My hi-tech Library

Chapter 272: The epitome of the times (3)

After half a year, the human genetic enhancement project has finally made progress.

Li Yi excitedly closed the video call with Professor Wei Hangzhi, and immediately rushed to the experimental center - the experimental area of ​​the genetic project to participate in their experiment.

In the laboratory control room of the genetic project, Professor Wei Hanzhi, Lin Manyun, Wang Yangping, and the members of the scientific research team involved in the genetic enhancement project gathered together. They were anxiously waiting for Li Yi to start the verification experiment.

Li Yi hurriedly walked into the experimental control room, and everyone immediately greeted him enthusiastically.

"Mr. Li, you came just in time. The preparations for the experiment have been completed and are about to start." Professor Wei Hanzhi looked at Li Yi and introduced.

"Well! Are you sure?" Li Yi nodded and walked straight to the console.

In front of the console is a virtual projection area. After Li Yi walked in, he turned into a biological laboratory. It was a biochemical laboratory located on the moon base. The genetic enhancement experiment project is a very dangerous biochemical experiment. There is a biochemical series, which may not cause a 'biochemical crisis'.

Therefore, the biochemical laboratory for the study of genetic enhancement projects was built in addition to the lunar base. The entire laboratory adopts advanced intelligent and mechanized technology, and is equipped with virtual network technology for remote linking, which is extremely safe.

Li Yi entered the projection area of ​​the virtual laboratory, and the scene before him changed, showing an advanced sci-fi lab full of various biological instruments and an extremely clean laboratory.

"Mr. Li, we have conquered the expression of all gene code sets and the key code to turn off the expression of mitochondrial genes. In theory, we have mastered the key to gene expression. This experiment will confirm the accuracy of the 'key'. Sex." Professor Wei Hanzhi explained.

"Professor Wei said that human mtDNA encodes a total of 37 genes, including 2 mitochondrial ribosomal RNA (rRNA), 22 mitochondrial transfer RNA (tRNA) and 13 messenger RNA (mRNA), all of which are involved in the expression of genes located in mitochondria The core component of oxidative phosphorylation of the inner membrane, in addition, there is a small RNA with a length of only 188 nucleotides in the mitochondrial genome, which is named 7SRNA according to its sedimentation coefficient in ultracentrifugation,..." Wang Yangping sees With Li Yi, he introduced them endlessly.

"By trying to synthesize and purify 7SRNA, it was found that it can inhibit the activity of the mitochondrial transcription system constructed in vitro, and further analysis showed that its inhibitory effect was directed against POLRMT, and then it was found that 7SRNA induced POLRMT to form a dimer, and the dimerized POLRMT could not bind to mtDNA, and thus unable to initiate mitochondrial gene expression." After a pause, Professor Wang Yangping continued.

"Mitochondrial gene expression is a process of homeostasis. When fusing adaptive genes, we found that the RNA-degrading enzyme complex mtEXO can degrade 7SRNA, thus forming a complete negative feedback control system, POLRMT binds to mtDNA in a monomeric form Initiates expression to generate 7SRNA. 7SRNA in turn induces POLRMT to form a dimer, inhibiting its activity, while mtEXO can degrade 7SRNA and restore POLRMT activity,..." Professor Lin Manjun looked at Li Yi and added excitedly at the end.

The scientific research experts on the scene were very excited. After so long of scientific research work, they finally found a way to control the fusion adaptive gene and reduce its negative alienation to humans.

Li Yi nodded, fully understanding their mood, and announced with a smile: "If there is no problem, let's start the experiment!"

Hearing this, all scientific research experts turned to Professor Wei Hanzhi.

Professor Wei Hanzhi couldn't wait to look at the intelligent experimental assistant in the virtual laboratory and instructed: "Xiaoyue, start the first gene fusion experiment immediately."

"Okay! Professor Wei." The intelligent experimental assistant - Xiaoyue answered the order, and immediately, a gene-editing instrument in the center of the virtual experiment started to operate.

Inside the instrument, tiny nano-scissors operate on their own, cutting the ends of the experimentally cultivated genes, and then inserting and fusing them with other genes, and then injecting them into a certain cell for cell cultivation.

At the scene, Li Yi, as well as a group of scientific research experts, watched the experiment process intently.

"Mr. Li, the first stage of the experiment has been completed by embedding adaptive genes, and the next step is to carry out genetic optimization." Professor Wei Hanzhi looked at Li Yi and introduced.

"Oh! How to optimize the second-stage experiment?" Li Yi asked with concern.

