My hi-tech Library

Chapter 218: Changes to the library

The particle collision experiment has been reopened, and all the scientific researchers and scientists have focused their attention on the experiment.

No one noticed that Li Yi was sitting on the chair, his eyes were closed, and he fell asleep.

In the consciousness space, Li Yi appeared in the library.

The huge silver space, the big bookshelves are not underground, only a square light curtain is left, showing a prompt for him to inherit

Looking at the light curtain, Li Yi hesitated for a moment, and confirmed the inheritance according to the text prompts in the light curtain.

The next moment, the process of inheriting the library was completed in an instant, and the entire space began to undergo great changes, as if it had collapsed. It didn't take long for it to become a 'universe', a vast space, a sky full of galaxies.

Li Yi realized that he was floating in space.

A series of library-related information poured into his mind, and Li Yi immediately understood the changes in the library.

This is the true face of the library. The Bolsai civilization has formed a powerful galaxy network and marked it with a 'star map'. Click on a galaxy to get the general information of the intelligent civilization in which the galaxy is located.

Li Yi's acquisition of this 'library' is precisely a civilization node in the entire Starlink network.

After becoming the administrator of the 'library', Li Yi has mastered all the rights of the library. At the same time, he is also obliged to 'complete' the information of the intelligent civilization where the solar system is located.

In the vast star map, countless places emitting green light have been lit up. However, those galaxies in the star map that are not lit by green light still occupy more than 99% of the entire universe.

Every bit of green light represents an intelligent civilization. So, there are hundreds of millions of alien civilizations in this star map?

Li Yi is a little unbelievable. When did the intelligent civilization of the universe become so lively?

However, when he thought of the vastness of the universe, the galaxies as many as Hengsha, Li Yi could understand it again.

Li Yi focused his attention on his position in the 'star map', looking for the location of his civilization.

In the vast Milky Way, there are three or four solitary green lights, one of which is exactly the location of the solar system, but the dark spots of light are almost non-existent.

So, a civilization in such a large galaxy only has three or four kittens?

Li Yi froze for a moment, looked at the star map and jumped back to the next level.

The vast cosmic "star map" of green-light galaxies flashes from time to time a set of information released.

Through the introduction of the light curtain, Li Yi knew that these flashing green lights were the data of the 'alien civilization' uploading knowledge to the library. online communication in the world.

"Hello, Tx4353D galaxy administrator, welcome to join the Bolsai Wisdom Civilization Alliance. There are 18 prohibitions in this alliance. Please read the content in detail! Do not violate it. Violators will be listed as unfriendly civilizations and will be cleared."

"Hello, Tx4353D galaxy administrator, there is no information record in your civilization library, please complete the knowledge system of your civilization as soon as possible, upload the knowledge system of your unique civilization, you will get corresponding merits, which can be exchanged in the public knowledge area knowledge information."

"Hello, Tx4353D galaxy administrator, the civilization exchange column has been opened, your library has not yet been opened, and you have not established diplomatic relations with other civilizations. It is recommended to establish an information civilization system as soon as possible."


Just as Li Yi was distracted, a light curtain reappeared in front of his eyes, displaying dense text messages.

It is the various rules and systems that Li Yi showed him after inheriting the Civilization Library, as well as the reminder information of various functions.

To put it simply, this civilization library was established by the Borse civilization, allowing other intelligent civilizations to join the 'interplanetary network device'. Once they join this civilization alliance, they must assume certain obligations and responsibilities, and prohibit civilization attacks and exchanges. Knowledge, and even the use of trade, . . . , etc.

Quickly reading the content on the light curtain, Li Yi's face was gloomy and uncertain, and he was a little panicked about the changes in the library.

Fortunately, the eighteen prohibitions of the alliance gave Li Yi a certain amount of relief. The prohibitions included: no attacking allies, no visits without permission, no dissemination of civilized locations, no proliferation of phase weapons, ..., etc., harsh Once the prohibition is violated, the Upper Dabolce civilization will lead the alliance to intervene.


Through the Civilization Library, it is possible to establish contact with other alien civilizations?

Li Yi, who was relieved, was unable to calm down for a long time.

When Li Yi was thinking about clicking on a certain green dot and continuing to understand the management model of the Civilization Library, he suddenly felt that someone was calling him outside.

