Chapter 530: Leaving



Those voices came out when the doctor said that. They needed time to understand what just happened and the new information that they received and she too needed time to recover. So all of the X-men left.

After coming out of the room, Erik said to Charles

"Charles. I need a favor from you. I want all of the mutants of the brotherhood to go into hiding and not engage in any form against the Sentinels. We need time, and this won't be possible if these people of mine go into battle without a proper leader."

Charles looked at Erik for a second and then said

"So you are banking on the fact that she would lead your team of mutants to another Earth where the mutant kind can live in peace?"

"Oh c'mon Charles I am sure you are thinking of the same thing." Erik said

Charles got silent when he said that. He really was also secretly hoping that she would lead all of the mutant kind away. To a better place where they could live well and away from constant fear and persecution from the general people.

He too hated it like Erik did. But there was nothing they could do. It was either accept it or fight it. Now all they could see was a chance and a hope that everything would be perfect later. Charles went to Cerebro to tell all the mutants of his brotherhood to hide and get away from any confrontation.

The brotherhood was surprised that Erik had decided to be at the mansion of Charles for sometime but they didn't question him back and trusted him. They were in Russia, so even though there was a hatred for mutants there, the use of US based tech in their countries wouldn't be easily greenlit. So they were safe for now.

In this way 1 week went by with Beast taking up classes and explaining how the multiverse worked to all the X-men while they all had a general talk with Chavez of her past life. They thought that she was joking when she said that she hailed from a Utopian Parallel.

But it seemed like their world was really perfect. Or at least as perfect a world could be. But at the end even the Gods got jealous and just annihilated their world. Now she was the only living person from her world. They felt sad and fearful too.

The Sentinels here just hunted the mutants but that crazy guy hunted everything. If Sentinels didn't get them, Annihilus would definitely will and their mutant kind wasn't large and powerful enough to hold their ground.

So they needed help!!

And after 1 week of recuperation, Chavez was finally ready to go and look for more powerful people. She already got the idea of how powerful the people were here. The notion of several powerful people here gave her hope that she could fight against Annihilus but she knew that this wasn't enough.

At the end Chavez was ready to go to another universe to look for more people such as them. And on this journey she had decided to take two people with her.

Erik and Charles.

No matter what, at the end of the day Chavez was just a teenager and both of them weren't very comfortable with just a teenage girl going to another universe and trying to convince them to let them join in a war.

It was fortunate that she landed near the school of Xavier. this might have turned real ugly if she had landed somewhere else. And since Charles was a telepath and Erik had control over magnetic fields, they would come quite handy in this journey.

"So are you both old men really going on such a dangerous journey? Isn't this more suitable for me?" Logan asked as he saw the two men getting ready and packing their bags.

"Says the guy who only knows how to piss people off." Scott commented from back.

"I only piss you off bud. Not others." Logan retorted.

"It will be fine. I can take care of myself and Charles. It's you who needs to pipe down and be calm." Erik replied.

"If you both are done with your daily rants and showing who is sexually dominant to Miss Grey here, can we leave?" Chavez said as she wore her iconic jeans jacket.

Hearing such words both Scott and Logan froze on their spot and all the other X-men burst out laughing. Chavez had the audacity to speak in such a manner in front of these people who everybody feared. Even Jean couldn't help but smile when Chavez said that though she felt a little shy too.

"Alright enough chit chat. We are leaving. Don't do anything outrageous until we get back." Charles said as the wheelchair rolled.

"Miss Chavez, we can leave as long as you are ready." Erik said.

Chavez nodded her head as she made a punching motion from her right hand. The hand emitted a hazy blue light in a stream.

The blue light stream got bigger as it travelled and enlarged into a hole. A hole that looked like a portal and from there they could already see a different place.

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