My hi-tech Library

Chapter 281: unexpected popularity

Star City.

On the top floor of Xingyao Technology Headquarters Building, the luxurious and spacious office, in front of Li Yi's panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows, looks into the distance.

The magnificent metal city scenery, under the scorching sun, is covered with a red glow, and the aircrafts form a long metal dragon, which shuttles over the city in an orderly manner. Millions of individual aircraft flew around the Xingyao Building.

Near the Xingyao Building, there are many high-rise buildings, and the headquarters of major financial groups around the world are located here.

The building area of ​​Xingyao City has been expanding, and the scale has been hundreds of times that of when it was first built. Every day, it welcomes tens of millions of tourists. They come from all over the world, doing business, traveling, studying, ..., carrying Dream, everyone is proud to visit the City of Stars.

This is the city he built by himself. Under his leadership, the technology of human civilization has successfully entered the sea of ​​stars.

With the success of the antimatter furnace experiment, the antimatter engine is no longer a problem, and the next generation of interstellar spacecraft will soon be able to achieve sub-light speed flight. With the addition of wormhole technology

what's next!

Is humanity ready to make contact with alien civilizations?

Li Yi focused on thinking, and his face showed an expression of disbelief.

In the world of the star map, Li Yi also came into contact with some alien civilizations. However, the location of the parent star was hidden from the distance of a million light-years. This kind of communication does not need to worry about the occurrence of civilization wars.

However, in reality it is different.

Once the interstellar spacecraft breaks into the sub-light speed, the space-time wormhole technology gradually matures, and the contact between human beings and alien civilizations in the real world is unavoidable. What will happen at that time, everything is unpredictable.

In addition to the alien races that can communicate in the star map, there are many alien civilizations that cannot be communicated in the universe, and even alien species of natural enemies, such as the cosmic zerg known as pests, and star beasts born in extreme environments.

Human civilization has entered the interstellar era, and it is not impossible to encounter these species.

Li Yi's eyes gradually lost focus, and his consciousness entered the star map world of the library to search for the situation of these natural enemy species, the star beasts born in the extreme nebula group, the energy-shaped star beasts living in the gaseous planet, ..., all kinds of Type life comes into view.

The universe is huge, there are countless possibilities, and there are countless strange lives.

Therefore, after entering the interstellar era, it is impossible to predict what will be encountered. The only thing that can be done is to improve the scientific and technological level of human civilization and develop advanced interstellar weapons.

Li Yi put down the books of cosmic species and searched for the knowledge of searching for interstellar weapons in the light screen.

Soon, all kinds of advanced interstellar weapons appeared in the light curtain, neutron beam weapons, space weapons, atomic collapse weapons,..., all kinds of high-energy interstellar weapons coefficients entered the eyes, but, just some catalogs, followed by With the huge price of star coins, the technological level required for many interstellar weapons is not capable of being developed by the existing technological level of human beings.

Li Yi quickly took a fancy to several interstellar weapons, such as collapsing weapons and neutron beam weapons. However, in order to obtain these weapon technologies, he must first acquire a large amount of star coins, which requires a huge amount of money.

How to earn star coins is a big problem. Li Yi is reluctant to sell the genetic spectrum of earth species. He can only choose to sell the unique entertainment knowledge of human beings. Let's start with music knowledge!

Li Yi manipulates the star map, downloads and links to the human network, and collects the required data information.

Soon, the music knowledge of human civilization, from ancient times to the present, from the East to the West, the music culture created in human history, classical, national, popular, ..., various musical instruments around the world, elegant, small and heavy, ... , hundreds of millions of data, all-encompassing data flow crazy transmission.

The massive amount of entertainment knowledge of human civilization is continuously uploaded to the star map of the library. The existence of the star map allows Li Yi to master all the data resources of human civilization alone.

After the music resources were uploaded, many alien civilizations began to contact Li Yi actively, and thousands of new dialogue request prompts kept appearing on the light screen.

Li Yi took a look, and they all wanted to buy these music knowledge, but Li Yi hadn't priced them yet, the quantity was too large, and it was inconvenient to trade with them one by one.

If possible, Li Yi intends to find an agent to authorize this knowledge to a certain civilization and complete the transaction in one go.

