My hi-tech Library

Chapter 168: new identity

good guy!

Li Yi went downstairs and saw that the spacious hall was crowded with people.

Uncle, Uncle and the others brought a group of strangers to their house. After seeing Li Yi, everyone stood up to greet him.

"Xiao Yi, this is Secretary Xu and Mayor Zhang of Zhangcheng. I came to visit today and thank you for your contribution to the construction of Zhangzhou." Uncle Li Yandong introduced the two people beside Li Yi with a smile.

"Secretary Xu, Mayor Zhang, hello, I should go to visit." Li Yi quickly reached out and shook hands with them warmly, greeting them apologetically.

"Mr. Li, you're welcome. Xingyao Technology's construction investment in Zhangcheng has greatly increased local tax revenue and provided a large number of jobs. They are our parents, and we need to provide dedicated services!" Secretary Xu grasped Holding Li Yi's hand, as if looking at the God of Wealth, he smiled warmly and said warmly.

Everyone sat down, Li Yanshun and his wife watched in amazement, Li Yi matured and prudently communicated with the two senior officials, and talked about the strategic planning of Zhangcheng's future development, as well as the future construction investment of Xingyao Technology in Zhangcheng, and so on.

In Li Yi's plan, Zhangcheng will be the core city to undertake a large number of "smart manufacturing" industries of Xingyao Technology. The intelligent machinery industry, bionic machinery, and even the military industry will all fall in this city.

, The rebuilt data center, chip products are just the beginning.

Therefore, the visit of Secretary Xu and the others happened to be a good opportunity for negotiation. Li Yi had an in-depth conversation with the two government leaders.

This scene fell in the eyes of everyone, and it completely made everyone recognize Li Yi's current 'social status'.

Xingyao Technology has released a large number of advanced technology products. However, Li Yi has never made a public appearance, and has always stayed in the laboratory or at home.

Li Yanshun and his wife, Li Wenxiu, who got along day and night, did not feel that anything had changed in Li Yi.

However, today, the two 'high-ranking parents' came to visit in person, and Li Yi took it calmly. While respecting them, he did not lower his status to be courteous, and received them on an equal footing.

However, the identities seem to be reversed. The attitude of the two Zhangcheng first and second leaders towards Li Yi is that enthusiasm! I can't wait to hold it up, and I'm afraid it will melt in my mouth.

When they learned that Li Yi was going to let Xingyao Technology invest more heavily in Zhangcheng, the smiles on their faces were like blooming flowers. Serve in place and become a good public servant of the people.

More than an hour passed.

Li Yi finally sent Secretary Xu and his party away, who had been "full of harvest".

"Why are you looking at me like this? Is there something on my face?" Li Yi asked in surprise when he saw his parents, Li Wenxiu smiled and looked straight at him.

"Brother, you looked so handsome just now, and you have the temperament of a friend!" Li Wenxiu gave Li Yi a thumbs up and praised.

Hearing this, Ye Huilan looked at Li Yi with a bright smile, her eyes full of pride.

Li Yanshun couldn't help but nodded and praised: "Yeah! I haven't seen your entertainment before, but I didn't expect that you still have this side! Not bad, not bad! You dealt with it very decently."

"What's the matter! I've seen the chief and generals, but you don't know." Li Yi explained with a smile.

"What! Is it true or false? When? Are there any photos?" Li Wenxiu asked with concern.

"You can ask Da Hei for the photo!" Li Yi responded casually.

Hearing this, Li Wenxiu hurried upstairs and went looking for Da Hei to look at the photos.

"Dad, Mom is fine, I'm going back to the room. I slept late yesterday, I'll make up for another sleep!" Li Yi asked Li Yanshun and Ye Huilan for instructions with a smile.

"Go to sleep! I'll wake you up for dinner later!" Ye Huilan nodded and looked at Li Yi lovingly.

Li Yanshun looked at Li Yi's back, and he was relieved. Having a child like this, this life is really worth it. If Li Yi can marry a daughter-in-law as soon as possible, and give birth to a big fat boy, it would be a pity to die.

Back in the bedroom, Li Yi saw Li Wenxiu turn Da Hei out, closed the door angrily, lay down on the bed, and continued to swim in the sea of ​​books.

After these days of study, Li Yi has mastered a lot of physics knowledge, and has also found a few research directions that can be published.

For example, a special three-atom entanglement state in the quantum field, that is, two microscopic particles, such as neutral atoms or neutrons, in general, there is only a weak interaction between them, when there is a third particle When added, a strong interaction will occur under certain conditions, and a bound state of various configurations can be formed.

The interactions between atoms, in the short-range range, are determined by chemical bonds; in the long-range range, they are determined by van der Waals forces.

In general, it is difficult to control the interaction between atoms, and through this resonance technique of three-atom entanglement, the regulation of the interaction between atoms can be achieved.

The "new discoveries" of the theory in this field have great theoretical and technical support for the development of new material concepts, the development of more advanced interstellar communication technology, ... .

Another example: the new theory of full quantization of the Bose particle condensed system, the theoretical framework of qubit solid-state quantum computing, etc.,

Throughout the Spring Festival, Li Yi spent most of the time on the bed and passed quietly in the virtual library.

Seeing the changes in Li Yi's 'social status', Li Yanshun and his wife treated him a lot more leniently. He still arranged his own time and almost stopped yelling at him.

If this were changed before, I saw that Li Yi was in the room except for eating, and spent all his time on the bed. He had to take a blanket of chicken feathers and slippers.

Time flies, and half a month has passed.

Office workers who have spent the Spring Festival holiday have been working for a The students also ushered in the school season.

Sun Ming drove the black red flag and took the Li Yi brothers and sisters to study reporting.

"Brother, is your identity a graduate student or a teacher?" In the trunk, Li Wenxiu looked at Li Yi with a whimper and asked incomprehensibly.

I just learned from Li Yi that my brother is going to study at Xiamen University with her, a postgraduate student under the name of a professor, and at the same time, he will become a lecturer of the artificial intelligence course. This news completely shocked Li Wenxiu. He looks at my brother like I blame me. The same, the little head was stunned.

"For you, I must be a teacher. Do you want to sign up for my class? After I get home, I can still tutor you!" Li Yi smiled and asked kindly.

"I do not want it!"

Li Wenxiu's face turned pale when she thought that her brother had become her teacher and that she would be supervised by him when she returned home, and she refused without even thinking about it.

While the brothers and sisters were talking, the black red flag car slowly drove into the campus.

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