Chapter 529: Decision

"Charles, what are you talking about? Have you gone nuts?" Logan said as he couldn't believe what his long time friend just said.

"Professor I think.." Storm was going to say something but she stopped when the Professor held out his hand to stop them from speaking.

"I know what she said sounds very weird but what she said is true. She doesn't belong to our Earth. Rather she doesn't belong to our universe. Her universe was invaded by a force which came from an antimatter dimension. And she is the last one alive. We need to help her stop this menace and maybe while helping her we can help ourselves." Charles said as he interrupted her.

"You mean to say all the hypothetical theories of the multiverse are real?" Beast asked as he got excited. Being a genius he had studied about this theory before but never delved into it. He thought it was just a fantasy story but now from the words of Charles and the girl it might just prove to be real.

"Charles. Are you serious?" Erik asked. He wasn't that knowledgeable about the multiverse theory but from the words of Charles he could infer that there might be multiple Earths out there. This alone gave him many ideas just like it did to Charles.

"Yes. Now Miss Chavez. Tell us how we can help you?" Charles asked.

"You have already looked into my mind. And you have seen him. Though I think it;s rude, I won't hold it against you as I don't have much time to convince you all. Yes, we need fighters. Do you have sufficient powered people here? If not, after I heal I will go to other universes and convince people to help in this upcoming war." Chavez said.

All the X-men now got serious as they understood by now whatever bullshit that they were listening was for real and not just a theory. Beast proceeded to explain the theory of multiverse to them with the little knowledge he had on this topic. Chavez too corrected some of the notions related to the multiverse.

"So there are multiple Earth's out there? And there might be Earth where we can live in peace?" Logan asked as he was pretty much pumped up now. The mere thought of leaving this Earth was enough motivation for all the people present in the room.

"Yep." Chavez replied.

All got silent as everybody had their own thoughts now. They could finally see a silver lining and this girl could be the key to a brighter future.

"At first we need to face this being before we settle our problems. We will need all hands on deck." Charles said as he was the only one who looked into Annihulus and they needed huge firepower just to face this guy.

"Then we need to gather all the mutants for this job." Erik said as he had his own calculations.

"Annihulus had a treaty with our Earth of not invading our place ever and leaving us in peace. We had gone to war against him long ago and there was too much death and destruction. He is a paranoid being who thinks everything has evolved in the universe to end him. But since he couldn't win over us, we finally managed to come to an agreement of non-aggression pact. But this broke a year ago when he suddenly started invading and killing all the people and planets in our universe. His Cosmic Power over antimatter proved too powerful."

"His army of bugs and sheer numbers proved too much for us.... At the end... My mom and dad..." Chavez continued but she already had tears in her eyes while mentioning her parents. Her parents sacrificed themselves to give her a fighting chance and forced her to leave for another universe and seek help. She had seen all her friends, family and every person she knew die in front of her.

She fought for a long time but even with her powers she couldn't save anyone and at the end of the promise which her father made she was made to leave for another earth. This was how she ended up here. All bloody and wounded.

"So we need people? We mutants can help." Logan said.

"It won't be enough. We will need an army. Even with all the mutants we have we still fall short." Charles said.

"Miss Chavez, from your words it seems that you can travel to other Earths. Will you travel to other Earths to bring in more people?" Erik asked.

"If the numbers aren't enough I would have to travel." Chavez said as she nodded her head.

"Alright. You should fully heal before you make any decision. I know the time is tight but we can't do anything before you can fully function." Dr. Reyes said as she interrupted others' thoughts. She really needed to heal before she could use her powers completely.

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