Li Yi selects suitable transaction objects from thousands of dialogue messages.

Soon, Li Yi selected a trading target called Bellis, an alien civilization belonging to a carbon-based species.

The call request was approved. The next moment, a humanoid creature with grayish skin color appeared in the light curtain. It was petite, about one meter five, and its skin was gray-brown with some fine lines. It was like a rock, and its facial features were green. , It is somewhat similar to the human facial features, but there is a third vertical eye between the eyebrows, and the nose and mouth are embedded, which is a bit ugly and does not conform to Li Yi's aesthetics.

"Hello, Li of Human Civilization, I'm Bellis from Benita Civilization. You have such musical knowledge. You humans must be a race that loves life very much, and is very eager to be friends with you." Alien Seeing Li Yi, he immediately introduced himself and acted very friendly, like a shop owner, his eyes were full of enthusiasm.

"Hello, Bellis, do you want to buy this music knowledge from me?" Li Yi asked with a smile.

"Yes, our civilization likes music very much. It is well known in the entire star map. If possible, I hope to appreciate the music of your civilization first." Bailey said honestly.

"Of course no problem!" Li Yi nodded with a smile, and selected a domestic classic song "High Mountains and Flowing Water" in the light curtain's database, and played it to Bellis.

Soon, a beautiful music melody spread out in the star map space.

The melody of the music is constantly jumping and changing the sound area in a wide range of sounds. The virtual finger shifting and the real sound are alternated. The melody disappears and appears now and then, depicting a "top of the mountain, cloudy, erratic". Poetic picture.

Immediately afterwards, the clear overtones and lively rhythm are like "Cong Cong, the cold current of the secluded stream; the clear Lingling, the trickle of the loose roots". Quietly listen, and the feeling of joy arises spontaneously.


Bellis couldn't help closing his eyes, showing an intoxicated expression as the music continued.

After a few minutes of music melody ended, the star map space returned to silence.

"It's so beautiful, what kind of instrument is playing this thing, it's so wonderful!" Bellis couldn't help but asked in admiration.

Li Yi smiled slightly, and called out the musical instruments that played the mountains and waters in the star map space, such as guzheng, Konghou, Ruan, flute, xiao, chime, chime, and so on.

Looking at the various exquisite musical instruments behind Li Yi, Bellis' eyes instantly lit up.

"Our human civilization has thousands of musical instruments, and I will not introduce them to you one by one!" Li Yi proudly introduced.

"Yes, yes! What's the price of this music?" Bellis nodded and asked excitedly.

"To be honest, this is my first time selling music knowledge. I don't know how to price it, or you can open the price! I'll sell it if it suits me!" Li Yi suggested with a smile.

Bellis thought seriously, and after a while, he looked at Li Yi and replied: "This piece is rich in emotion, the instrument is unique, and the music enjoyment level has reached: Level III, the music of Level III is normally sold out. Price: 20W star coins, if the license is exclusive, the approximate price: about 800 star coins."

"This price is too low. I'm not very satisfied whether it's sold out or licensed exclusively." Li Yi shook his head.

Hearing this, Bellis frowned immediately and hurriedly defended: "Li, my price is absolutely notarized. If you don't believe me, you can let the star map measure the value. My estimate is only high or low."

Li Yi waved his hand and sighed: "Actually, it's not that I dislike the issue of valuation, but that I have hundreds of millions of pieces of music knowledge. If one trades one by one, it will take a long time, and I don't have the energy to deal with it. "

After listening to Li Yi's words, Bellis froze for a moment, looking at Li Yi like a rare treasure.

"Hundreds of millions of pieces of music knowledge, how is this possible, what level of civilization are you, how can you have so much music knowledge? It's incredible!" Bellis looked at Li Yi and asked with admiration.

Li Yi smiled slightly, selectively ignoring Bellis' question.

Human civilization is an extremely unique existence among other alien civilizations. There are more than 200 countries, dozens of beliefs, and several races in a small earth. knowledge of music,

On the contrary, many of the alien civilizations in the star map are a single planet, a separate civilization species, constantly climbing technology, avoiding internal friction, and the creativity of internal civilization is definitely not as rich as human civilization.

