Chapter 41 Secret Talk

"Is this true? Catherine!" The baron was caught off guard by the happy news.

"En!" Catherine lowered her head and smiled happily, tears mixed with joy.

"Thomas! Do you think my situation is dangerous!" Catherine rubbed her delicate face with the baron's hand.

Catherine is 36 years old. In the 21st century, pregnancy and childbirth are dangerous things, let alone in the Middle Ages when medical care is simple, this is no less than a hell!

"It's okay! Catherine, I will invite the best doctor in England!" The baron seemed to feel unsafe, and said emphatically.

"Don't be afraid, Catherine! I will invite the best doctor in Europa! No matter how much it costs! I will be with you!"

"Thomas! You are so kind!" Catherine shed tears of excitement, and Baron Thomas' love words touched the softness of her heart! What a sensual woman!

Hearing this, Edward curled his lips, disdainful in his heart. Under normal circumstances, the conception is two or three months later, that is to say, not long after Henry VIII died, they began to have an affair. And it is very likely that it started when Henry VIII was seriously ill.

Thinking of this, Edward involuntarily fantasized that the color of the hat on his father Henry VIII's head turned oily green.

Hoping that he would not have such a result, Edward left quietly and returned to his room.

The next day, Edward came to the restaurant. The Marquess of Northampton, the Duke of Houghton, and the Baroness Seymour were all present. When they saw Edward coming, they all got up:

"Good day! His Majesty the King!"

"Good day! Ladies and gentlemen!"

The arrival of Edward prompted the nobles to salute meticulously. For nobles, etiquette has completely penetrated into every aspect of ordinary life.

The Marquess of Northampton, the Duke of Houghton, and Baron William leaned on their right chest with their left hands, took off their hats with their right hands, and bowed their bodies slightly forward while nodding to salute Edward.

The Duke and Duchess of Somerset refused to attend the banquet on the grounds that they were unwell.

The ladies need to bend their legs slightly and lift their hands slightly on both sides of the skirt, nodding to Edward.

During meals in the Middle Ages, the host must sit down first before the guests can sit down. Therefore, Edward can only sit down after the baroness and his wife are seated first, instead of sitting according to status like in China.

"Your Majesty! Gentlemen! Ladies! For the success of my wedding with Catherine, let's have a toast!" The baron first proposed to drink the first glass of wine, his face was flushed, and everyone could see that he must be in a very happy mood. Alright, then I toasted and drank together.

Edward was naturally unavoidable, raised the red wine, and took a sip.

In the Middle Ages, as the host, it is obligatory to propose the first glass of wine. After the first glass of wine, the host and guest can toast each other.

And just like in China, talking while eating and talking while drinking were allowed at that time (it was gradually considered impolite after the 17th century), and just like in Northeast China, both sides of a toast must toast to the end, which is not the case now Take a sip of the saying.

Fortunately, Edward has practiced since he was a child, otherwise he would really be unstoppable.

Edward had just recovered from the impact of the red wine, and not long after, he saw the Baron pour himself another glass of wine and stood up.

"Your Majesty the King! Your Excellency the Duke and Duchess, and Your Excellency the Marquis!" The baron paused and cleared his throat.

"I'm here to announce something important!" The baron's face showed a blush, and Catherine beside him seemed to know what he was going to say, and hurriedly lowered her head, blushing from her face to her neck.

"My wife, Ms. Catherine Seymour, she is about to bring a member of the Seymour family!" At this point, Baron Seymour's excitement was beyond words.

"Is this true? My sister!" The Marquis of Northampton was very concerned about the news. He felt very guilty about his sister since he was a child. She sacrificed too much for the Parr family.

To explain here, in 1529, at the age of 17, Catherine married Edward Borrow, 2nd Baron Borrow of Gainsborough. Edward died in the spring of 1532.

In 1534 she married John Neville, 3rd Baron Latimer of Snape, North Yorkshire. In 1536, during the Pilgrimage of Mercy, Catherine was taken hostage by northern rebels along with her two stepchildren. John Neville died in 1543.

Basically she married very old nobles, and their fertility was basically degraded.

It was Catherine who became the queen, William Parr became the Marquess of Northampton, and his uncle became the Duke of Houghton.

So the Marquis is very concerned about Catherine's future life, and if she has children, her position in the Seymour family will be further consolidated.

"Yes! William, it is a joy to receive God's blessing!"

"Oh! My God! Today is such a pleasant day!" Lord Marquis of Northampton's exclamation was filled with joy, and it can be seen how happy he is.

The elderly Duke of Holden on the side also showed a smile on his old face, while the two ladies hurriedly left their seats and ran to Catherine's side to pass on her pregnancy experience.

Afterwards, the entire dining room was covered by cheerful voices, and the baron's laughter echoed in the castle. After all, this is also his first heir. Is the excitement uncontrollable!

It lasted until the afternoon, and the whole castle was immersed in a joyful atmosphere.

"Boom boom boom!" "Come in!"

"Squeak——" Lucy bent her knees slightly, lifted both sides of her skirt, and saluted the baroness couple.

"Respect Your Excellency the Baron! Your Majesty the King has something to discuss with you, and I would like to invite you to go to the study!" Lucy walked in, and her light and crisp voice disturbed the baron couple who were talking, which aroused the baron's displeasure.

"Thomas! Edward invited you to the past, there must be something to discuss with you!" Catherine's voice was very gentle, persuading the baron.

"You go first! Come back later!"

"Okay!" The baron's words to Catherine were full of indescribable tenderness and pampering!

"Lucy! Let's go!" "Yes! Lord Baron!" Baron Thomas faced Lucy, and regained his majestic expression.

Soon! Baron Thomas arrived at the door of his study, which was brightly lit.

"Boom boom boom! Your Majesty the King, the Baron has arrived!"

"Understood! Bring him in!" Edward said without hesitation when he heard Lucy's voice.

"Squeak—" Lucy brought Baron Thomas to Edward.

Lucy left without Edward's instructions, and closed the door of the study.

"Dear uncle! I have something to discuss with you!" Edward looked very serious.

Thanks to: Prussian Noble, Stardust, lxa-X, Kancasterkoo, Death Knight Commander, Kiss Love, everyone’s support, this is a big update for 56-legged Maoge, Prussian Noble!

(end of this chapter)

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