My Dearest General: It Has Always Been You

Chapter 67 - Did You Enjoy Killing Her?

At 7:30 in the morning, Yu Chuan had just kissed his wife and children, put on his shiny leather shoes, carried a briefcase and came out of the door when he was intercepted by a burly man with an overly bright smile.

Yu Chuan's brows furrowed in vigilance. But his years of job and education had tempered his tongue so that he could talk smoothly without a hint of offensive tone. "Sorry, may I ask who you are?"

"Mr. Yu Chuan?" The man showed a paper to his face and grinned. "You are being invited by our Captain to have tea in the police station. Please don't struggle and follow me obediently."

Yu Chuan froze. "P—Police?"

Ke Shao stepped forward and wrapped his arms around him in an intimate gesture as if they were long lost brothers. He gestured toward a nearby car that was parked on the roadside. "Don't worry, we just want to ask you a few questions."

Fifteen minutes later, Yu Chuan sat in the interrogation room in a daze, his whole being was a little silly. Ke Shao scrutinized him from the one way mirror and doubted. "Is that really the serial killer? Why does he seem a little bit not right here?" he pointed at his own head.

The interrogation room's light was dim but the desk lamp that shone onto Yu Chuan was so bright that it stung his eyes. In the corner of the room up in the ceiling, there was a CCTV flash with infrared light that recorded his every behavior, and in front of him, there was a huge mirror that almost span across the entire wall that reflected his face.

This…if the action and crime movie wasn't wrong, this was a one way mirror right? Behind that glass, there should be a bunch of police officers and detectives behind it right?

He fidgeted in his seat nervously and his forehead was covered in sweat.

Jin Renguang stalled the interrogation until half an hour later and by that time, Yu Chuan's psychological defense was about to collapse. His face was blue and the air of a warm, steady and trustworthy salesman was nowhere to be seen.

The door slammed open with a loud bang and Yu Chuan almost jumped out of his seat and rolled onto the floor.

He lifted his head to see a sharp, towering man. He was so tall that his head almost reached the top of the door. His gait was leisurely and the way he walked was as if he was in a fashion show. He flung a thick document onto the table and Yu Chuan flinched in shock once again, snapping out of his own stupor.

The man sat down and finally Yu Chuan could see his face clearly.

Like the man before, he wore civilian clothes. Even then, Yu Chuan could identify him as a police officer at one glance. Maybe it was the way his sharp gaze swept across him, maybe it was his thick eyebrows that exuded heroism, maybe it was the heavy aura he emitted, but still, it all didn't diminish the unease in Yu Chuan's heart.

He scrutinized the man deeply and blurted out. "Captain Jin?!"

Jin Renguang lifted his brows and a smile that wasn't quite a smile appeared on his face. "You know me?"

Yu Chuan twisted in his seat. He laughed dryly and tried to ease the atmosphere. "You appeared on the news very often." He suspected that almost everyone in the entire nation knew this man.

"Great, so I will skip the introduction." He opened the document and reached for a pen.

Yu Chuan really wanted to cry but had no tears. "C—Captain Jin, may I know why I am summoned here?"

"Don't you know it yourself?" The man retorted.

"Huh?" Yu Chuan's face turned blank before color drained from his face. "No! I have never committed any crime before! I swear! I am a law abiding citizen!"

Jin Renguang let out a short, cold laugh and pulled out a bag covered in transparent plastic from out of nowhere. "Do you recognize this?"

"This…" Yu Chuan tried to calm himself down. "I own one bag like this. But what does it have to do with me?"

"Mr. Yu Chuan." Jin Renguang calmly elaborated however, each word was akin to a struck of lightning that hammered Yu Chuan's head until he didn't even remember his surname anymore. "Your DNA was found on the bag which contained a body part in a serial murder case that we're currently investigating on."

Yu Chuan's eyes widened to the extreme and his jaw dropped to the ground. He was so surprised that he couldn't form any coherent words.

Next, Jin Renguang continued his psychological attack and fished out a number of photos, each of which was a different body part. There was a severed torso, legs, hand, and the most terrifying was, a pale and bloodied head of a woman with her eyes closed.

"Do you know her? You know, right? Look clearly."

Yu Chuan shook his head like a rattle drum. "No, you have mistaken it! I...I don't know such a person!"

Jin Renguang abruptly banged his palm on the table and shot up like a cheetah, his face twisted in a cold, chilling smile. Coupled with his bloodshot eyes due to lack of sleep, Yu Chuan was so terrified seeing him up close that all the words stuck on his throat and his breath hitched.

"You don't know her? Look more closely. Don't you remember? You cut her limbs off one by one, then cut her torso and head. You smeared formalin on her leg and shoved it into the freezer. Then, at the Recreational Park, when it was the peak hour and the waterfall fountain was full of people, you seized the moment where people crowded around you to drop the bag off. Did you enjoy it? Killing her? Dismembering her body? Hearing her screamed in despair until her heartbeat weakened and finally stopped?"

The tip of Yu Chuan's fingers trembled violently and his pupils dilated. He looked back and forth from Jin Renguang's face to the rows of gory photos in front of him. The woman's eerily pale face reflected on his eyes.

And then…

And then, Yu Chuan couldn't hold it any longer and vomited on Jin Renguang's face.

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