"We use T cells and NK cells as two different cell chassis to construct an engineered cell library that recognizes more than 106 potential antigens. Next, we are ready to optimize the immune system of cancer cells." Professor Wei Hanzhi smiled introduce.

"Yes, now inject the controller into the gene circuit, ..., when the immune cells are activated to recognize tumor tissue antigens, the corresponding clones of effector immune cells begin to expand and enrich, and when the effector immune cells reach a certain number, they can be eliminated. For tumor cells expressing these antigens, the ability of the synthetic immune cell repertoire to recognize antigens persists. When the tumor tissue undergoes biological evolution due to the killing effect of immune cells, the synthetic immune cell repertoire can correspondingly generate new effector clones. ...." Professor Wang Pingyang added with a smile to Li Yi.

Li Yi nodded, and probably understood: "Do you plan to make humans immune to cancer through this enhanced genetic experiment?"

"Yes, but oncogenes also evolve. Considering that the large-capacity repertoire may identify healthy genes and cause other side effects, the range of antigen information that can be recognized by the synthetic immune cell repertoire is determined during the preparation of the repertoire. Given the limitations and presuppositions, the current experiment shows that the synthetic immune cell repertoire can effectively exert immunotherapy effects on tumor models including colon cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer and ovarian cancer." Professor Wei Hanzhi introduced.

"Yes, the experiment is done step by step, don't try to eat fat people in one step." Li Yi nodded in agreement.

While speaking, the second-stage biochemical experiment began. Under the control of the intelligent experimental assistant - Xiaoyue, the experiment has been carried out according to the experimental steps preset by Professor Wei and the others.

The scientists, as well as Li Yi, had academic discussions while watching the experiment.

As a semi-professional, Li Yi could only listen and applaud.

However, Professor Wei and the others were in high spirits, and the atmosphere of the discussion was full of joy, and Li Yi couldn't help but be happy.

Li Yi communicated with Da Hei privately, and the experiment went well. This human gene enhancement project will start producing scientific research results in less than a month.

At that time, genetically enhanced human beings will not only be able to adapt to the vacuum environment of the universe, but may also be immune to the disease such as cancer from now on, and perhaps their lifespan and physical strength will also be greatly improved.

Time passed, and the night passed.

The morning sun slanted in from the window.

The luxurious big bed, Li Yi blinked, stretched out a comfortable waist, and turned over to get up.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, the bright sun swayed on the lawn, flowers and leaves in the garden. Father-Li Yanshou brought his twins to play ball and play in the garden. The **** who was lying on the floor was surrounded by his 'great-grandson' little black. The dog clings and writhes over it.

Li Yi smiled and woke up every morning to see such a lively scene, and he felt happy from the bottom of his heart.

Li Yi quickly entered the bathroom, washed, changed into a set of casual clothes, and went straight downstairs.

In the restaurant, Zhou Wenhui was setting plates, ham sandwiches, hot milk, fried eggs, roast beef, ..., all kinds of delicacies were filling the table.

"Yi, get up, you go and call Dad and the others in for breakfast, I'll call Xiaoyang, Xiaoqing." Zhou Wenhui saw Li Yi, glanced at the garden, and arranged.

"Okay!" Li Yi nodded and walked straight to the garden.

Zhou Wenhui turned and walked to the room of the eldest son, Li Yang, and the second daughter, Li Qing.

After a few minutes, the restaurant became very lively, and everyone sat at the table and enjoyed the food.

"Mummy, I want to eat beef!" Li Yan looked at Zhou Wenhui and begged.

"You've already eaten a piece, finish the dish first, then talk about it." Zhou Wenhui refused.

"Mom, give this piece of meat to my sister!" Li Qing picked up the steak on the plate with a quick steak, and was about to put it on Li Yan's plate.

"No, eat vegetables and not meat every day, you are not as heavy as your sister, eat it quickly." Zhou Wenhui put the steak back on Li Qing's plate again.

Li Qing pouted and looked at the steak on the plate with a helpless expression on his face.

In order to eat a piece of steak, Li Yan used a pair of small hands to put a small piece of broccoli and carrot into her mouth, and after three or two efforts, she ate all the vegetables on the plate.

"Mummy, I'm done eating, I want to eat beef." Li Yan pointed to the empty plate and gestured at Zhou Wenhui.

"Can you still eat it? If you continue to eat it, one day you will become a little fat girl." Zhou Wenhui took a small piece of beef angrily and put it on Li Yan's plate.

Looking at Li Qing who was struggling to eat steak, Zhou Wenhui couldn't help but have a big head.

