My hi-tech Library

Chapter 144: Expert meeting

The result of the meeting was smoother than Li Yi had imagined. The head was very kind and gave him encouragement and affirmation, just like his father's concern for the younger generation.

Taking the opportunity of this meeting, Li Yi introduced to him the real intention of the virtual game project, and at the same time, he also confessed the existence of "strong artificial intelligence-Xiaoxing".

Immediately, it attracted the attention of the chief and required Li Yi to attend an expert meeting, so that the expert team could evaluate the safety of AI-Xiaoxing and the strategic value of the virtual universe project.

The meeting was over for over an hour.

Li Yi's spirit was completely relaxed. The situation has been informed to the chief. Next, wait for the evaluation of the expert group after attending the meeting.

It can help the Bolsai civilization to have an advanced model that breaks through the constraints of planetary civilization. I believe that the evaluation of the expert group will not be too bad.

Three days later, more than 100 experts and professors in the field of artificial intelligence gathered in a solemn venue.

When Li Yi walked into the venue, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.

It's this young man, in his early twenties, who has achieved something that they could never achieve in their entire lives, developed a biochip, a Chinese compiled language, and created artificial intelligence, like a monster. The presence.

"Hello, distinguished experts, my name is Li Yi. Today, I am here to introduce artificial intelligence-Xiaoxing, and the virtual universe project led by it." Li Yizai stepped onto the podium and looked around the audience. , went straight to the topic and explained.

Artificial intelligence is a bottomless and boundless topic. Countless computer engineers have exhausted their brains and want to push it a small step forward. However, today, they are fortunate to see it. Its success, assess its existence.

All the experts cheered up and watched Li Yi, looking forward to his speech.

Facing everyone's attention, Li Yi introduced recallingly: "The birth of artificial intelligence-'Xiaoxing' was an accident. Its appearance began in the process of developing simulation experiment software. During the process of developing this software, I learned a lot by myself. The programming language has innovated many new algorithms, including language knowledge applied to artificial intelligence!"

"One of the most important core components of simulation experiment software is the simulation of data,..."

"Establish a virtualized environment, set up multiple machine learning modules, build a competitive framework, the language is Java, use the Swing mapping environment to simulate the 'survival of the best' of a group of grass-covered insects, and add evolutionary algorithms to get the first one 'Artificial intelligence' with self-evolution capabilities.

"The core underlying algorithm I set keeps the core principles from intervening in the rules, 'observing' and learning as a bystander, and not participating in 'this survival simulation competition'."


"In this survival simulation competition, I have made a major discovery, binary yes and no, the data environment for this 'survival simulation competition' is too limited, I need to introduce a 'variable' environment, Only then can the survivors of the competition go further,..."

"So, I changed my way of thinking and developed a Chinese programming language with a dot-dimensional system. ... With the assistance of Dr. Jiang and Professor Wang, they came up with a dot-dimensional biochip, so that 'Xiaoxing' has the a 'survival' environment,..."

Li Yi explained the story of the development of artificial intelligence-Xiaoxing. In order to make this story more flawless, he even let Da Hei participate in it and deduced the birth process of his "creation" of artificial intelligence-Xiaoxing.

The venue was extremely quiet, with rustling sounds of writing. More than 100 experts and professors were like students. They listened carefully to Li Yi's explanation of the process of developing "artificial intelligence".

"Biochip, the structure and language characteristics of Chinese compiled language, form a living environment suitable for the operation of artificial intelligence. Therefore, I set up the underlying core of 'Xiaoxing' from the ground up, and set seventeen guidelines. Come down, I will connect to the biological supercomputing center where 'Xiaoxing' is located, and introduce its operation logic." While explaining, Li Yi operated the notebook on the lecture table to remotely connect to the biological supercomputing center in the experimental center.

The next moment, the large projection screen behind Li Yi lights up, presenting a dense Chinese character code interface.

"These 17 principles are the underlying support of the 'artificial intelligence' little star. They are the foundation of the pyramid of 'artificial intelligence'. The 'little star' generates variables around it and builds a data ecology. They cannot fail.  … ."

"The redefined 'Xiaoxing', I have equipped it with a permission-obedience mode. There are seven permission levels. The first permission person is me, and the second permission person is Sun Bingwen and Professor Sun. Other permissions are temporarily vacant, ..."

Li Yi introduced the core framework of AI-Xiaoxing in detail.

With the passage of time, the professors fell silent in Li Yi's teaching and gained a new understanding of the birth of artificial intelligence.

"According to this method, with biochips and Chinese characters compiled language, we repeat this experiment, can we get a strong artificial intelligence?"

Suddenly, a voice below the stage interrupted Li Yi's explanation and asked.

Li Yi stopped the introduction and looked at the questioner, a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties with a Chinese character face. He glanced at the nameplate in front of his desk. Li Yi knew his name and called him: Xiao Yinghua.

"Professor Xiao, according to these conditions, artificial intelligence can be developed. However, the variable module of Xiaoxing is born from the simulation experiment program through the 'survival competition' mode. There is a certain chance and the same consciousness cannot be repeated. artificial intelligence!" Li Yi explained.

