My hi-tech Library

Chapter 167: special request

Li Yi suddenly yearned for life on campus.

The development of Xingyao Technology hardly needs his intervention. The research and development work of the experimental center is presided over by Sun Bingwen and the others. It only needs to be controlled remotely by Dahei, and most of the work does not need him to appear in person.

Doing research in the laboratory all day is not a long-term solution. Going to campus to teach and do some research on "theoretical knowledge" will help spread library knowledge.

Compared with applied research, the construction and wide dissemination of theoretical knowledge system can make human scientific and technological civilization go farther.

Besides, Li Yi is also very annoying to be urged to marry by his parents every day.

Getting ready to 'low-key' for a while, Li Yi decided to change his way of life.

Li Yi looked at Da Hei at his feet and instructed, "Help me contact Professor Wang Qinghua from Xiamen University."

"Okay, master!" Da Hei answered the order, and a video call request appeared on the projection screen. Not long after, a man in his fifties appeared on the screen. He was slightly fat, with a rosy face and sparse hair.

"Professor Wang, hello, it's late, it's convenient to contact you!" Li Yi smiled and greeted Wang Qinghua, who had met several times.

Before, I visited Xiamen University with Secretary Chen, and later invited Professor Wang to work in the experimental center. Li Yi talked with him several times. In terms of identity, Professor Wang Qinghua is still his employee.

"Mr. Li, it's convenient, convenient, I'm still in the lab! I'm a little surprised to receive your video call." Professor Wang Qinghua laughed and explained quickly.

"Professor Wang, what project are you working on now?" Li Yi smiled and asked with concern.

"Do research on 'quantum physics and information', as well as the application of quantum physics in materials science, starting from the basic concepts of block function, energy band, density of states, from unconventional superconductors to the topological stage of matter, and some current The basic properties of the most studied quantum materials, and the future development of this field and the application value of these materials will be explored." Professor Wang Qinghua introduced.

"Yeah! Professor Wang, I'm interested in quantum physics recently, can I be your postgraduate student?" Li Yi nodded in understanding and went straight to the topic.

Hearing this, Professor Wang Qinghua was slightly stunned, as if he had heard a joke, and his face was full of surprise.

Li Yi is the big boss of Xingyao Technology and the big boss of the experimental center. He has thousands of doctors and hundreds of top experts and professors in various fields working for him, successively in the fields of biochips, artificial intelligence, etc. achieved world-renowned achievements.

Li Yi's own scientific research ability has long exceeded the limit of "educational education". If it is not for his age, it would be more than enough to be rated as an academician.

Therefore, when he heard that Li Yi was going to be his postgraduate student, Wang Qinghua suddenly felt inexplicable absurdity, and said with tears in his eyes, "Mr. Li, you are joking with me! What you want to learn, we can just discuss it every day, so why bother. "

"No! No! I am stronger in computers, and I still need to go through systematic study in physics and quantum physics, so I plan to go to school for further studies. In addition, if possible, I also plan to go to school to teach courses in artificial intelligence. ." Li Yi smiled modestly and explained to Wang Qinghua.

Hearing this, Wang Qinghua was overjoyed and nodded happily: "This is no problem, Principal Guo must be very happy for you to teach artificial intelligence courses at school. I will call him and communicate with him."

Li Yi's achievements in the computer field are obvious to all, especially in the field of artificial intelligence. At a young age, he developed a point-dimensional framework suitable for the birth of artificial intelligence, developed a biochip, and compiled a Chinese language. He is called the father of artificial intelligence. Not too much.

If such top talents can become lecturers of the school, it will bring a lot of improvement to Xiamen University's academic reputation.

"Okay! Excuse me, Professor Wang!" Li Yi thanked him with a smile.

"You're welcome! I'll tell Lao Guo, he must be very happy to hear this good news." Wang Qinghua's face was full of joy, and he continued: "If there are any problems with physics, Mr. Li can come and ask me, and send a message when the time comes. An academic paper is almost enough!”

"Okay!" Li Yi nodded with a smile.

The video call was quickly hung up, and Professor Wang Qinghua quickly told Principal Guo of the good news.

Now, during the Zhengzhi winter vacation, after the Spring Festival and the start of the new semester, Xiamen University will welcome a young lecturer with a net worth of trillions and absolute authority in artificial intelligence.

Once the news spreads, Xiamen University will definitely see a significant improvement in the ranking of famous universities in the country and even in the world.

Looking at the darkened projection screen, Li Yi frowned and thought.

What academic papers are appropriate to publish?

There should not be too much theoretical knowledge about physics in the library, especially after the Bolsai civilization entered the interstellar age, technology has developed rapidly, the understanding of the universe has been deepened, and the basic theory of science and technology has become more and more perfect.

For example: Grand Unified Theory, Particle Tebo, etc., all complement the existence of various flawed theories of human beings in science.

However, the influence of these theories is too extensive, and it is not suitable for them to be released when the conditions are not ripe.

Li Yi gave up thinking, went to the toilet, rinsed, put on a pair of pajamas, climbed the bed comfortably, looked at the black pattern on his wrist, and entered the library.

"The Theory of Metaverse Particles", "Cast on Physics", "Elder Di Yuan on the Motion of Celestial Bodies"....

Li Yi has become a bookworm again, spending most of his time in the bedroom, previewing various physics-related books, and looking for academic papers suitable for his research.

Time flickered, a few days passed, and the Spring Festival came quietly.

"Bang bang bang..."

There was a knock on the bedroom door.

Da Hei, who was lying on the floor, hurriedly woke up Li Yi, who was asleep on the bed.

"Brother! Get up! There are guests at home! Open the door!" Li Wenxiu shouted angrily outside the door.

Li Yi got up impatiently and walked over to open the door.

"Who's here! I'm so sleepy, I don't want to see any guests." Li Yi asked impatiently.

During the Spring Ploughing Festival, when he arrived at Li Yi's position, there were not many people who needed him to deal with. They were all like Secretary Chen, Secretary Qian, and Mr. Lin, the bigwigs at this level, otherwise, it was Professor Yan, Professor Yan and other academic experts.

On the contrary, there should not be too many people who greet him with New Year's greetings. For example, the subordinates of the company's middle and senior management, the boss of the cooperative company who has met once, as well as teachers, classmates, ..., etc., thousands of contacts, Li Yi clone lacks skills, so Da Hei has to deal with it one by one.

"Mom and dad asked you to go to the reception. You'll know when you see someone! Hurry up, hurry up." Li Wenxiu smiled, dragging Li Yi's arm and urging.

Li Yi was helpless, and was dragged downstairs by Li Wenxiu.

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