"There are hundreds of millions of similar music knowledge. If it is a one-by-one transaction, I don't have that much time. However, I urgently need a large amount of star coins. If you want, we can use other cooperation methods." Li Yikan Bellis smiled and suggested.

"Yes, yes, of course I do, the amount of music you have is amazing to me, and of course I hope to carry out in-depth cooperation." Bellis nodded repeatedly, begging for it.

"You pay me an agency fee, I will license a small part of the music knowledge to the operation, and we will share 82% of the profit. If the cooperation goes well, I will increase the supply of music knowledge. Do you think this is okay? "Li Yi looked at Bellis and asked.

"Yes, yes, Star Map supports notarization of any contract signing, cooperation is definitely no problem, but how much music knowledge do you plan to provide, and how much will the agency fee be charged? Also, can this share ratio be discussed again? Talk!" Bellis answered affirmatively, discussing with Li Yi excitedly.

Li Yi patiently and **** Bellis communicated in depth.

This kind of agency operation model is already very mature in the human business field, and Li Yi quickly established a cooperation model with Bayliss.

Soon, Li Yi withdrew from the star map space and sought the help of Da Hei, who drafted a cooperation contract that was binding on both parties, did not harm the rights and interests of both parties, and had no loopholes.

Next, Li Yi brought the contract to let Bellis confirm that he completed the agency entrustment contract in Star Map Notarization.

Li Yi carefully selected nearly a thousand pieces of music knowledge to authorize Bellis to operate in the star map. At the same time, he also received an agency fee of tens of millions of star coins from Bellis.

Watching Bellis' joyous weapon, Li Yi continued to look for the next music knowledge agent.

Compared with operating music knowledge slowly, charging a one-time agency fee is the fastest way to obtain a large amount of funds. In this way, not only does not sell off human music knowledge, but also continuously obtains follow-up income, and at the same time, it also Solved the problem of insufficient funds in the early stage.

Find an agent who can receive 1,500 star coins, find a hundred agents, and have enough money to buy three high-end interstellar weapons. As for the problem of conflict between agent products, there is no need to worry at all. The music created by all mankind for thousands of years Knowledge base, enough for thousands of agents.

Soon, Li Yi found the next target interested in the music of human civilization among thousands of call requests.

The more the agent collects, the more the agency fee will be, and each agency fee will flow into Li Yi's pocket.

In less than three days, Li Yi raised one billion star coins, enough to buy three high-level civilization interstellar weapons.

Just when Li Yi was hurrying to choose interstellar weapons, he did not know that among the alien civilizations in the star map world, an event related to human civilization was brewing, and an unexpected event was brewing.

Li Yi's coquettish operation has set off a popular trend of listening to human music in the alien civilization world of Xingtu.

Dozens of alien agents, in order to recover the cost of 'agency fee' as soon as In order to earn a profit share, they frantically promote the music of human civilization, various styles of human music with similar styles and different music repertoires , a variety of genres, classical music, baroque music, romantic music, impressionist music, expressionist music, jazz, rock, heavy metal music, punk, electronic music, soul music, Britpop, wanderlust, … ..., quickly became popular throughout the star map world.

The distant Tham galaxy, hundreds of millions of light-years away from the Milky Way.

In an interstellar fortress planet, a huge command room suddenly sounded a cheerful rhythm of music.

Suddenly, the solid bodies of the virtual figures danced to the rhythm of the music. They happily gathered and danced together, as if they were celebrating a grand festival. They sang and danced while discussing the music.


In the distant Aegis star field, an interstellar fleet sailed at sub-light speed in the dark space. A burst of heavy metal music suddenly sounded in the empty command room. The next moment, a mechanical life came alive inside the spacecraft, twisting. The mechanical limbs swayed with the rhythm of heavy metal music, followed the music rhythm, and roared mechanically, like a group of problem children, collectively fell into madness.


A similar scene is constantly happening in many star regions and various civilizations in the universe. Human music has quickly become popular among the alien civilizations in the star map. At the same time, the human music civilization has also entered the world of many alien civilizations. within sight.

For all this, Li Yi has no sympathy at all. After successfully purchasing three interstellar weapons, he is worried about how to arrange the development of them. He has no idea that his unintentional act made the music of human civilization famous in the interstellar space. Attracted a lot of 'fans'.


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