Jin Renguang checked the time and decided at last. "We will go in now. Team 2, follow my lead. Team 1, be on standby. As soon as we give the signal, you may rush in."

"Yes, sir!"

He patted Ke Shao and Wang Chengbing's shoulders as he walked past them. "Good work. Brief Xu Binchen after he arrives later." After saying that, he swept his gaze over everyone in Team 2 all the while putting on his bulletproof vest and helmet. There were eight people in total, including him and Ru Meiqi. "Recheck the barrel of your gun, flashlight and walkie talkie. We are fighting against the enemy who has the upper hand here. Remember, our priority is to save Jiang Jinyan. I am giving you permission to shoot shall the culprit make any threatening move. Now, are you ready?"

The seven people straightened up and saluted neatly. Jin Renguang's gaze landed on Ru Meiqi in the end and he gave a brief smile. "Come on. We should finish this as soon as possible. I'm craving for some hot ramen."

The tense atmosphere instantly loosened and the members laughed. "Yeah, it's already late and we haven't had dinner yet."

Jin Renguang nodded. "I will treat all of you after this."

Soft cheers followed in response. "Thank you, Captain! You're the best!"

Chuckling shortly, he turned around and inspected the old residential complex. The sky had started to dim and the clouds were shadowed by dark blue and purple color. Adding an abandoned complex in the background, the whole scene looked like one straight out of a horror movie. He could even hear someone gulping loudly behind him.

"The door to the basement is sealed." He pointed toward the large door in the distance. "First, we will break the lock. By then, the ruckus must have alerted Si Zhening inside. As soon as the door is open, I will go in first. You will all follow after I give the clear signal, understand?"

They nodded in return.

Ru Meiqi stared at him firmly. "Be careful, Captain Jin."

Jin Renguang's lips curled up behind the helmet as he gave a signal to move forward. Under the darkening sky, eight swift members in full combat suits crept closer soundlessly and dashed toward the door to the basement.

There was a huge padlock and chains circling around the handlebar. Jin Renguang gave a nod and one of them instantly opened fire twice. Tsing tsing! The gun that was equipped with silencer easily pierced through the rusty lock and the long, huge chain fell with a loud clang that echoed through the desolate space.

In an instant, Jin Renguang broke in and rolled on the ground, a gun held in his hand. The musty and damp smell rushed to his face and he wrinkled his nose. Well, at least this was better than the smell of Luo Ning's basement. It took a split second for him to readjust himself and his trained eyes slowly grew accustomed to the dark.

He strained his ears yet heard no sound at all. Looking around, he found a long hallway with rooms on each side, approximately ten or more in number. Every single door was closed and he had no way to ascertain where Si Zhening and Jiang Jinyan might be.

However, judging from the brick walls and broken cemented floor, he was 100% sure that this was the place in the video. 

His speculation was further proved correct. How naive was Si Zhening to hide in a place that could be found even with a bit of research? It didn't conform with the meticulous and comprehensive serial killer who left no trace at all even after killing thirteen people. 

…This clumsy arrangement was nothing compared to it.

Jin Renguang raised his hand and gave the signal. In an instant, seven people joined him in the entrance. He pointed at each of them and assigned them one room to check while beckoning Ru Meiqi to follow him.

The task was divided and everyone started to move.

He and Ru Meiqi inched forward slowly to the deepest part of the basement. The further they went, the more slippery the ground was. Covered by years of moss and water dripping from above, squelching sound would follow with their every step. 

Ray from the flashlights shifted around as insects and rats crawled by their feets. Jin Renguang had goosebumps over his arms just by knowing that the soles of his shoes were stained with such filth.

Calculating inwardly, he estimated the distance to be around fifty meters. Exactly fourteen rooms with seven on each side. The rooms near the entrance were checked one by one by his comrades yet none issued the signal yet. The thrilling, silent atmosphere made their backs tense in preparation.

