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Chapter 267: Genetic Enhancement Engineering (3)

Time flies, three days have passed.

Using the gene spectrum of the three types of Martian creatures, Li Yi successfully completed the transaction with Leodore and obtained the embedding technology that adapts to the genetic code of the interstellar environment.

Give the complete technical information to Da Hei and let him carry out the deduction experiment.

Li Yi devoted all his energy to this project, and followed the progress of Da Hei's deduction in real time.

Whether the human genetic code can adapt to the genetic code of this kind of foreign race, whether this gene embedding technology can match, ..., the results of Da Hei's deduction experiment can be used as a very important reference.

Now that Da Hei uses the biological brain supercomputer, the computing power has reached 10 million times per second (1 Beijing = 1X10^16), and it is very easy to deal with this kind of deduction.

Human genes are an extremely complex system. From the evolution of single-celled organisms to the present, from the continuous evolution of thousands of genes in trillions of cells, many genes have been abandoned and are not shown, but there are also many important genes. important role.

What kind of negative effects these extra-embedded genes will have on human beings, and whether they can be applied or not, are all unknown.

Looking at the virtual screen, Li Yi was getting closer and closer to 100% of the progress, feeling inexplicably nervous, looking forward to Li Dahei giving him good news.

"Master, the deduction experiment is completed, the gene embedding experiment results, the human genetic system collapse probability: 85.8%, it will become a variety of alienated life forms with different attributes, species: 1235, group loss of intelligence probability: 48.6%, loss of reproduction probability: 56.8 %, the heritability of disrupted genes: 34.6%, ..." Da Hei reported the results of the experimental deduction to Li Yi.

While Da Hei was reporting, the results of a large number of deduction experiments appeared on the virtual screen.

All kinds of virtual human experiments, after the combination of human genes and this kind of genetic code that adapts to the special environment, produced all kinds of terrible experimental data, the appearance of human beings has undergone various changes, skin, hair, and even organs have changed, colorful, The limbs become deformed, producing various non-stop abilities, for example, the skin color changes like a chameleon, strong radiation resistance, the heart becomes stronger, the body size increases, ..., etc., all kinds, all-inclusive .

All in all, after the human genes are embedded with the genetic codes of these foreign races, a good result cannot be evolved.

After Li Yi confirmed the result, his face became ugly. However, this kind of problem is unavoidable. The combination of genes of two different species will definitely cause this kind of problem.

The situation is acceptable. Although the probability of negative impact is very low, these genetic codes can be compiled and optimized until they are successfully embedded into the human genetic system at the minimum cost.

"Da Hei, discard all the experimental results that have a huge negative impact, optimize and adjust the order of gene insertion, select the existing chimeric method that has the least negative impact on human genetic inheritance, and re-experiment." Li Yi took a deep breath and ordered. Great underworld.

"Okay, master!" Da Hei answered the order, and immediately, the experimental results with huge negative effects on the virtual screen disappeared one by one, leaving only a group of scientific research directions that had the least impact on human genetics, and continued to carry out experimental deductions.

The progress of the experimental deduction of the virtual screen, the prospect, and the massive data, poured down like a waterfall on the screen.

Genetic engineering research is different from other scientific research projects.

There are breakthroughs, and there are uncertainties.

Although Da Hei has a very strong computing power, but in this field of scientific research, deduction experiments in a certain direction will eventually calculate countless results, and the results can only be expressed with one probability, and the final results cannot be given.

Each cell in the human body has six feet of DNA, the same six feet of DNA, and each contains exactly the same genetic instructions. When the cell ages and the new cell regenerates, the genetic code in the cell is automatically activated. Through each piece of genetic code, control the reproduction and regeneration of skin cells, instead of generating bone or muscle, and other cells.

However, with the embedding of these foreign gene information, it is bound to destroy the original normal genetic system of human beings, change the chemical mark on NDA, or the protein wrapped around DNA, thereby changing the cell to turn on or off a specific segment of the gene, which cannot make the Genes control cells to 'do their own thing', causing genes to collapse,  ….


Li Yi stretched out his hand and flicked the virtual screen to check the results of Da Hei's previous experiments.

