My hi-tech Library

Chapter 207: The direction of life extension (2)

"Oh! Then there is no way to lengthen this telomere, so that the cells can regain more replication times?" Li Yi nodded and asked with concern.

"No! If you prolong telomeres, the cells will become cancer cells, and cancer cells can replicate indefinitely. The scientific research direction of the life extension project should be to prolong the survival time of cells, increase cell activity, and develop drugs that inhibit the production of PAI-1 in the human body. , consider these directions." After listening to Li Yi's question, Professor Wei Hanzhi shook his head decisively and said decisively.

"Oh! Is there really no way to lengthen telomeres?" Li Yi frowned, somewhat disapproving of Professor Wei Hanzhi's judgment.

"Mr. Li, the main function of telomeres is to maintain the health of DNA molecules and protect DNA from damage and mutation. It has strong protection and stability. At the same time, it is also locked by the gene 'code', and its structure is relatively stable. It is difficult to The possibility of being changed and edited is very low." Professor Wei Hanzhi introduced in detail.

Li Yi nodded with a smile, but still did not agree with Professor Wei Hanzhi's conclusion, and was unwilling to continue discussing this issue with him.

"Okay! Professor Wei, please create these two scientific research projects first, and then pull up the scientific research team. These two projects are applied for at the key level. As for the specific scientific research direction, we will continue to discuss it later." Li Yi With a slight smile, he changed the subject.

After listening to Li Yi's words and the tone of his speech, Professor Wei Hanzhi was immediately uncertain.

Professor Wei Hanzhi is very familiar with this scene.

When developing the nanomedical cabin, Professor Wei Hanzhi personally experienced the incredible innovation and subversiveness of Li Yi.

In the fields of biological chips, artificial intelligence, cold nuclear fusion, etc., Li Yi has created countless miracles.

In the experimental center, many experts and professors who participated in the project were slapped in the face by him again and again.

Professor Zeng, who believed that cold fusion technology could not be successful, and Professor Zhang, who believed that artificial intelligence would break out into an intelligence crisis,..., finally lowered their arrogant heads.

Telomeres cannot be lengthened!

Is this conclusion too early!

After the project is launched, Li Yi will come up with the technology that can prolong the telomeres. Does this old face of his own want him to be swollen.

Thinking of this great possibility, Professor Wei Hanzhi's face changed, and he decided to save it first.

Professor Wei Hanzhi looked at Li Yi and asked with concern, "Mr. Li, have you suddenly developed a new technology in this field today?"

Hearing this, Li Yi was stunned, unable to figure out why Professor Wei Hanzhi thought so.

He is a computer engineer, and he has only a little knowledge of biology, and he has crossed majors. Where can he see that he has come up with new technologies?

However, the 'new technologies' are still in the books. Li Yi just found biological books similar to carbon-based life on Earth. Whether it can be applied to human beings is still unknown. Take it out later.

Li Yi did not agree with Professor Wei Hanzhi's judgment, but he was a professional, and without the support of new theories and new technologies, it was difficult to refute him.

However, when Professor Wei Hanzhi asked this question, Li Yi was a little confused.

No answer now. In the future, he has developed a new technology here. When that time comes, how will you explain it?

This old guy, don't worry!

Li Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and quickly explained: "Professor Wei, why do you ask that! If I have mastered the new technology, why would I be choking on it! I would have taken it out a long time ago!"

"Really?" Professor Wei Hanzhi looked at Li Yi suspiciously and asked in disbelief.

"It's absolutely true!" Li Yi nodded affirmatively, changed the conversation, and said with a smile: "However, I think. We need to consider any possibility when we are engaged in scientific research. Everything is possible. died!".

I have read a lot of books on biology in the library. In the books of the Borse civilization, they treat life as something equivalent to a "computer", which is highly malleable, easy to change, and has various possibilities.

In their civilization, life is the same as matter, as long as the 'technology' and 'conditions' meet the requirements, everything can be changed.

It is precisely because of this core concept that nothing is impossible in their civilization.

In fact, Li Yi already mastered the technology of immortality when he created and created the Great Darkness. As long as he uploads his consciousness and transforms it into digital consciousness, he can obtain eternal life.

However, this kind of life form is not what Li Yi hopes, and he is not willing to be a human being. At the same time, Li Yi does not know that after changing the life form into a digital life, it is still not the original self, and whether there are emotions and desires.

The machine is longevity, not what Li Yi wants.

With the current level of human technology, it is impossible for the body to achieve longevity.

The human body structure is too complex, there are many damages that cannot be repaired, and many physiological structures are For example, the skeleton, brain and heart, these delicate structures have a lifespan. It seems that the repairing ability of humans and animals is good, but it is only a small repair, such as trauma healing and the like, if the myocardial cells do not divide after maturity, they cannot be replenished, and heavy metals cannot be metabolized.

However, the library of the Bolsai civilization records endless black technologies, some of which are biological black technologies, and it is entirely possible to 'change fate against the sky'.

Hearing Li Yi's words, Professor Wei Hanzhi's eyes lit up and he quickly asked, "Mr. Li, do you mean to provide a general technical direction?"

"I didn't say that, but if you need assistance, I have time now to study this project with you." Li Yi explained with a slight smile.

Hearing this, Professor Wei Hanzhi was overjoyed and said happily: "That's really great! With your leadership, I believe that these two projects will soon make breakthroughs."

"It's too early for you to be happy. I'm just a half-baked person who has just come into contact with biology. I'm not sure this time." Li Yi said with a smile that he was vaccinated in advance.

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In the library, the books on carbon-based life biology are very different from the genes and life structure of the earth's organisms. Therefore, it is not very difficult to dig out the science and technology that is useful to human beings from this knowledge. This time, Li Yizhen is not sure. .

"Haha, you are too modest!" Professor Wei Hanzhi laughed, obviously disbelieving, and couldn't wait to say: "Mr. Li, what else do you need to ask for instructions, if not, I will now go to write the project application, and then transfer suitable personnel to form a scientific research team. ."

"No, go get busy!" Li Yi nodded with a smile, and then instructed Da Hei to hang up the video call.

When the big screen was pressed, Li Yi smiled slightly, and together with Da Hei, started to study telomeres.

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