Jin Renguang pointed to his right and received a nod from Ru Meiqi. The woman got close and quietly turned the knob. Creaaak… a lengthy squeaky sound rang out eerily. Jin Renguang held his gun and pointed it forward as he pushed the door further with his shoulder.

It was empty. The room had nothing except for dust and spiderwebs. The width was similar to the one in the video. The only thing missing was the blood butterfly on the wall and Jiang Jinyan. 

He shook his head and they proceeded to check the one on the left. Nothing either.

So far, eight rooms had already been inspected, that left six more.

Slowly, they got closer to the middle until two rooms were left.

Jin Renguang knitted his brows. Something seemed weird yet he couldn't put his finger on it. The door to the right was opened and similarly, a member rushed in alertly and froze from the sight in front of him. Then, he gave a low whistle. 

It was the sign that they had found the room!

Jin Renguang rushed in immediately. Although he had seen the butterfly from the video, seeing it firsthand still sent shock enough to freeze him for a second. It was large; large enough to cover one part of the wall. The stench of blood and sour odor rushed to their noses. Blood splattered all over the area and signs of a wild fight could be seen everywhere from the broken mess of the camera, tripod and gold rimmed glasses which he recognized to belong to Si Zhening.

…But Jiang Jinyan and Si Zhening were nowhere to be found.

A member crouched down and swiped his hand over the blood. "It's already half dried."

"Captain, there's no one on the left either." Another reported.

Jin Renguang stood in place, perturbed. All the rooms had been checked but Jiang Jinyan and Si Zhening were still missing. This was clearly the mentioned place but why? Why did they move? Or could it be that Jiang Jinyan himself had managed to make an escape? But they had staked out since early before noon and no sign of activity was detected at all!

Everyone was unreconciled and started to inspect the rooms once again to find if there was any secret path. Ten minutes later, they met in the middle. No result. 

The rescue mission…it had failed miserably.

"What should we do?" Someone whispered.

"I don't know. Does that bastard bail on us at the last minute again?"

"Where's Captain Jin?" Ru Meiqi's question awoke them. They looked around and found Jin Renguang standing in front of the blood butterfly. 

"Captain, what should we do next?" They asked in jittery. 

They had spent almost half of the 24 hours time here yet in the end, they got nothing. Who wouldn't be frustrated?

As if he didn't hear the question, Jin Renguang stood still in front of the wall. It wasn't until Ru Meiqi called him twice did he snap out of his senses. Turning around, he looked disoriented for a moment. "Ah yes, give me a moment."

The members nodded and started to make their way out.

"Renguang, are you okay?"

Ru Meiqi's voice seemed like it had come from a distance as he was immersed in his own thoughts. What was this weird feeling that had been bugging him since just now? Although there's nothing here, his subconsciousness didn't allow him to relax. His hair stood on its end as the whole scene gave him a very, very bad premonition. 

He tilted his head up and pondered. In the state of utmost concentration, it was as if his senses were twice as sharp and fast. He could hear the sound of his comrades' footsteps, their hushed discussion and…the faint rumble above that sounded like thunder.

"Captain!" The members returned and exclaimed in alarm. "Xu Binchen just reported that Miss Shi is currently missing and her mother has been sent to the hospital! It must be Si Zhening that bastard who—"

Before the man could finish his sentence, Jin Renguang's thundering holler cut in. "Get out of here! RIGHT NOW! THERE'S A BOMB!"

The conditioned reflex trained them to execute the command even deep in their subconsciousness. Right on cue, loud rumbles came from the ceiling and the ground beneath their feet shook. Dusts and pebbles rained down as the members scrambled out of the collapsing building. 

The bombs resounding one by one starting from the topmost floor of the complex.


Amidst the chaos, Jin Renguang's sight fell onto Ru Meiqi who tripped on a falling brick. Cursing loudly, he pounced forward and covered her body with his whole as the entire building finally gave in and crumbled down on him.




A/N: author....has nothing to say _(:3」∠)_

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