Although his reminisce seemed very long, in fact not even half an hour had passed. The cemetery was still devoid of people and the daisy in front of the two tombstones swayed freely along the wind, the white and yellow petals looked exceedingly delicate with water droplets still resting on it.

Jin Renguang once again caressed the smaller unnamed tombstone. His heart would suffocate everytime he thought of the baby's first cries, his fragility when Jin Renguang cradled him for the first time, his teary eyes as he was sent into the incubator, until the end…his shriveled face tinged with a shade of purple. 

Jin Renguang closed his eyes, frowning. The tip of his fingers trembled ever so slightly. "I'm sorry…"

No matter how wicked Yan Jihuan was, the baby was innocent. If…If at that time, he arrived a few minutes sooner, if he didn't go to the bar and got himself wasted, if he cared a little bit more…would he find a little blonde haired, blue eyed toddler stumbling to him, calling him 'uncle' or 'godfather' right now?

Jin Renguang had no idea how to deal with the problems at that time. He was just too emotional, too furious and he needed a little space to shut himself off lest he did something he would regret for the rest of his life. In fact, he didn't mind taking the baby boy under his wings. He would divorce Yan Jihuan for sure, but he wouldn't be able to cast the baby away.

Alas, everything had already happened and there was no use crying over spilt milk.

Jin Renguang felt that, instead of Yan Jihuan, the one he couldn't move on from was the baby.

"Jin Hengfu…" He murmured with a bitter smile. "A man with unyielding principle, who lived his life surrounded by good luck. Do you think it's a good name, boy?"

Light, gentle breeze blew, caressing his cheek as if whispering an answer. Jin Renguang spent some time cleaning the graves and gave them one last look before turning away.

Now, he and Yan Jihuan really didn't have anything to do with each other anymore.

His phone rang when he's halfway through the stairs. The caller was Tang Wei.

Jin Renguang frowned. Thinking something urgent was happening, he answered the call and hastened his steps. "Jin Renguang speaking. What's wrong, Tang Wei?"

"Captain!" Tang Wei's excited voice came through. Hearing that, Jin Renguang relaxed in an instant. His gait returned to its usual pace as he fumbled around for the car key, the phone stuck between his neck and shoulder. "Come back soon! We have already compiled the data about Haishang Technology!"


City A, the branch office of Jiang Corporation.

Si Zhening was dexterously handling numerous documents and data that flowed into his computer. The ones which weren't crucial would be handled by the company's representatives while the important ones would be checked by him first before they got to the CEO's desk for approval.

His face was calm and composed but the movement of his hands were so fast that it created afterimages. The tasks that were considered hellish by the group of secretaries became as easy as pie when it came to him. The female secretaries who worked in the same office couldn't help but sneak some glances at him, their gazes full of marvel and worship.

The saying of men looked handsomest when they were working in full concentration truly befitting of Head Secretary Si.

This kind of scene was already a daily occurrence within the office and Si Zhening didn't give them any mind as long as they didn't stand in his way of completing his job on time.

He glanced at the wristwatch and frowned. "Where's the data I asked for two hours ago?"

Bai Jiya—the new intern secretary—straightened her back, her large eyes blinked pitifully. "Secretary Si, it's supposed to be Sister Mengya's job but today, she didn't clock in so I have to take over. Please forgive me for being slow~"

The rest of the secretaries buried their heads into their computers. Here comes another innocent lamb.

No matter how much they admired Si Zhening, no one dared to approach him because of one fatal reason. 

Yet, the new intern was still clueless of it because this period of time was a busy peak and nobody had the chance to tell her yet. They tried to give Bai Jiya signals through their eyes to no avail because the woman's eyes were fixated on Si Zhening with infatuation. 

Aiyah, this silly girl! Everyone shook their heads and shrunk their necks again when Si Zhening stopped typing.

In an instant, all sounds were sucked away and only the monotonous ticking clock was heard.

Bai Jiya blinked and looked around in confusion. What happened? Why was everyone so silent all of a sudden?

"So, you mean to say that you haven't finished it?" He pushed up his gold rimmed glasses, his movement clean and elegant.

Bai Jiya felt chills down her spine from Si Zhening's question. It was weird, he was clearly asking with a mild tone, so why did she feel so nervous? She stammered, eyes dodging everywhere. "I—I will do it as soon as possible!"

"How many minutes do you need?"

Minutes? Bai Jiya sucked in a deep breath, her face turning serious. She finally digested Si Zhening's question and answered based on her expectation. "Another fifteen minutes, please."

"Sure." The corner of Si Zhening's lips curled into a smile. Lights reflected on his silver rimmed glasses and fair skin. Coupled with his hair which was tied into a ponytail, he looked like a noble butler from the Medieval era. "I will give you fifteen minutes starting from now."




A/N: In case you missed it, Haishang Technology is the company which produced the human skin mask from Wu Wengen's case.

And Bai Jiya well _(:3」∠)_ she's Wei Xiameng's good friend but judging from her tone, it seems like she and Wei Xiameng are only plastic sisters. They all got intern in companies in Capital City? Talk about the coincidence....

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