuzhi took the unmanned tram, and after seven or eight minutes, they successfully arrived at the particle laboratory where Professor Chen Tao is located.

After identifying the identities of Sun Bingwen and Zhou Shuzhi, the anti-theft glass door of the laboratory opened on its own.

I saw that the experimental site covers an area of ​​nearly 10,000 square meters. There is a fort-like equipment in the center. A large number of scientific research instruments are placed nearby, and there are scientific research staff wearing experimental uniforms standing around the various instruments and equipment.

There are about 100 on-site scientific researchers, and their minds are all on the instruments and equipment, some proofread the data charts on the virtual screen, some modulate the equipment, some check the instrument indicators, etc.

"Professor Chen, what kind of experiment is this doing!" Sun Bingwen and Zhou Shuzhi walked into the laboratory and asked with a smile.

"Director Sun, Professor Zhou, you are here! We are conducting the gravitational wave traction experiment to obtain more detailed experimental data and prepare for the miniaturization of the gravitational wave interstellar communicator." Professor Chen Tao stood up and welcomed Sun Bingwen and Zhou Shuzhi. , and then introduced the content of the experiment.

After finishing speaking, Chen Tao looked at Sun Bingwen and Zhou Shuzhi curiously. Not knowing their purpose, he asked with a smile, "Professor Zhou, I heard that your antimatter project is almost done? Is it true!"

"Professor Chen is very well-informed, but the antimatter project is easy to succeed. Currently, we are preparing for the next experiment, and we will not know until the experimental results come out." Zhou Shuzhi explained with a smile.

"That's it! However, it's already at the actual experimental stage, and the results are coming soon." Chen Tao nodded and praised with a smile.

When will the two of them get into the topic after chatting like this? Sun Bingwen hurriedly interjected, watching Professor Chen Tao go straight to the topic and saying, "Professor Chen, we are here today, and we have a document for you to look at. If there is no problem, I hope you can lift this burden."

"Huh? What kind of information? The gravitational wave communication project is not over yet, and there are new projects?" Chen Tao was slightly startled, and said with some embarrassment.

"Professor Chen, this project has a lot to do with the field of gravitational waves you are researching. I have passed on the information to you, so you can take a look first." Zhou Shuzhi took out his mobile phone and passed the academic information of the wormhole to Chen Tao's data through the smart assistant. space, indicating.

Professor Chen Tao nodded and slid his finger on the smart watch. Immediately, a three-dimensional projection screen appeared in front of him, and he quickly discovered the information forwarded by Zhou Shuzhi.

See the title of the material: "Theory and Formulas Related to Space-Time Wormholes"

Professor Chen Tao couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and quickly opened the content of the material and read it at a glance.

As time passed, Professor Chen Tao stared intently at the information on the projection screen, all kinds of complex formulas, and Zhou Shuzhi was the same when he saw the information.

I don't know when, Zhou Shuzhi walked to Professor Chen Tao's right side and read the information inside with a smile.

"Is this formula true? What's up with these theories?" Professor Chen Tao asked in disbelief.

"There is no problem with the formula. The curvature of space-time is affected by speed and gravity. The faster the speed, the greater the gravity, and the greater the distortion of space-time, and two forms will be formed..." Zhou Shuzhi explained.

"This is not wrong. When the V (velocity) is larger, the curvature of space-time is larger. When it continues to speed up, the length, width and height of the three-dimensional space will accelerate the deformation in the spiral forward movement. When the length, width and height are twisted in a spiral shape to the extreme, they will meet into a point. That is, the three-dimensional intersection of space will meet into a point, . . . "

"The same is true for G (gravity), the greater the gravity, the greater the curvature of space-time. When G (gravity) is infinitely large to the extent of a black hole, it will bend into a circle. In the curvature of space-time formula, V The relationship between (speed), G (gravity) and T (time) is that the faster the speed, the slower the time. The greater the gravity, the slower the time..."

"Yes, so the wormhole is generated under this mechanism, which means that we can discover the existence of space-time wormholes through this theoretical formula?"

"Yes, but you need a lot of patience. Through the derivation of this formula, the time and space fields of naturally formed wormholes are very weak, and the cosmic space is so huge. Searching in this way is like looking for a needle in a haystack." Zhou Shuzhi smiled. remind.

"No, no, Professor Zhou, look at a set of data posted by the screen and reminded.

"Huh? This is it?" Zhou Shuzhi frowned and asked puzzled.

"This set of data is related to the gravitational waves I'm studying. We can screen for the existence of 'wormholes' through the weak changes in the waveband amplitude of gravitational waves." Professor Chen Tao answered with a smile.

"It turns out that, Professor Chen, you can talk about your ideas." Zhou Shuzhi immediately urged.

"No problem, first of all..."


Soon, Chen Tao and Zhou Shuzhi got together, watching the screen intently, facing the academic materials of the wormhole, your words, my words, and a heated discussion. Forget about Sun Bingwen.

The more they talked, the deeper they talked, and soon they talked about some esoteric terms that Sun Bingwen couldn't understand.

Seeing this, Sun Bingwen was delighted to see the success. He found a vacant seat nearby and sat down, took out his smart watch, called up the projection screen, checked the unapproved documents in the work background, and started to work.

About two or three hours later, with the salary increase of other researchers, Chen Tao and Zhou Shuzhi finally ended the academic discussion.

The two stopped, each holding a water glass, looking at the information on the screen, drinking water silently, thinking silently.

"The discussion is over! What's the result?" Sun Bingwen, who was ignored by the two, leaned over with a smile and asked with concern.

"No problem, there is no problem with the description of wormholes in these academic materials. It is absolutely possible to find space-time wormholes through Absolutely!" Professor Chen Tao said excitedly with his eyes shining.

"I have no doubts about the accuracy of the data. I'm asking you to take up the burden. It's almost the end of the year. I hope you can produce some research results a year ago." Sun Wenbin smiled and looked at Professor Chen Tao and reminded him. .

"The information is so detailed. If you continue to study in this direction, the research results will definitely be fine. However, Director Sun, you asked me to carry this burden, what do you mean?" Chen Tao was slightly startled, looked at Sun Bingwen in surprise, and asked hesitantly. .

"As you think, these materials are derived by artificial intelligence. If you complete the follow-up research, the academic results will be released with your reputation." Sun Bingwen explained with a smile.

"This, this, how is this possible." Chen Tao declined without thinking, and quickly looked at Professor Zhou Shuzhi and suggested, "Professor Zhou is more suitable than me!

"Professor Chen, you can take this burden reluctantly! The antimatter furnace I'm working on may be ready for results in a while, so I have the energy to follow up on this project." Zhou Shuzhi reminded with a laugh.

"Here, I also have a project! I haven't finished the gravitational wave interstellar communicator project yet!" Professor Chen Tao stared, looked at the experimental instrument in front of him, and retorted.

"Professor Chen, hasn't the gravitational wave interstellar communicator project already cooperated with Huawei Group! The miniaturization thing is coming slowly, this wormhole project is too important to us! Now only you have the ability to provoke this courage, Get rid of it." Sun Bingwen waved his hand and said solemnly.

"Hey! All right!" Chen Tao blushed and responded embarrassedly, looking guilty for taking a big advantage.

Hearing this, Sun Bingwen and Zhou Shuzhi looked at each other and laughed happily. They finally succeeded in throwing the 'pot' out.


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