Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 523: America Chavez

Chapter 523: America Chavez

Earth now was completely safe from the magical dangers and beings. All that was remaining was inhabiting the new moons. The governments were already in negotiation about acquiring land on the moons with Umbrella.

Since the Avengers themselves were responsible for the new moons, the land rights went to the Avengers and Umbrella Corp. This was the idea of Tony as he didn't like the idea of loss as they had to go through while cleaning up the old satellites. So real estate on the new moons was what Tony was banking on.

But he also knew that the land on these moons were more what the people could buy so he asked LexCorp to release the news that the aliens from the Nova Empire could come and settle here. The Lex Corp themselves could come here and establish a branch of them. Earth now was ready to accept alien people and technology.

Lex almost jumped into the offer. He had been away from Earth for such a long time and at the end of the day he missed his fellow 'planet-men', fellow humans. Though he now was a Councilman to the Nova Empire, at the end of the day red blood flowed through his veins. So when Tony asked if he wanted to establish a branch here, he accepted the offer immediately.

Many rich people from Nova Empire too got excited at the option of

The governments who were negotiating for the land were dumbfounded to see new players on the real estate business of the moons. They didn't expect that Umbrella would take such a bold step and even got ready to lease and sell land to aliens. Though they had been dealing on many projects on Mars, Umbrella never got into this particular business.

But now the game has changed.

The governments thought that by trying to be tough they would be able to acquire more land on cheap money and use them as resource mining but this was now out of the window. Whatever price the governments were paying the aliens were able to pay more.

They got really angry and even threatened to close the Umbrella Corp working at Earth by saying that Umbrella had done a crime by giving more preference to aliens instead of allowing the humans to live on the moons.

Of course Tony never cared and took them to the court for defamation. This case went on for a few months when everybody was settling down on the new Earth. As expected the cities and towns now had started expanding more. Thanks to the new form of automated fast cars and other modes of super fast transport, the long distance that had creeped up didn't feel too far any more.

Honestly if Umbrella now stopped working the whole world would go to a stand still. They had immense power now, more power than the governments could ever acquire. Most of the analysts predicted this to happen when the new world was being made but they could do nothing about it. The Avengers and Umbrella had too much power.

The power of God was not something that they could just gloss over like it was nothing. Nobody would want to lose their life even if none of the Avengers ever threatened. But the fear of super powerful people remained. It was fortunate that the only thing the Umbrella did was business and they would only retaliate when something went against the business ethics of theirs. This was a strict policy implemented by both Tony and John.


Earth - 10005

As such huge changes were happening on Earth-199999, another Earth was facing a crisis. A crisis of their own making.

The crisis of the sentinels. Sentinels hunting down all the mutants. The mutants' numbers were reducing day after day as the sentinels were relentless in their hunt for mutants. The mutants from the school of Professor X or the X-men and the Brotherhood had come together to join hands and face this crisis.

Yes, this was the Earth where there were only X-men. The world which never had Avengers. The earth which was under the 21st Fox-Century until recently marvel acquired all the rights again.

The normal story that was supposed to happen was that Wolverine would go back in time, or rather the consciousness of Wolverine would go back in time and stop the emergence of Sentinels altogether. This whole time travel worked just like the Flashpoint. Only difference was that there was no running involved.

But due to John's messing with everything in the multiverse, the story here too didn't follow the actual line. Because their Earth had a visitor from another place. And as we know any small changes in a time stream could cause a butterfly effect. And this time too it happened the same.

When the visitor arrived at this world, she was all bloody and bruised. She landed right at the school of Xavier.

The person who arrived was America Chavez.

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