Li Yi opened his eyes and reluctantly woke up from his 'sleep'.

"Mr. Li, are you alright!" Li Yi woke up and asked Zhan Yifeng looking at him with concern.

"It's okay! How long have I slept," Li Yi waved his hand and asked in confusion.

"Mr. Li, I didn't wake you up when I saw that you were sleeping soundly. You have slept for 3 hours. It's already 7 o'clock in the evening. It's time to eat!" Zhan Yifeng looked at Li Yi and replied with a smile.

"Oh! Is the experiment over? What's the result?" Li Yi nodded, looked at the tech workers who were calculating data, and asked with concern.

"It's over. The second collision experiment has also discovered new elements. They are conducting research. I believe it will not take long to have results! Facts have proved that the decision to build a particle collider on the moon to conduct experiments is too wise. , different from the experimental environment of the earth, this imagination can only happen." Zhan Yifeng blushed, looked at Li Yi, and said excitedly.

"Well! That's good!" Li Yi nodded with a smile, and followed Zhan Yifeng out of the laboratory.

At this time, Li Yi remembered the changes in the library, and was not in the mood to eat at all.

However, Zhan Yifeng was eager to accompany him, and Li Yi reluctantly took a few bites, and then said goodbye to him hastily.

Back in the bedroom, seeing Zhou Wenhui's video with the children, Li Yi also leaned over to chat with the four children for a while.

"Wenhui, I'm a little tired, take a break, don't disturb me!" Li Yi greeted the children and explained to Zhou Wenhui.

"Well! Are you okay?" Zhou Wenhui asked with concern.

"It's fine! Just sleep!" Li Yi smiled slightly, and after speaking, he walked to the bedroom, preparing to enter the library again.

However, when Li Yi was lying on the bed and was about to enter the library, he suddenly found that the black tattoo on his right wrist had disappeared.

Li Yi thought a move, and the next moment, a virtual light curtain appeared directly in front of him. With his thoughts, he could perform various operations, such as entering/exiting the library, checking, recording, data transfer, searching, ..., and many more.

At this moment, Li Yi felt as if his body had become a 'computer', and the light curtain in front of him was a visualization tool that integrated LCD screen, printer, and scanned parts.


Are black tattoos integrated into your body? Is it negatively affecting your body?

Li Yi quickly turned over and walked to the mirror to check the changes on his body.

This inspection is amazing! I look younger in the mirror.

Li Yi found that in addition to the disappearance of the black tattoo on the right wrist, many obvious changes have taken place in the body. For example, the 300-degree myopia seems to be cured, the vision becomes clear, the skin becomes younger and smoother, and some scars disappear. No, the body seems to have returned to the peak state of twenty-five or six-year-old, full of energy, ... The change is very obvious.

The inheritance of the library seems to have remodeled his body by the way. Li Yi felt that his body contained a strong and exuberant energy.

These high-quality changes in his body made Li Yi both happy and worried.

However, at this time, Li Yi was more concerned about the new situation of the 'library' and had no time to pay attention to the changes in his body. He lay down on the bed again, controlled his mind, and directly entered the world of the 'star map' of the library.

For the first time, Li Yi checked the star map of the Milky Way, checked his position, and the positions of several green lights in the Milky Way.

Li Yi concentrated, and immediately, the tiny galaxy in the star map suddenly enlarged.

The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy where the solar system is located. It is shaped like a lollipop and is a constellation disk with a diameter of 120,000 light-years, including hundreds of billions of stars and a large number of star clusters, nebulae, interstellar gas, and interstellar dust.

The Milky Way and the neighboring Andromeda and Magellanic Clouds and other 50 galaxies form a smaller group called the Local Group of galaxies.

The galaxy group includes a group of galaxies including the Milky Way. All galaxies cover an area of ​​about 10 million light-years in diameter. The local group of galaxies belongs to the larger Virgo galaxy cluster, which is an irregular galaxy located in the constellation Virgo. Cluster, consisting of more than 2,500 galaxies.

The Local Group is located at the edge of the Virgo Cluster and continues to move away from the Virgo Cluster. The Virgo Supercluster contains about 100 galaxy groups and clusters, with the Virgo Cluster at its center.

