Chapter 128 - Trouble In The Bar



Jun Tai Hua was tired of his friend’s behaviour. "Until when would you learn? You are losing her already."

But Luo Jinhai did not want to go. He already felt his heartache badly that Li Jing did not pick her call just because she was with another guy and now this?

"Okay give her a call and see if she would answer you. If she picks, meaning he may just be a friend or a colleague. If she does not, at least you know there is something going on between her and the other guy."

Following his friend’s advice, Luo Jinhai put a call across to Li Jing.

She checked the caller once more, unaware that Luo Jinhai was watching her and kept the phone in her bag then continued her probing.

Since she was busy getting Ye Cheng to agree with her, she did not want to pick her call and let him have the wrong idea that she was at a bar drinking. He would be too worried that something bad had happened and made her go drink.

"You see, I told you so. What are you going to do about it?" Jun Tai Hua asked again.

Just then, Li Jing and the guy she was with, till now they had no idea who he was since his head was bent low, suddenly stood up and began heading for the door.

"Now it is your chance. Go and meet her. Let her see you at least," Jun Tai Hua urged him.

Seeing that this may be his one chance to get her to talk to him, Luo Jinhai stood up from the chair and walked briskly to block their path.

Li Jing who was more focused on holding Ye Cheng did not see the person that had blocked her path until her name was being called out.

"Li Jing."

She looked up to see who it was and her eyes locked with his.

"Luo Jinhai." The look of shock on her face did not go unnoticed from Luo Jinhai’s sharp eyes. Right now she looked like a child caught in the wrong.

"Li Jing you did not pick your call when I called you. Why are you ignoring me? Is it because of him?" The way he said ’him’ echoed out his jealousy.

Following the line of his sight, Li Jing could see that his gaze lingered on where she held Ye Cheng tight by his arm.

"Jinhai senpai, it is..."

"What do you want to say? You are ignoring me for him, Li Jing. A guy that is only going to waste your time just like Duan Tian did. Don’t you think?"

"Don’t talk to her like that," Ye Cheng cut in, raising his head slowly.

He was okay with anyone insulting him but he was not okay with someone insulting Li Jing. They always get her wrong and assumed the worst and it pained him that most times it was because of him.

"Ye Cheng!" Luo Jinhao was a bit taken aback by what he saw. Never would he had imagined that Ye Cheng would be the one Li Jing was with. That had further made his heart clench.

Just from what he saw today, it was obvious something was going on between them, so he thought.

"Li Jing, what is going on? Why are you with him? Why him huh? What about me?" Luo Jinhai peeled his gaze from Ye Cheng and looked at her with sadness and a pain-stricken face.

Before she could answer he was already giving her the judgmental look and that had only angered Ye Cheng.

"Do not waste your time with him. He has so many girls around him, they would make things difficult for you. Besides, I have been the one there for you all this while. Why am I not enough for you Li Jing, why are you picking him over me?"

"Luo Jinhai, I did not pick anyone over anyone. Ye Cheng and I are just friends."

"Lies. I see the way you hold him, the way you look at him. The look of concern and longing etched deep in your eyes. Who are you deceiving Li Jing? Stop lying and admit the truth. What really is your relationship with Ye Cheng?"

They were already causing a scene at the bar and arousing the attention from the at the bar.

"In fact scratch that. I do not care what it is. I can give you more. I can care for you better than he would ever do. Come to me, Li Jing."

He pulled on her hands, drawing her close to himself but before Li Jing’s body could move, someone held her hand tight, preventing her from going anywhere.

"Ye Cheng let her go," Duan Tian urged him but he did not budge.

Rather he took one look at Luo Jinhai, his eyes burned with a new kind of passion. Gone were those dull empty ones. What lay in its wake was something Luo Jinhai did not understand anymore.

The next minute, he slowly shifted his gaze away from him and looked at Li Jing.

She looked so cute with how flushed her face was right now. Whether it was from embarrassment or from anger or shyness or whatever it was, Ye Cheng dd not know.

One thing he knew was that she was very beautiful.

She gazed back up to meet his eyes at the same time and he could see a flicker of pain in her eyes and tears began to gather in those soulful brown eyes and felt his heart clench from what was about to happen.

No, he did not want to see her cry. She deserved better and more.

Li Jing who was feeling so sad about how things were turning out was surprised to see the look in Ye Cheng’s eyes and at the same time, a dark glint flashed before his eyes.

Ye Cheng leaned down, face forward with eyes closed and pressed his lips against hers, kissing her fully on the lips.



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