Born by the same parents, I don't understand how the two sisters are so different. Li Yang and Li Rong are the same. The elder brother has a good appetite, but the younger brother is a skinny monkey with limited appetite.

Seeing Zhou Wenhui's distress, Li Yi said with a smile, "Let her eat it! Even if she becomes a chubby girl with excess nutrition, there will be a way to make her lose weight after the development of the genetic enhancement drug is completed."

Hearing this, the family members looked at Li Yi curiously.

"Dad! What is a genetic enhancement project! Can it turn us into superhumans?" Li Yang looked at Li Yi curiously, and asked a question that everyone was concerned about.

"Superman is definitely not possible, but optimizing genes and strengthening the body's resistance to harsh environments can be done at that time." Li Yi explained with a smile.

"Oh! Can it help you lose weight? Can you improve your appetite?" Zhou Wenhui's eyes lit up, looking at Li Yi and asking with concern.

Zhou Wenhui is forty-one years old. Although she was injected with the life-extending gene, she is still young at this age, and she usually pays attention to fitness and maintenance. However, after giving birth to four children, she inevitably becomes rich and charming, and she will never return. Body shape at a young age.

Therefore, Zhou Wenhui paid special attention to whether the genetic enhancement agent developed by Li Yi could be used for weight loss.

"It should be possible to lose weight! However, this gene-enhancing agent was researched for humans to adapt to the vacuum environment of the universe. At the same time, it has the purpose of making humans immune to cancer, and optimizes many defective genes in the human body. Obesity is one of them. It's a big physical defect!" Li Yi explained with a smile.

Listening to the conversation of her parents, Li Yan saw that the beef on the plate was not fragrant.

"Daddy! What is obesity! Will Xiaoyan become a big fat man in the future?" Li Yan looked up at Li Yi and asked worriedly.

"Hahaha, no, Daddy won't let you become a big fat man, rest assured to eat meat!" Li Yi laughed and comforted.

"Yeah! Daddy is the best!" Li Yan continued to eat meat happily.

"Yi, when will this gene-enhancing drug be developed? Can it really be used for weight loss?" Zhou Wenhui asked with concern.

"Just a few more months! I'll let you know as soon as the results come out." Li Yi said with a smile.

"Dad! Can you tell me about obesity? Why do some people get fat while others don't!" Li Yang was in Li Yan, and Li Qing looked back and forth and asked Li Yidao for advice.

Li Yi nodded and introduced with a smile: "All the characteristics of the human body are controlled by genes in the body, so the signs of obesity are also controlled by obesity genes. Maintain a stable balance between energy, so that even if you eat a lot of food, the "obesity gene" will still control your weight, and even if you eat a lot, it will not be easy to gain weight."

"On the contrary, when the "obesity gene" is out of balance, it will lead to a large amount of fat accumulation, and the body weight will increase rapidly, and gradually become a big fat man. This "obesity gene" is not the exclusive gene of modern humans, but It is inherited from generation to generation along with the evolutionary history of ancient humans.”

"In the long period of time, the ancient human beings had very little time to eat enough, and most of the time, they had to endure the threat of starvation. Humans need to feed themselves when food is plentiful, and then try to “get fat” and store a little more fat.”

"During this process, the "obesity gene" in the human body has mutated. When ancient humans obtained high-calorie food, it would help them to accumulate fat. Although ancient humans evolved from generation to generation, after human beings entered the stage of civilization , it is no longer necessary to rely on this method to store fat, but the mutated "obesity gene" still remains."

Li Yi gushed about the knowledge about obesity to his children.

Li Yang's eyes were bright, and he understood what Li Yi introduced. Li Qing seemed to understand something, but he seemed to understand something.

"Now, our human science and technology are highly developed, agriculture and animal husbandry are moving towards unmanned mechanical production, various material resources are highly developed, and food is abundant. In our country, no one is starving anymore. This 'obesity gene' still exists, so some people who don't know how to restrain their food intake will become fatter and fatter, which is why there are more and more fat people." Li Yi concluded.

"It turns out that, Xiaoyan, you eat less, or you will become a little fat sister and brother will not be able to hold you." Li Yang suddenly understood, looked at Li Yan who was eating steak, and reminded.

"You bullshit, Daddy won't let Xiaoyan become a little fat girl." Li Yan glared at Li Yang angrily, reluctant to put down the beef.

Li Yang smiled and wanted to say something, but Li Yi suddenly interrupted: "Hurry up and eat! It's almost time for school, don't be late."

After listening to Li Yi's words, the fourth elementary school stopped making a fuss and concentrated on eating.

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