Chapter 524: Cerebro

"Scott have you contacted the mutants from Egypt?" Professor X asked while rolling his wheelchair in a long tunnel.

"Professor, they are not responding. I have a very bad feeling." Scott replied while walking alongside him. Beside him were Wolverine and Storm. They were on their way to Cerebro. The huge device that allowed Professor X to tap into the minds of all the people of Earth, both human and mutant kind alike.

This could be said as one of the most powerful weapons that could wipe away everyone from Earth if it fell on the hands of a strong telepath like Professor X, Jean or Emma.

The Sentinels had started hunting mutants from the brotherhood and Magneto was on the run. Though the mutants studying in the school were still safe, there was a general fear for the government's plan. The US President has started the Operation : Zero Tolerance.

It was a project to bring all 'harmful' mutants under justice. Though the US President has assured that this operation was only for the mutants who are harmful to the society, any normal lawmaker could easily point out that the lines between peaceful and harmful mutants has always been blurred.

For this reason, the atmosphere in the school wasn't so happy any more. There was a general sense of fear. They had seen how brutal and cruel the Sentinels were and most of the mutants had no faith that they or the X-men would be able to hold them if they came after the mutants in general.

"We should have contacted Erik long before and killed this project before it could be launched properly." Logan complained.

"How do you expect us to stop a project which we had no idea about. And how do you propose we should have done it? By killing the men responsible? I am sorry Logan, I can never cross the line." Charles said.

"Oh yeah!! How about you and the whole mutant kind dying? How will you compensate for the deaths of so many people all over the world? Your stance of inaction has divided the mutant kind for such a long time." Logan argued back.

"Then we would have been better off joining the Brotherhood of Erik?" Charles said in a more pitched voice.

"Stop it you two. People are dying and you both are questioning the morality of each other." Storm shouted out loud to stop both of them from arguing. They all have been frustrated with what was going on and nobody had any kinds of solutions.

There was one, but Charles wasn't going to take that step and that was using the Cerebro to launch an attack at White House and stop the operation altogether. No matter what Charles wasn't ready to take this step.

They were going back to Cerebro because they needed to contact Erik and find out what exactly was going on with the mutants under him.

But the moment he was going to step inside the Cerebro he stopped. Charles moved his head and looked in the direction which was outside the school. He was astonished by what he 'saw' or rather felt when he looked at the direction.

There was a woman all bloody and bruised lying half dead and unconscious. She was in such a bad condition that if she wasn't treated fast, she would die.

"Storm there is a teenage girl on the gates of the girl. She is almost dead. I want you to take her to the medical facility right now." Charles ordered Storm with a sense of urgency. He didn't peep into the head of the girl but he could tell that this person needed help.

Storm was surprised by this and ran outside to bring this injured girl to the medical wing. Logan and Scott were surprised by this sudden emergence of a girl out of nowhere.

"Another mutant? Now they are hunting underage girls? In the countryside?" Scott asked.

"I didn't look into her mind, Scott. Her mind is on the verge of collapse. If I poke it right now, she might just die. Let her heal then we can get proper answers."

Storm meanwhile flew to the gate of the school where many mutant kids were looking at the unconscious girl from far but nobody approached out of fear. Storm seeing this was quite angry.

"You guys need to learn compassion. A wounded girl was lying in the premises and nobody even bothered to help her. We teach you to be a person of the society, not treat a fellow mutant kind as an alien."

Storm said as she took the girl in her arms and flew away. She expected that the injured girl was a mutant as she had appeared here out of nowhere and with all the problems going on with the sentinels it was almost customary that the sentinels might have attacked her.

Little did she know that this girl would change the whole future of mutants forever.

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