Ke Shao pushed open the door and asked, "Where's Captain?"

Tang Wei was the only member inside the office, looking solemnly at the computer screen in front of him. His fingers didn't stop hammering the keyboard as he jutted his chin toward the closed personal office door. Then, as if reminding of something, his face distorted.

Ke Shao sported the same expression.

It was one where someone really wanted to roar with laughter but couldn't afford to do so, they had to strive to maintain a solemn and righteous face so they had to keep their face in check. Jin Renguang's expression as he was rained with Yu Chuan's sudden vomit was so marvelous that it could become one of the best jokes in the entire Police Bureau for the rest of the year.

Clearing his throat, Ke Shao strode toward the closed door and knocked on it. "Captain?" There wasn't any answer but he could hear the sound of water running faintly. In the end, Ke Shao couldn't hold it any longer and with a pfft, burst out in silent laughter as he clutched his stomach.

Tang Wei hunched his neck, but from where Ke Shao was standing, he could see the man's shoulder trembling incessantly.

Ke Shao's liver ached, his stomach was also cramping in pain from holding back the laughter. His face was almost turning blue then all of a sudden, he felt a wave of cold air on the back of his neck. Stiffened, his facial features froze in a crooked, schadenfreude smile.

It wasn't known when, but the sound of running water had stopped and Tang Wei had returned to his solemn expression, not even acknowledging Ke Shao.

Ke Shao's back broke out in cold sweat and the desire for survival within him exploded. He smoothed out his expression, turned around and saluted with a solemn expression. "Captain, I have interrogated Mr. Yu Chuan, here is the transcript!" He handed the papers with both hands, his back bowed and his eyes were earnest and innocent.

Jin Renguang was expressionless and his eyes were cold. Chilly wave of air emanated from his body, and there was a wet towel hanging from his shoulder. His skin was red from scrubbing and the corner of his lips bruised from the force he used to brush his teeth. He soundlessly stretched out his hand and Ke Shao handed the paper to him like a eunuch who presented an offering to the Emperor.

Without waiting for the man to speak, Ke Shao elaborated. "Captain, I think that Yu Chuan isn't the suspect we're looking for. He said that he came with his wife and son, so it was reasonable that he went to the restaurant and amusement park. It also explained why he sat looking at the children for almost half an hour, he was watching over his son."

"After that, he claimed to have a stomachache and hurried to the toilet. He thought that it was okay to leave the bag nearby because his wife was there, but then, when he returned, his bag was missing meanwhile his wife was busy looking over their son."

Jin Renguang's brows knitted. "Evidence?"

"I have rewatched the surveillance record, this time, without Wang Chengbing's edits, and it was true that he came with his wife and son, and when he walked away from the waterfall fountain, the direction pointed to the public toilet."

"His bag was missing?" Jin Renguang confirmed once again. "So, the culprit stole his bag and replaced his things with the victim's body part, dumped it in a conspicuous place and put the blame on his head?"

Ke Shao nodded gingerly. "It…should be so."

Behind them, Tang Wei who was eavesdropping, interjected. "Captain, I also thought that it's not possible for Mr. Yu to be the culprit. First, his mentality. It was totally different from the culprit. Not only is Mr. Yu weakhearted, he also had a mild phobia for blood. He couldn't withstand pressure and almost broke down from your interrogation. It is not consistent with the culprit's coldblooded cruelty and his high IQ and EQ. If he was just acting, then he ought to go and become a Movie Emperor instead of a salesman."

"Second, I am more inclined toward the possibility where the culprit placed the blame on Mr. Yu's head, after all, it has been more than a year, but he has never left anything behind on the crime scene that can trail us to him. So, now that there's Mr.Yu's DNA in it, it just seems kind of suspicious."

"Yes, yes, I feel that way too." Ke Shao nodded like chicken pecking rice. "Captain, I am sure that Mr.Yu is indeed innocent."

Jin Renguang scrutinized Yu Chuan's testimony word by word to find loopholes in them and to his dismay, he couldn't find any of them. Honestly, when he first laid his eyes on Yu Chuan, his gut feeling had told him that this person wasn't the one he was looking for. It was just a tingling instinct as a criminal investigator. Such a person couldn't have committed a string of homicides throughout the year and challenged the police. He lacked the courage to.

He pinched his brows. "First, call the management personnel of the Recreational Park. Ask if someone named Yu Chuan had reported his missing belongings, and scanned the hidden and inconspicuous area once again to find Yu Chuan's belongings. If the culprit indeed stole his bag, then his things must have been left there. Third, go and ask for his wife's statement. If it all aligns with Yu Chuan's testimony, then detain him for 24 hours and let him go."

"Yes, sir!" Ke Shao saluted and went out in large steps.

Tang Wei looked at Jin Renguang worriedly. "Captain, if the culprit really stole Mr.Yu's bag, then…he must have entered with another bag and we didn't know what kind of bag it was." Just thinking of the thousands of people inside the park carrying numerous kinds of bags, Tang Wei got a headache.

It was just like searching for a needle in a haystack.

Jin Renguang clenched his fist and the taste of minty toothpaste in his mouth calmed him down. "It is my negligence, I never guessed that the culprit would be so wicked and slippery. Now that we don't know his appearance and what kind of bag he used, we lost all track of him."

Tang Wei rubbed his face. All of the hard work these past few days were for naught.

"Don't worry," Jin Renguang said, his calm and solemn expression somehow settled Tang Wei's restless heart down. "I will think of something." Then, he went inside his office and closed the door. Inside his personal space, Jin Renguang finally let his expression loose and a trace of fatigue appeared between his brows.

He pulled out the phone from his pocket and pressed on the speed dial.. On the fifth ring before it was disconnected, the call finally went through and the soft, low and frosty voice of Ru Meiqi came through. "Renguang?"

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