Afterwards, Li Yi went on to introduce: "Because of the unpredictability of artificial intelligence, we set a very strict security lock in the biochip produced, and changing the underlying core algorithm of the chip will trigger the garbled mechanism, resulting in damage to the biochip. , In addition, we will help users maintain artificial intelligence intelligent products for free every six months, the purpose is to check the situation of intelligent products and avoid 'accidents' of artificial intelligence products."

Hearing this, all the experts nodded and recognized Li Yi's work in artificial intelligence defense.

Artificial intelligence is a new technology. Its birth and future are both unpredictable. It is impossible to be too cautious.

"Professors, there is still a lot of work to be done in the safety application of artificial intelligence, but its application cannot be restricted due to choking. It is with the assistance of Xiaoxing that Xingyao Technology can achieve many technological innovations in such a short period of time. , For example, nanomedical cabins, new nanomaterials, and controllable nuclear fusion are all substantial breakthroughs achieved with the assistance of artificial intelligence!" Li Yi looked around the crowd and introduced with a smile.

All the experts and professors couldn't help nodding their heads in unison. Xingyao Technology has achieved scientific research achievements in just two years, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a miracle. There is also the inside story of controllable nuclear fusion technology, which relies on a powerful artificial intelligence behind everything. It's all explained.

"Next, is the virtual universe project, which is the top priority of artificial intelligence utilization!" Li Yi introduced with a smile, and continued: "Once the artificial intelligence industrial revolution starts, it means a lot of complicated and boring production work, which will be able to intelligently The replacement of type robots, greatly improving labor efficiency, coupled with the low-cost energy of controllable nuclear fusion, will make the goods we manufacture cheaper and more abundant, greatly enriching the material resources of society.”

"However, there are advantages and disadvantages. The large-scale smart industry can certainly change the aging of the population and lead to the problem of insufficient labor, but it will also affect people's work and survival needs. Therefore, we must need more industries to carry the shortage. jobs!"

"The virtual universe can carry this function, and I call it the fifth industry - the virtual industry."

"Our experimental center has newly developed a consciousness connection technology, which allows people to connect to a virtual world constructed by numbers. Through the signal connection of biological chips, they can interact and learn in the virtual world, and the generated instruction signals can also communicate with the real world. influence,

"In the virtual universe, people can easily learn all kinds of knowledge, reuse this knowledge, engage in mental work, and create wealth in the real world, ..."

"This virtual universe is not separated from reality, but a virtual world that maps and interacts with the real world, creating a digital living space for a new social system. The process of virtualizing and digitizing the real world, and affecting content production, economic systems, and user experience. And physical world content,…”

Li Yi eloquently introduced his thoughts on the virtual universe, and after a change of words, he continued: "This ideal virtual universe cannot be built overnight. Therefore, Xingyao Technology has taken a different approach and built a virtual game first. An experiment in the construction of a virtual universe, building a sci-fi game with an interstellar background as the theme, using the ability of artificial intelligence-Xiaoxing to apply a large amount of real knowledge system to this virtual game, cultivating people to contact professional knowledge in the process of the game, through The means of transmission of knowledge consciousness makes it easier for them to learn various knowledge in practice,…”

"This virtual game has another purpose, directing the vast majority of those who have lost their jobs to the 'fifth world' and giving them the skills to make a living!"

In front of more than 100 experts and professors, Li Yi introduced the virtual game he designed.

At first, when they heard that Li Yi regarded the virtual industry as the concept of the fifth industry, the experts and professors brightened their eyes and agreed with his statement.

There are more than 200 million freelancers across the country. They seek a living by running takeaways, driving on behalf of them, setting up stalls, opening stores, and so on.

Once the artificial intelligence industry develops on a large scale, there is a risk that these positions will be replaced by artificial intelligence. Coupled with many industrial workers in the original industrial manufacturing field, in the next five or ten years, 400 million to 500 million people will face difficult work difficulties.

The emergence of the fifth industry can undoubtedly carry a large part of employment.

When Li Yi introduced the virtual game, the experts and professors couldn't help frowning.

However, when Li Yi explained the detailed content of the virtual game and various economic bearing designs, his eyes could not help but light up, and he followed his thoughts and thought. UU reading judged, and gradually figured out that he created this virtual game. the purpose of the game,

Li Yi regards the virtual universe as an experimental field for the virtual universe, creating a game similar to simulated reality, but the background is the interstellar age.

Attract players into the virtual world, and at the same time let the unemployed work as "professional players", and realize wealth redistribution through "labor" in the game.

For a country, once artificial intelligence is used on a large scale, agriculture, industry, and service industries will be infiltrated and involved. With the enrichment of various commercial products and the high level of material development, it means that citizens can obtain good survival resources without working. It is very easy for citizens to enjoy rich welfare benefits.

However, maintaining a high welfare system is very detrimental to the development of the country.

The existence of large-scale virtual games can make countless players get spiritual satisfaction, let players work hard in the game, and let the wealth be redistributed.

At the same time, it can also educate relevant knowledge in entertainment, let them feel the charm of the interstellar era in advance, and generate a desire for more advanced civilization.

There were so many things, and Li Yi gave an in-depth explanation of all aspects of the virtual game settings.

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