Chapter 42 Navy

"My uncle! I am very sorry for what happened yesterday!" Edward said sincerely, "I can't help you much!"

"It's nothing! It's just a trivial matter!" Baron Thomas was very free and easy, but Edward, who was staring at him, still saw the trace of hatred in his eyes.

After all, on the wedding day, my wife was bullied by my family members, which really lost face, and for nobles, face is their pursuit in life.

"I am amazed at what Uncle Edward did!" Edward said in a childish voice, "After all, you are his younger brother!"

"Don't mention him, Edward!" Baron Thomas said angrily, "He simply doesn't regard me as a younger brother!"

"What happened last night, uncle! I think it's mainly due to your status!" Edward said solemnly, still staring into his eyes.

"What do you mean? Edward!"

"I said the main reason is that Uncle Edward looks down on your status!" Edward said with regret, "After all, you are only a baron, and he is already a duke!"

"As you know, Madam Anne, her natal family was originally an earl, and she would not look down on Aunt Catherine!"

"This is indeed the case!" The baron looked thoughtful. There was an indescribable gloom on his face, which seemed to indicate that he thought so in his heart. His right thumb was rubbing against the wedding ring on his left hand, and he seemed to be accumulating something.

Edward successfully analyzed the cause and effect of yesterday's incident for Baron Thomas, in order to awaken Baron Thomas' ambition, and even to use his ambition.

The reason Edward was looking for Thomas was for the navy in his hands. After all, he is now the number one in the navy.

As the king, Edward must control the army.

England's navy has always been weaker than the army, and its importance is not as high as that of the army, so it has not entered the sight of the regents.

So for now, Edward can only have the opportunity to master the navy,

Speaking of this, I have to mention England's navy.

In the Middle Ages, Britain didn't have a so-called "Royal Navy", in fact it didn't even have real warships. In time of war, the king has the right to recruit ships and personnel, so they get out of their daily work and go to the sea battlefield to serve.

Some kings sometimes pay for some naval forces out of their own pockets, so these two parts of the army are combined to fight together during wartime.

Wars broke out on the European continent from time to time. In fact, since the Norman conquest era, the British royal family has seized a large number of territories in France, and has to covet a larger territory. Hanging alone overseas, but constantly intervening in the war in Europe. The current Edwardian Tudors retained several small territories in France.

Those chicken thief British merchants saw and smelled huge business opportunities. In the beginning, some wealthy businessmen signed a contract with the king to contribute money and efforts to build a professional sea force for the imperial court, in exchange for trade privileges and tax-free policies. Later, this practice became popular in the whole society. In Bristol The practice of colluding with officials and businessmen such as ports such as the Wukou Joint Defense was even more popular for a while.

Henry V later discovered that it would be more cost-effective to form a dedicated fleet. But the fleet formed by the public at this time was not a battle fleet, but a means of transporting troops in the waters around Britain and the mainland.

After his death, all the fleet was sold for silver. During the Tudor Dynasty, the royal family continued to use the practice of signing charter contracts with contractors. The only change was that the scale continued to expand, and the specific terms were constantly adjusted.

Just two years after Columbus's first voyage, and three years before Henry VII sent John Cabot to Newfoundland, Spain and Portugal negotiated and reached an agreement at Tordesillas, agreeing to use a meridian 370 leagues west of Cape Verde as the dividing line for the Defining its sphere of influence, all territories to the west of the frontier belonged to Spain and to the east to Portugal.

Henry VIII inherited only 5 ships when he ascended the throne; although he was not as rich as the second generation of the emperor, he still worked hard to create a standing fleet during his reign.

Not only did he develop his navy to the size of more than 50 ships, but more importantly, this "fleet" is no longer a separate and improvised group of wandering soldiers, but has begun to take shape in a fixed organizational form, so There are many documents that regard him as the founder of the British Navy.

However, under this aggressive momentum, his strength is strong from the outside, and his "navy" is only a defensive force, because this is the critical moment of religious division, and he has no other intentions, and he has improved to a higher level. Henry VIII and his father Henry VII also foresightedly established shipbuilding facilities which later developed into Portsmouth, Telford and Warriors Naval Shipyards.

"My dear uncle, let's make a deal!" Edward said directly to the baron, without any delay or beating around the bush.

"I want to borrow the navy under your command!"

"What? Edward, you are joking!" Baron Thomas seemed to hear a humorous joke, "My lord! This is not the time for joking!"

"I'm not joking! Dear Lord of the Admiralty!" Edward's expression was very serious, and he narrated in a flat voice without being disturbed by the baron, as if he was telling someone else's story.

"Then my lord, I don't know why you borrowed your navy?" The baron was infected by Edward's calm demeanor, and his tone became serious.

"Your Excellency! Don't you know that the Thames wine produced by my winery has been sold throughout Europe?"

"Yes! But Your Majesty, do you need the navy to serve you?"

"Yes! You don't know, pirates are getting more and more rampant!" Edward said shamelessly, still taking it for granted.

"It's time for the navy of England to serve His Majesty the King of England!"

"I think you think so too! My dear uncle!"

"Of course! It is an honor for all marines to serve His Majesty the King!" Minister Thomas raised his hat as a sign of loyalty to the king.

"I believe in the ability of Your Excellency, Minister! In my opinion, your title and ability do not quite match!"

Edward said solemnly, and a political deal was completed during the conversation.

"Your Majesty! Your decisions are always so wise!" His Excellency the Baron was overwhelmed by the news, and his words trembled a little!

Thanks: Peter?, Chi Bingxin, Minhang Dream Talk, 56-legged Mao Ge, Hell Sky No. 1, Xiaobai Veteran, NGCASD, book friend 6xxxx48, book friend 212xxxx16, Lili 599, shell shell, elegant notes, dancing in the wind The Buffalo ②, Lancasterkoo, Tiandi Shendiao, everyone supports you with your votes.

Originally, I had already asked for leave today, but I thought, I can’t destroy my continuous update record for more than a month, and I can’t let everyone’s support live up to it! So I gritted my teeth and updated! Thank you for your support!

(end of this chapter)

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