My British Empire

Chapter 68: Mother and Daughter Dialogue

Chapter 68 Mother-Daughter Dialogue

Duke Edward quickly rode a tall horse to Earl Wellington's side, covered in dust!

"Good morning! Dear Mr. Duke!" Earl Wellington saluted fluently, with a smile on his face.

"Good morning! Earl Wellington, seeing you look so good, you must have captured Huntington!"

Duke Edward looked at the smiling Earl, and couldn't help but guess.

"You are so smart! My lord, Huntington has taken it, and our gate to Edinburgh has been smooth since then!"

"Yes! Earl Wellington, then let's set off now! I can't wait to see the city walls of Edinburgh!"

The Duke of Somerset was finally happy at this time, and his whole person seemed to exude a different kind of charm. I am afraid that this is why he attracted everyone who followed him.

"Follow your instructions, my lord the great Duke!" The Earl slapped his **** tactfully, making Duke Edward laugh out loud.

Subsequently, the cavalry who had rested for three days mounted their mounts one after another. Almost everyone had large packages hanging on their horses, which slowed down the walking speed of the horses below them.

Nearly 30,000 troops rushed towards Edinburgh, and the whole ground kept shaking. People who didn't know thought it was an earthquake.

At this time, in Edinburgh, Linlithgow Palace, in the bedroom of Queen Mary, the mother and daughter were looking at each other.

"My little Mary! Listen to your mother, and go to Morhome Monastery with Aunt Casey for a while, and my mother will pick you up in a while, okay?"

The Queen Mother had no choice but to put down her body to persuade her daughter in front of her. In order to talk to her better, she squatted in front of her.

The red skirt tightly wrapped her body, and her **** looked like two huge footballs from behind. It was full of temptation for all men, but unfortunately no one appreciated it.

"No! I won't! I want to be with my mother!" Little Mary twisted her head arrogantly, her lovely long golden hair grew to her waist, more than half a foot in length, and her round face was tense. The eyeballs are round and round, and the whole person looks extraordinarily cute.

"It's really urgent this time, my little queen, when I come back this time, my mother will definitely play with you non-stop!"

Seeing her daughter's angry and cute appearance, Queen Mary also felt very embarrassed, and couldn't help pursing her red **** lips.

"Huh! Mom is lying, do you think I don't know that the English are calling?"

Little Mary pouted, raised her chin, and looked as if she had fully grasped the situation.

"Who told you?" After hearing this sentence, the Queen Mother's face suddenly became a little ugly.

"Mom! It has spread throughout the palace, and everyone knows about it!"

Little Mary spoke in an exaggerated tone. In order to express clearly, she also drew a big circle with her delicate hands, and she no longer maintained her aloof image.

"Really? Does Mary love her mother?" The Queen Mother relaxed when she heard that someone had not intentionally passed it on to little Mary.

"Of course! Mary loves her mother the most! No one loves my mother more than I do!"

Little Mary said softly, her hands unconsciously hugged the Queen Mother's arm, and shook her arm from time to time, her whole body was almost hanging on the Queen Mother's body.

"Since Mary loves Mommy, can Mary do Mommy a little favor!"

"Of course at that time, mother, you can just say it! Mary will definitely do it for you!"

Little Mary spoke in a charming tone, and patted her small chest with her small hands, speaking with confidence.

Mary was very happy to help her mother, with two dimples on her smiling face.

"Okay! Then Mary goes to the Mohome Abbey to help her mother pray to God, okay?"

Queen Mary is like a wolf grandmother inducing Little Red Riding Hood, carefully making traps step by step.

"Well... alright! I'll just help mom this time, and I'll take three days when I come back, no! I won't have class for five days, and I'll play every day!" Little Mary is really too young, and she doesn't know how to explore the road. ! After thinking about it, he agreed.

On the second day after little Mary was sent to Mohome Abbey, Duke Edward led an army of more than 30,000 people to the city walls of Edinburgh.

Looking at the city in front of him, Duke Edward couldn't help but sigh with emotion. This is the place where he made great achievements and where he rose to prominence.

The height of Edinburgh's city wall is as high as forty feet. Edinburgh is built of stone, and the stone wall has the function of preventing fire and resisting attacks from bows and arrows and other projectile weapons. Down, climb up the steep city wall.

The defenders at the top of the wall can shoot arrows down or throw objects to attack the besiegers. The besiegers are thus completely exposed to the open space, and compared to the defenders who have the advantages of strong protection and shooting downwards, the besiegers are quite disadvantaged when shooting upwards.

The city wall is densely covered with arrow towers, which makes people feel numb.

Under normal circumstances, the arrow towers are built on the corners or walls of the city, and are set up at regular intervals as solid strongholds. The arrow tower will protrude from the flat city wall, so that the defenders in the arrow tower can shoot outwards along the direction the city wall faces. The arrow training at the corner of the city allows the defender to expand the attack surface and shoot from different angles.

In order to highlight the high advantage of the city wall, a moat was dug at the bottom of the city wall of Edinburgh, surrounding the entire castle, and filling the moat with water as much as possible to form a moat.

Earl Wellington, who had never seen Edinburgh, took a big breath after seeing it. It seemed that it was much stronger than the city walls of London.

Especially the wide and deep moat, with black and smelly foam, if you fall down, you will die or be disabled.

There are also the tall city walls and the arrow towers everywhere, just looking at it makes people feel numb!

"Now it's the Scottish captives who come into play!"

Duke Edward seemed to have expected this situation, waved his hand, and spoke with pride.

Earl Wellington showed admiration, this is true, no wonder Duke Edward has been taking tens of thousands of Scottish prisoners, so he still keeps this hand!

At this time, in Edinburgh, the regent, Earl Allen, urgently mobilized the private soldiers of various noble families, as well as the highland soldiers who had followed his orders and failed to catch up with the expedition.

Of course, as well as the citizens and free citizens of the entire city, they were all recruited by him and walked up the city wall together.

At this critical moment, all the people in Edinburgh were bound by the common interests, and they all united by the Regent's side, bursting out with amazing strength. In a word, this is the autumn of life and death.

Edinburgh, which originally had only 3,000 troops, has grown to nearly 10,000 after emergency mobilization. This is the limit for a city with a population of only 20,000.

"Dear citizens! As long as you kill 20 people, you can be named a knight, and slaves and serfs can become freemen!"

The Lord Regent dragged his exhausted body, and shouted loudly, quite a bit like exhausted!

Thanks: Longbowyan, Astak, you are so slow to update, Godist, Prussian nobleman, Lili 599, little white veteran, the owl is flying, the cute Hengheng, the speechless Afei, pull me down The Great Qin Dynasty is dead, love the stratosphere, Astak, ignorance is not wrong, Legolas~Windwalker, favorite left-handed, Xiaofei Bookstore, Walker, Pen Inkstone and Tingfeng, LancasterKoo, Minhang Dream Talk,

Thank you for the great reward

(end of this chapter)

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