Just click on the star map of the Milky Way, and an incomparably vast star field is displayed, which is endless.

Li Yi took a deep breath. Several points of green light in the Milky Way were distributed around the Milky Way. They were far apart from the solar system, and the closest distance was 40,000 to 50,000 light-years away.

The solar system is located in the "suburbs" on the other side of the Milky Way.

The Milky Way has four spiral arms, namely the shield-centaur arm, the ship bottom-centaur arm, the Perseus arm and the outer edge arm. The spiral arms contain many young stars and nebulae. The solar system is located in the third spiral arm of the Milky Way - the spiral of Orion arm edge.

Through the star map, Li Yi only saw a vague green dot, and for a while, he could not find the location of the solar system.

The green light was dim, and when Li Yi focused his attention, a reminder of the discovery of an unknown civilization appeared on the light curtain, and there was no relevant civilization content.

Li Yi once again turned his attention to the green light that was closest to the solar system, and a civilization information introduction appeared on the light curtain.

Mosha civilization

Civilization level: first-level planetary civilization,

Life system: carbon-based life,

Home star: Mosha (double star system)


With Li Yi's attention, the species information of the Mosha civilization appeared in the green light spots, and countless virtual pictures emerged, including green octopuses, red spheres, some yellow,..., colorful giant 'octopuses' The alien creatures, densely packed, occupy the green light curtain.

A spherical space battleship, all kinds of information related to the Mosha civilization, densely appeared on the screen.

At the same time, Li Yi discovered the knowledge trading mission released by the Mosha civilization, seeking to buy: planet transformation knowledge for transforming water planets, unlocking wormhole knowledge, ... .

Would you like to add a friend and get in touch?

This idea just appeared in Li Yi's mind, and the light curtain suddenly jumped up and prompted a message: "Hello, Tx4353D galaxy administrator, your civilization library has no information certification, and it is currently impossible to contact the operation! Please complete your location as soon as possible. The knowledge system of civilization."

Seeing the prompt of the light curtain, Li Yi could only give up temporarily, and instead looked at the other two green light spots in the Milky Way, and learned that their civilizations were: White Feather Civilization and Extreme Day Civilization.

They are two carbon-based beings: Hundred Feather People and Extreme Day People.

Li Yi was amazed and carefully checked the general information of the three civilizations. He was inexplicably excited. As long as he added the information of the earth civilization and completed the information authentication, he could start to communicate with these civilizations? Or even communicate with other alien stars in extragalactic galaxies?

Thinking of this, Li Yi was inexplicably excited, both happy and nervous.

Li Yi exited the Milky Way and came to the largest area of ​​the green light range - the knowledge public area of ​​the Bolsai civilization. In this area, you can view a lot of free scientific knowledge in the Dao library. However, it belongs to relatively low-level knowledge and can no longer be used. As before, you can enjoy reading those advanced black technologies.

Before certification, the knowledge in the public area of ​​the library is free, and it is open to provide knowledge for novices.

When the reading level reaches a certain amount, you must start paying.

This payment model is in exchange for uploading the knowledge system of the native civilization, or the knowledge of other intelligent civilizations.

In the civilized library, among the advanced and developed intelligent civilization groups, material needs are definitely the cheapest, but those special have rich emotions and absolute wisdom knowledge is the most valuable.

Think about it too.

Humans who have mastered cold nuclear fusion can directly produce food through infinite nuclear fusion energy, and many precious substances can also be refined through energy consumption.

By consuming absolute energy, the state of existence of a certain substance is changed, and other substances are changed into required elements, such as precious metal gold.

There are 79 protons in the nucleus of a gold atom, and element 79 is gold. Pick a certain element, mercury is element 80, and you only need to make it lose one proton to successfully become a gold atom.

As long as you have cheap, constant energy, and powerful technology, you can achieve mass production of anything you need.

Looking at the core value system of the Civilization Library, Li Yi's worries and vigilance were reduced a lot.

Human civilization is in the primary stage of planetary civilization, and scientific and technological knowledge will definitely not be able to benefit from this value system. However, human civilization has a rich entertainment knowledge system, music, painting, drama, and rich emotional knowledge in this area. This system plays its due value.

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