My hi-tech Library

Chapter 211: library exception

three days later.

The original remote and quiet Genting Manor has become very lively.

The beautiful garden is arranged as a romantic and gorgeous wedding scene, and security personnel in suits and leather shoes are closely patrolling the perimeter.

Suddenly, a white Aurora in the sky, with a dozen dark elves, formed a luxurious flying convoy, slowly driving towards this side, and then slowly landed on the huge parking lot in front of the villa.

The bi-wing doors of the White Aurora unfolded on their own.

Li Yi carefully carried Zhou Wenhui, who was dressed in red, out of the car and successfully took the bride over.

The doors of the dark elves opened one after another, and the best man Zhang Haitao, Lin Hang and a group of seven or eight people, together with the bridesmaids, a group of young men and women in full costumes, surrounded the newlyweds and walked to the garden of the wedding banquet.

Fifty wine tables were filled with relatives and friends, who applauded excitedly and watched the newcomer come to the stage in amazement.

The green lawn and the double hanging white garlands, although the wedding scene is very low-key and simple, however, the food on the wine table is all the world's top ingredients, top drinks, and food that ordinary people can't taste in a lifetime. The wedding banquet not only does not accept red envelopes from the guests, but everyone who is invited also receives a big red envelope. . .

In the evening, the wedding banquet ended with a grand firework show.

The people of Heron Island were fortunate to witness the luxurious flying convoy and the grand wedding banquet.

The news of Li Yi and Zhou Wenhui's wedding soon became a hot news search.

"Our President Li is married, wish him happiness!"

"The richest and most talented man in the world, he got married in a low-key way!"


The news of marrying Li Yi quickly topped the news hot search page. The group photo of Li Yi and Zhou Wenhui's wedding photos immediately attracted the attention of countless netizens.

"What a bad news! My husband actually married someone else!"

"The bride is so beautiful, I wish you happiness!"

"Tsk tsk tsk! If this is divorced, how much money will the bride share!"

"Amazing! To make such a man willing to step into the 'grave', the bride's methods are amazing!"

"One is talented and the other is handsome, so they are a perfect match!"

"What a surprise! Why are you in such a hurry to get married with such good conditions! It's not worth giving up a forest for a tree!"


The news of Li Yi's marriage spread to Yang Kailai, and the comment area of ​​the related news presented various remarks, some were sad, some were blessed, some were not optimistic, and some were maliciously speculated.

Xingyao Technology is soaring into the sky, implicated behind-the-scenes boss-Li Yi has become the object of envy and jealousy of countless people, which makes many female netizens who adore him heartache.

However, Li Yi didn't care about the disturbance from the outside world.

After the wedding, with the blessings of relatives and friends, Li Yi and Zhou Wenhui happily guarded the fetus and patiently waited for his arrival.

Zhang Haitao and the others, who attended the wedding as the best man, followed this wedding banquet, which was eye-opening and also got in touch with several core executives of Xingyao Technology.

Knowing that they had formed a game studio, Li Yi's casual words changed Zhang Haitao's fate.

Their game studio immediately included Xingyao Technology's partner in shooting the "Xinghai Era" promotional video, and a little bit of resource tilt allowed their game studio to obtain a long-term and stable business.

After the wedding, Li Yi's life quickly returned to stability.

Apart from taking some time to accompany Zhou Wenhui, who was pregnant, Li Yi spent most of his time in the library looking through alien books, looking for black technologies suitable for 'copying' to reality, such as: interstellar weapons, spacecraft power engine, etc.

The world of consciousness, in the library.

Li Yi finished reading a huge book with a thick red cover, closed the book, and put it back on the big bookshelf.

At this moment, the mutants were born.

The big bookshelf suddenly sank, and the next moment, "Bang bang bang..." A loud noise came out, and the large bookshelves sank into the ground one after another, and the scene in the consciousness space changed drastically.

Li Yi's expression changed dramatically, he looked around, everyone's big bookshelves sank one after another, and the entire library became a flat and empty space, as far as the eyes could see, there was nothing else!

"Who did it, come out quickly!" Li Yitong shrank and asked in a panic.

From the moment he was possessed by the black pattern and obtained the library of consciousness, Li Yi had many questions in his heart, how did it appear on himself, whether he was possessed by alien life, and whether this library was Lifeform, whether it harbors a conspiracy, etc.

However, this library has a large collection of alien technology, which makes Li Yi concentrate on studying and copying black technology, and gradually ignore these problems.

I thought that life could go on in such a stable way, but the library suddenly changed.

Li Yi couldn't help but panic.

Is this library alive? What does it serve to provide so much knowledge? Is it suspicious and malicious towards human civilization, and the Borse civilization is going to attack the earth? ..., all kinds of terrifying thoughts emerged in Li Yi's mind.

Just when Li Yi panicked, thought wildly, and didn't know what to do,

The library space changed again, and a light wall slowly rose in front of him, presenting a set of text introductions, the text of the Borse civilization, which Li Yi could understand.

"Hello, successor, I am the previous administrator of the Civilization Library, the wise man of the Borse civilization, and the star broadcaster of knowledge. Unfortunately, our civilization has been lost for a long time and lost the right The pursuit of knowledge has lost the ability to innovate knowledge. As your successor, you have passed the approval of the library and can now obtain management rights. I wish you can get rid of the predicament of being lost and explore the boundaries of the universe with your tribe. Member: Brad Dawes." This is the meaning of the light wall text.

After reading this text message, Li Yi was stunned for a while, not knowing whether to be afraid or to be happy.

The message in the light wall is from the previous library administrator, the wise man of the Borse civilization - Bra Dausliu. If you are a content warlock, then everyone is happy, you will become the administrator of this library, and you have no security issues. , human civilization will not follow unlucky.

If the content written above is false and there are other hidden dangers in the authentication, then the problem will be big.

With the technological level and civilization level of human civilization, it is impossible to be an enemy of the Bolsai civilization. After the certification, will there be other situations in the library, such as conveying the interstellar coordinates of the human earth to the Bolsai civilization?

At that time, wouldn't he want to become a sinner of human civilization!

For a while, Li Yi stared blankly at the wall of light, not daring to make a decision.

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