"Emergency! Emergency! The building has collapsed and four people are buried within. I repeat, four people including Captain Jin and Miss Ru are still under there!" 

The dust didn't settle even after a while. Ru Meiqi felt as if the whole world had fallen down on her, even taking a breath was difficult. The last seconds in her memory were chaotic, she didn't even realize what was happening except for losing her balance. Her mind turned blank as a huge force smothered down on her from behind. 

Her ears were still ringing from the aftermath and her sight was blurry. However...through her skin, her every nerve and cell, she could hear a constant heartbeat, feel a warm body covering hers and a familiar distinct scent from someone who had once been the closest person to her.

...but she'd rather not perceive him. Not right now.

"Where's the medical team?!"

"No we can't pull them out just like this! The pillars will topple down on them! We need a crane, RIGHT NOW!"

Faint chaotic ruckus were heard from a distance but right now, her attention was wholly attracted to the rhythmic heartbeat beating against her. Her limbs...every part of her body was numb with pain, rendering her immobile. Her eyes saw nothing but darkness. Quickly, fear crept up her heart.

"...Renguang?" She didn't even realize her voice was trembling. "Renguang...are you okay?"

Light breathing brushed against her temple. His raspy and weak voice sounded thereafter. "Qiqi…"

"You…" Ru Meiqi tried to free her hands to no avail. How she wished she could check on him. "How are you? Are you hurt? No....sorry it's such a stupid question. What are you doing protecting me? You should prioritize yourself first…"

"Qiqi don't cry…" He chuckled briefly, his breaths soft and brief. "I'm okay…"

"Bullshit!" Ru Meiqi gasped, warm tears slid down the corner of her eyes and disappeared into her hair. It was getting harder to breathe. The oxygen inside the cramped space was running out soon. "I warn you, if something happens to you, I—I will not forgive you…"

Yet there was no answer from Jin Renguang anymore.

Ru Meiqi's heart trembled. "Renguang…?"

Slowly, he gave a soft, drowsy hum.

A sob escaped Ru Meiqi's lips. Taking in a deep breath, she tried to recompose herself although the violent tremble in her voice had given her away. "Are you tired? It's okay. You can close your eyes for a while. Soon…very soon, I will bring you out of here. Don't you remember? You said you have something to tell me. I'm still waiting for you to fulfill that promise."


"Yes, you're right." The weight above her was getting heavier and heavier, and the thick stench of blood permeated through the air. "Sleep, Renguang…"

It was unknown how long time had flown by until a faint light pierced into Ru Meiqi's eyes from the ceiling above. "We have found Captain Jin and Miss Ru! Hello, can you answer me?! Please report your condition!"

Ru Meiqi suppressed the urge to cry and loudly exclaimed. "I'm fine, only a multiple flesh wound. But your Captain has lost consciousness. He might have sustained serious injuries. Urgently need emergency treatment!"

The time Ru Meiqi spent beneath there was short yet every single second was excruciating. She vividly felt Jin Renguang's strong heartbeat becoming weaker and weaker… 

Despair and dread overcame her like never before. She had no idea how she managed to maintain her consciousness until the heaviness weighing down on her was finally lifted.

Fresh air instantly rushed to her lungs and she coughed, curling up and clutching her chest in pain. 

"Miss Ru, are you okay?!" A medic drew close and put an oxygen mask on her face. "Please bear with it for a while! I will bring you to the ambulance!"

Her sight was getting more and more blurry, yet she still held onto the closest person to her and rasped out. "Captain...how is he?"

"Someone bring a metal cutter here!" An anxious holler sounded by the side. "A steel beam has pierced Captain from behind! Hurry up!"

With difficulty, Ru Meiqi turned her head sideways and found Jin Renguang surrounded by two anxious medics. The man's helmet had been taken off, revealing a face that was covered in blood. A long steel beam cut through the bulletproof vest to his back, painting a horrendous and terrifying sight for everyone who was there. Not an inch of his skin was left unscathed from scratches and gashes.

He…He had taken that blow for her. If not for him shielding her, then the one with a steel beam on their back would be her.

Ru Meiqi's fingers twitched as she reached out toward him, who looked as if he was immersed in a peaceful slumber. She wished to caress his face, to pepper kisses onto those firmly shut eyelids so that he would wake up and gave her a teasing smirk. 

Yet strength had left her entire body. Her hands slumped to her side as she slowly closed her eyes, reluctant to even take her eyes off him until the very last moment.

"Come on! We have to move to the hospital as soon as possible!"

"Number of casualties: six. Four are in need of intensive treatment while two suffered from light injuries. We are heading to the hospital right now. Please prepare the rooms for us!"

"R...en...guang…" Ru Meiqi whispered before losing consciousness in the next second. Her eyelashes damp with tears and blood. 

Renguang, you have to be okay. There is still so much, so much I haven't told you…


"What?!" Director Fen stood up in shock. "What did you say?! Bombs?! Then what about CEO Jiang's son?!"

"He's nowhere to be found, Sir. On top of that, Miss Shi—the serial killer's victim under our protection—is currently missing; her mother was attacked and she was kidnapped. The main perpetrator is likely to be the same as the one who held Jiang Jinyan hostage. Captain Jin is currently in the operation room and almost one third of SCI's core members are injured. Right now, the situation is rather chaotic."

Fen Huiguan gnashed his teeth and swept everything on his table to the ground, enraged. What the hell was happening right now?! This wasn't what they had planned for!

"...Hello? Hello, Sir? What should I do now?"

Fen Huiguan held his head and grabbed his phone. "For now…" He said hoarsely. "Stand back and observe. Point Xu Binchen as the temporary captain for now."


"What now?!"

"Mr. Xu is… after he reported Miss Shi's disappearance, he has been out of contact until now."

Fen Huiguan cursed inwardly and clutched his chest, grimacing in pain. He hastily swallowed a Heart Calming Pill and inhaled deeply. "Then...Qin Weizhe. Put him in charge for now."

"Yes, sir!"

After the call ended, he hastily made another call to Nan Cheng. He knew that the man told him not to initiate contact ever again but in this kind of situation, how could he standby and watch?! Everything was a mess! It should be a simple rescue mission! Retrieving Jiang Jinyan and apprehending Si Zhening – the serial killer. It should be as simple as that. So how did everything turn out like this?!

Where the hell was Si Zhening and Jiang Jinyan?! 

If they couldn't find Jiang Jinyan until the time's up then CEO Jiang…

Fen Huiguan couldn't imagine the consequences of that happening.


"The number you're calling is currently unavailable. Please call again later—"

"The number you're calling is currently unavailable. Please call again later—"

"Damn it!" Fen Huiguan smashed the phone to the ground and snarled furiously. "Nan Cheng you bastard!"

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