The more Li Yi watched, the heavier he felt, and he even regretted starting this scientific research project.

In the results of Dahei's deduction, after humans are embedded in this foreign gene, there will be a great probability of becoming another alienated life, as if a biochemical crisis broke out. Although it will not become a zombie, it will become a Zombies are more terrifying monsters, irrational, some have evolved brains with high IQ, and some bodies will become extremely powerful, and can even survive in the harsh environment of the universe and space.

Fortunately, it is only a virtual experiment. If human experiments are carried out, if there is a leakage problem, it will definitely be a fatal threat to human civilization.

However, in order for humans to smoothly enter the interstellar civilization, this project can only succeed, not fail.

Li Yi continued to stay in the study and worked with Da Hei to study the embedding technology of these genetic codes.

The human genetic code exists in the DNA molecule in the form of triplet, and the three adjacent bases in the DNA represent a codon. There are four kinds of bases, they are adenine and uranine. Cell densification and thymus densification are represented by the letters A, G, C and T.

Any three bases arranged adjacent to each other in a DNA molecule form a triplet code, and a series of triplet codes constitute the genetic code. Each triplet code has a certain meaning, some represent the initiation of transcription, and some represent the termination of transcription, but most triplet codes represent one amino acid code respectively.

The genetic codes provided by Leodore are somewhat different, but these genetic codes can be optimally combined.

Humans have always lived with the earth, and their genetic information is designed to adapt to the earth's environment, so they do not have the genetic information to resist the cosmic environment.

Other genetic enhancement scientific research projects cannot optimize human genes to create adaptive genes suitable for humans to survive in the cosmic environment. Therefore, these adaptive genes provided by Leodore are indeed in line with the requirements of human beings to enter the interstellar civilization. .

Because it is inconvenient to disclose the gene spectrum of human beings to Leodore, Li Yi can only work with Da Hei to optimize and embed the genetic code this time.

Li Yi was born in the Department of Computer Science. Except when he studied biochips before, he had studied biology-related knowledge for a while, and his understanding of genetic knowledge was not profound. In order to better complete this scientific research project, Li Yi must not Do not conduct in-depth study and research on human genetics.

"Knock knock..."

There was a knock on the door in the study, Zhou Wenhui pushed open the door, and when he entered, Li Yi looked at the virtual screen and looked at it seriously. The virtual screen showed an interpretation of a gene chain.

"Yi, what are you studying? Is this the genetic code?" Zhou Wenhui walked up to Li Yi and asked curiously.

"Well! Why are you here?" Li Yi got up with a smile and stopped Zhou Wenhui's waist.

"The little guy is all asleep, it's getting late!" Zhou Wenhui reminded Li Yi with a blank look.

Li Yi glanced at the electronic clock on the wall, it was already past 12 o'clock at night, it was really late.

"Why did you suddenly study the genetic code? You have been studying this all this time?" Zhou Wenhui asked in confusion, looking at the gene map on the virtual screen.

"Well! With the upgrade of artificial intelligence computing power, other scientific research fields are progressing well. The company's development in the interstellar field is very rapid. Only this genetic enhancement scientific research project has been in a state of delay. This field is for us to officially enter the interstellar field. Civilization is very crucial, just like in the age of voyages, it is as important to discover that vitamin C in fresh fruits and vegetables can solve scurvy." Li Yi nodded and explained.

"In the early days of the Great Voyage Age, long-term voyages did not eat fresh vegetables and fruits, resulting in insufficient intake of vitamin C, which led to the failure of normal collagen synthesis, resulting in cell connection disorders and increased capillary fragility, resulting in skin and submucosal bleeding. Ultimately, most of the crew died of sepsis while sailing."

"It can be said. The progress of science and the discovery of vitamin C are the only way that the era of great voyages can continue. For human beings to enter the era of great voyages in the interstellar space, genetic enhancement is also essential." Li Yi continued to explain.

Zhou Wenhui nodded, understood immediately, and asked with a smile, "Have you researched the results yet?"

Li Yi shook his head with a smile and explained, "That's so easy. Human genes have evolved over hundreds of millions of years to adapt to the earth's environment, and suddenly they have to adapt to the space environment. Strengthening and mutation research is too difficult."

