Chapter 69 Stalemate

"As long as the English are repelled, the House and I will personally issue a decree for you!"

"The bravest among them will be personally received by Her Majesty the Queen Mother, and will also be made a knight with three villages as fiefdoms!"

Earl Allen's words inspired the Scots' desire to resist England. In a word, they inspired their subjective initiative.

Before the Earl could finish speaking, a messenger came to him.

"My lord regent, the English have arrived!"

Hearing this, Earl Allen immediately called an army of citizens and freemen to the city wall, and started a defensive battle with the soldiers.

Back to the English army in front of the city of Edinburgh. In the main camp, there are dense tents. Most of the soldiers are standing or squatting, and some are talking and laughing. They look leisurely and have no intention of fighting.

Beside the main camp, the Scottish prisoners of war who randomly used fences as protection, under the urging of the elite English cavalry, walked out of the simple camp one by one, walking around listlessly.

As captives, the Scots have not only been on the road continuously for the past few days, but also have only one meal of black bread a day, and sometimes they are driven to walk without a single piece of bread. They have no strength to walk one by one.

"You savages, thanks to the blessing of God, our Lord Duke Edward will give you a chance to be free!"

Gavin knew this fat man, he was the leader of the highland warriors who guarded himself and him, a greedy and vicious guy.

Even though Gavin looked down on this fat man, he had to listen carefully to his words, because this fat man can dispose of him as a prisoner at will, even if he kills him, no one cares!

"All of you, as long as you fill up that stinking ditch and come back alive, the 100 people who work the hardest will be free and go home!"

Tens of thousands of people suddenly fell silent, and less than ten seconds later, a mind-boggling call broke out at the scene.

Thus, tens of thousands of Scottish Highland warriors were forced to walk towards the walls of Edinburgh.

Gavin, like the warriors of his own tribe, struggled to hold a sack of soil, and followed the big man holding a big stone in front of him slowly towards the moat. His stomach, who hadn’t eaten all day, kept growling.

It was three miles from the camp to the moat, plus dozens of pounds of soil, Gavin felt that his thigh was not his own, and every step he made felt a piercing pain.

Seeing the moat, Gavin quickly threw out the sack in his hand before looking back around.

In a short distance of three miles, Edinburgh shot thousands of arrows, and nearly 300 soldiers fell down due to lack of physical strength.

More than a hundred people fell to the ground, screaming miserably on the battlefield where the intestines were flowing and the blood was all over the ground, and the calls for help were endless.

However, tens of thousands of people were buried in a landfill, and not even a shadow could be seen in this black city ditch.

In this way, after more than a dozen consecutive landfills, the moat formed a mile-long hard ground, a bridge through which the army could pass.

The tens of thousands of sharp arrows shot by the Scots took the lives of nearly 5,000 people and more than 3,000 seriously injured. The Scottish captives suffered heavy casualties!

At this time, the hostility in the hearts of the captives had reached a critical point, but Duke Edward sent a large amount of black bread at this time, directly suppressing the dissatisfaction of the Scots.

In fact, when Gavin ate the bread in front of him, he only had a feeling of happiness in his heart. He had been hungry for almost two days, and his shriveled stomach finally bulged!

After barely filling his stomach half full, Gavin was free to look at the fat man who had just arrived, and the Scottish captives who were just as hungry and thirsty as him.

"Dear highland warriors, everyone knows why I am here!"

The fat man looked at the highland warriors with big eyes, even though he knew they wouldn't dare to touch him, but his size, which was bigger than the average Englishman, was still a threat.

"After the Duke's instructions, Gotha, Wells..."

"These people are free, but you can't go to Edinburgh! Do you know?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! My lord!" The one with the most flexible mind quickly nodded and bowed, echoing loudly.

Watching more than a hundred people return to their home, Gavin couldn't help but feel longing.

"Don't be discouraged, the Duke said, as long as one of you can climb the city wall, he will be free!"

Looking at the remaining 5,000 captives, the fat man said calmly.

Suddenly, the cheers of the strong highland soldiers became more enthusiastic.

The next day, the highland warriors carried a long ladder and rushed up the city wall of Edinburgh. Gavin was one of them. He was the second to climb the city wall, with a sturdy buddy leading the way in front of him.

Almost all the falling stones on the city wall were blocked by him with his shield, and Gavin was not injured.

When Gavin climbed onto the city wall without any risk, he saw the sturdy soldier kneeling on the ground, surrendering his weapon to the group of militiamen holding long guns.

However, the militiamen who did meritorious deeds could not let him go, and stabbed him with a gun while his head was buried. The poor guy went to see God before he could see clearly.

Before Gavin had time to remind him, the soldier was bleeding all over the place. Gavin hurriedly prepared to climb down the wooden ladder, but the archers on the arrow tower had already aimed at him.

"咻—咻—咻—" Three arrows shot directly at Gavin's chest. Before Gavin could react, his body fell uncontrollably under the city wall, his body was bloody.

He lay on the corpse, feeling pain all over his body, breathing became more and more difficult, and slowly stopped breathing.

In this way, after a month of attack, only more than 300 Scottish prisoners returned to their homes with injuries, while Edinburgh was still impenetrable.

The English infantry also killed and injured more than 3,000 people, forcing the Duke to stop the siege and switch to a siege.

Edinburgh itself is a port. For a month, the ships aided by the French kept coming and going.

"Could it be true what little Edward said?" Duke Edward couldn't help thinking about Edward's letter.

Mohome Monastery, a monastery that has always been quiet, has many uninvited guests at this time.

"Grandma! Where is Queen Mary?" Harry was very polite to the oldest nun in the convent.

"No! Do you know that men are not allowed to enter the monastery?"

"Grandma, I won't go in! I'm interrupting you this time!"

Harry said politely to the old nun, but gestured to a dozen strong women behind him.

So, a dozen women entered the monastery one by one, and the old nun could only watch them go in. The dozen old nuns behind her also looked helpless.

After all, they are only women, and they are still old women, so they are helpless against this group of people.

The ferocious woman came to a remote courtyard, opened the door, and saw a beautiful girl of four or five years old playing happily with a maid in her thirties.

Thanks: nrphf5, Prussian nobleman, book friend 1815162023, XG Jason, Jinyu Yujin, lp001735, book friend 1371498682, DK, Feiyun, w00753, graffiti TTy, star dust, bring down my Great Qin is dead, Book friend 1887429393, Liangyi Shanger, Legolas~Windwalker, 0212, Tai Chi Hall, Mi Wanqianyao, Gujing Canglan, Love Stratosphere, 56-legged Mao Ge, pen inkstone and listening to the wind, looking up to Huanghua , Speechless A Fei, Walker, Book Friends 160414092341539, Rechido, Apprentice Knight Luo Xiaopang,

(end of this chapter)

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