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Chapter 145: biological supercomputing

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Time flies, and half a month has passed.

Li Yi finally sat on the charter plane and landed from the airport at Ludao.

Living in the capital for half a month gave Li Yi a lot of feelings, and also felt the charm of the political center.

The evaluation meeting is over, and I can't come out for a while.

The expert group set up a technical team to accompany him and was going to settle in the Xingyao Experimental Center to conduct a detailed investigation of the real situation of artificial intelligence-Xiaoxing.

How long the investigation will take, I am afraid that there will be no definite conclusion in a short period of time. Li Yi knows this.

For his proposed virtual game project as a virtual universe experiment, the experts collectively gave a high evaluation. Under the supervision of the policy, it is recommended to grant permission.

However, because artificial intelligence technology is to be used, and virtual game equipment directly affects human consciousness, the country has no policy in this regard, and it is necessary to wait for a relevant policy to be introduced.

To put it simply, artificial intelligence needs to be monitored in real time by the national expert team, and virtual games can be played, and it needs to wait for the introduction of national policies.

In this regard, Li Yi had already expected it, and it was almost the same as the result of Da Hei's deduction.

Li Yi is very knowledgeable and plans to separate the virtual game project and build a new virtual universe company. At that time, the equity will be re-planned, and social security funds, state-owned funds, etc. will be introduced. At that time, the virtual game project will definitely start smoothly.

After half a month's trip to the capital, Li Yi was already exhausted. He explained that Sun Bingwen received the members of the expert group and assisted them in their investigation of 'Xiao Xing'. He left first and went home.

If other hosts treat the 'guests' like this, the members of the expert group will definitely have a hard time on their faces, and it is inevitable that there will be some complaints in their hearts.

However, what they faced was Li Yi, a young demon genius. After getting along for half a month, he seemed to have won everyone's respect. Not only did they not feel unhappy, on the contrary, they warmly asked him to send him back to have a good rest. .

After seeing Li Yi being taken away by a special car, they went to the experimental center together with Sun Bingwen.

Sun Bingwen warmly greeted the members of the expert group. A large group of people entered the experimental center - the main room of biological supercomputing, and introduced them to the details of artificial intelligence - Xiaoxing according to Li Yi's explanation.

Soon, Sun Bingwen led more than fifty experts and professors to a large sci-fi room.

The large computer room covers an area of ​​nearly 1,000 square meters and is arranged in a square cabinet.

Through the transparent glass of the cabinet, you can see the structure of the internal equipment, a complex electronic version, and a light green pyramid-shaped biological chip is placed in the center.

"Professors, these are the mainframes that make up the biological supercomputing. Each one is equipped with Xingyao m-series top biochips, a total of 620 units, and the cost of one is 5 million. . . . It can provide 9 thousand per second for 'Xiao Xing'. The computing power of teraflops is ten million times that of other electronic supercomputing, and in terms of energy consumption, it is less than one millionth." Sun Bingwen proudly introduced the various aspects of biological supercomputing to the expert group. parameter.

"Uh! What did you research with its help?" As soon as Sun Bingwen's voice fell, someone asked with concern.

"Of course, everyone, please come with me, and I will take you to the central control room to see." Sun Bingwen greeted warmly.

Sun Bingwen led the way, and the expert group followed closely.

While speaking, Sun Bingwen brought everyone to the central control room, dozens of researchers, and a huge screen of simulation laboratories, displaying dense code data.

"This is the control center of 'Xiao Xing'." Sun Bingwen introduced it, then looked at the big screen and summoned: "Xiao Xing! Come out and meet the guests!"

"Xiaoxing is here! Grandpa Sun." A cartoon head portrait of a little boy appeared in the center of the big screen, and a childish voice was heard.

"Xiaoxing, show the research progress of all experimental projects!" Sun Bingwen instructed with a smile.

"Okay! Grandpa Sun, total research projects: 342, completed projects: 1234, passed the second simulation experiment: 234,..." Xiaoxing answered the order obediently and displayed slender data on the screen.

The expert team stared blankly at the big screen and looked at the total number of scientific research projects that had been completed, and they were collectively shocked.

The experimental data displayed on the large screen is very clear, the total number of research projects of various projects, the development cycle, ..., a very detailed table is listed, which is clear at a glance, among which, there are dozens of research projects, which were completed in just one or two hours. , the name of the project seems to be some scientific research projects with quite technical content.

"After the completion of the biological supercomputing center, relying on the excellent simulation effect of the simulation experiment system and the powerful data processing capability of artificial intelligence, the research of our experimental center has ushered in an unprecedented outbreak period. The research projects involved: medical equipment , material development, intelligent machinery, bionic machinery, engines, new energy batteries, ..., except for military ships, all projects have achieved major breakthroughs." Sun Bingwen looked at the experts with excitement and introduced them with pride.

"Among them, the most successful nanomedical cabin, we are currently developing the second-generation technology, and successfully developed a nanorobot that can carry genetic medicines, directly activating the human immune system, thus achieving a complete cure for cancer!" Sun Bingwen paused for a moment. , watching the crowd introduce.

After finishing speaking, Sun Bingwen's skills changed, and the big screen changed, showing the ongoing second-generation nanomedical cabin project, the project leader-Professor Wei Hanzhi, the research progress, the difficulties of the research project, the experimental results, the research progress,... , and other data information, one by one presented on the big screen.

"Next, is the technology development related to intelligent robots, involving the realization of intelligent robot functions, manufacturing principles and methods, special processing, sensing technology, control theory, big data network, machine vision, battery optimization and other key technologies. Nearly 100 kinds of intelligent machines with various usage scenarios have been obtained, and more than 1,000 innovative technology patents have been obtained in mechanical fields such as mechanical structure design, parts processing methods, precision motion control, image recognition, signal perception, etc."


Prof. Sun Binwen was proudly introduced the scientific research achievements of the experimental center since its establishment to the expert team.

The main construction of the Xingyao Experimental Center is still partly unfinished. However, the biological supercomputing center has been given priority to complete the construction. These scientific researchers, relying only on the assistance of artificial intelligence-Xiaoxing, just over a short period of time. month, and achieved such a proud record of scientific research success.

It can be said that the success of these research projects is inseparable from the help of artificial intelligence-Xiaoxing.

The expert group listened to each and everyone's eyes shining, and looked at the small star on the screen, as if it was a rare treasure.

There should not be too many key scientific research projects in the country. If you can get the assistance of Xiaoxing, you can definitely quickly surpass other countries in scientific research and innovation.

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