"Is that so? You have a problem that stumped you?" Zhou Wenhui looked at Li Yi in surprise and asked sarcastically.

"What did you say?" Li Yi couldn't help but flipped over the silver.

"Praise you! In my eyes, you are omnipotent. I believe that this problem will be solved by you soon." Zhou Wenhui reached out and stroked Li Yi's cheek gently, admiringly said.

"First Evolution"

Li Yi laughed, his wife's encouragement made him feel good.

Looking at the genetic map column on the virtual screen, Zhou Wenhui asked curiously, "What is the difficulty of genetic enhancement? Tell me, maybe I can give you some inspiration."

"You?..." Li Yigang wanted to say something taunting, however, seeing Zhou Wenhui's serious look, he couldn't bear to hit her, so he couldn't help but change his tone, and quickly asked: "Do you know about genetic information? Do you want to? I'll give you some science."

"Yeah! Tell me about it! I have been a housewife for so long, and I have forgotten a lot of knowledge." Zhou Wenhui said to Li Yi with a pity.

Li Yi smiled bitterly, pulled Zhou Wenhui to sit down in the chair, and introduced, "Okay, look at this picture."

Li Yi called up a gene spiral diagram on the virtual screen, and then began to introduce: "This is a complete chromosome. Humans have 23 pairs of 46 chromosomes, 1 chromosome = 1 DNA molecule = 2 DNA strands, if there are When chromatid: 1 chromosome = 2 chromatids = 2 DNA molecules = 4 DNA strands, there is a pair of **** chromosomes, male is XY combination, female is XX combination, Y chromosome is only passed on from father to son, and "Haplogroups" on the Y chromosome can be passed down from generation to generation, . . . ”

"I use the surname Li as an example. Through gene sequencing, I can find that my Y chromosome haplogroup is O-type followed by a large series of numbers, then by comparing the distribution of this haplogroup across the country, we can find that my haplogroup is Qun’s northern ancestry accounts for about 56%. That is to say, I was born in southern Fujian, but my ancestors may have come from the Central Plains, which is also in line with the historical development of the surname Li.”

"Some gene mutations on the Y chromosome can be passed down from generation to generation through the "single group". At the same time, many interesting phenomena in life are precipitated after gene mutation. For example, the "blush" that appears after drinking is one of them. ."

"From a microscopic point of view, the genomes of two ordinary people are mostly the same, but according to the ordering of the four bases adenine, thymidine, guanine, and cytosine in DNA, almost every thousand There will be a different base pair in the base hangover gene' a missense mutation located on the genome of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, named 'rs671', which is Saying you blush when you drink alcohol is determined by the allele at this location on chromosome 12."


Li Yi kept talking to Zhou Wenhui about the knowledge of genetic code. While explaining, Li Yi's brain was running at a high speed, summarizing and thinking about genetic knowledge.

During the transaction with Leodore, Li Yi also learned the knowledge of adaptive gene embedding technology.

After this popular science explanation, Li Yi gradually had to integrate the two kinds of knowledge, and his eyes became brighter and brighter, as if he had thought of a highly implementable scientific research direction.

"Common diseases such as osteoporosis, hypertension, and diabetes are called complex diseases, which means that the occurrence and development of these diseases is not only a function of a gene, these diseases, even if the related allele mutations are found, it may Only a small fraction of the disease phenotype can be explained."

"Corresponding to complex diseases is "single gene disease", the role of the disease-causing gene is significant, that is, as long as a mutation in a disease-causing gene will cause disease. Fragile fractures belong to this type of disease. Therefore, fragility When a fracture patient is pregnant with offspring, prenatal genetic mutation screening can be performed after the embryo is formed to determine whether to keep the fetus."

"So these existing genes can be completely shielded through the 'shielding scissors' of genes, and the side-effect genes will be eliminated one after another through repeated cultivation,..."


Li Yi was in high spirits and seemed to have found a correct solution to the large number of adverse side effects caused by adaptive gene embedding technology. He didn't notice that Zhou Wenhui was yawning, leaning on his shoulder and closing his eyes. , fell asleep.

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