Chapter 127 - A Means To An End



Yet he prides himself as been brilliant and intelligent, still, all these rubbish happened right before him, at the heart of his company.

If that wasn’t stupidity at the highest, Ye Cheng did not know another word to describe himself.

He knew once his father caught wind of it, he would not fail to let him hear how incompetent he was.

Letting out a deep sigh, Li Jing took her seat opposite him.

"I do not want you hurting yourself. Yes, it is okay to feel bad but they are not worth your tears."

She did not understand much of what happened but she had later gone back to meet Han Qing Qing and asked her again.

That was when Han Qing Qing revealed that Ye Cheng had kicked both Hao Huizhong and Bai Qing Mei out of his company.

And that could mean one thing... He found out the truth that she lied or both of them lied to him. Still, she wanted to hear the truth from him as he had been avoiding her ever since but then again, now wasn’t the right time for that.

"I never told you, but listen to this. Then you would understand why I am like this."

He brought out his phone and played the audio recording for Li Jing to hear.

After listening to everything that went on, Li Jing’s face completely changed. Those idiots were not worth his pain or his hurt or even his forgiveness one bit.

What had he done to deserve such useless friends anyway? Li Jing who rarely cursed was having all manner of insulting words run through her head for those two.

She was deeply sorry that he was betrayed by those two and for a person who had gone through something similar, she knew just how much it had hurt him.

That was when the one question that had been itching her to ask sudden came out. "You loved her didn’t you?"

Slowly, Ye Cheng lifted his head so that he could look her eyeball to eyeball. His eyes were dull and void of emotion. I t was as though the only trace of emotion left was just pure emptiness.

That was what he was feeling right at that moment and nothing more. He had drowned himself so much in his sadness and the hurt from their betrayal that he was now empty both within and without.

Sudden a small burst of laughter escaped his lips, making him look like a sexy bored god who just heard something funny for the first time that day.

But on a closer look, one could tell the sadness and the pain etched within that sound and buried deep in those eyes.

"Love! I think I did. But who cares about love anyway? You heard her, she openly denounced what we had. I was a fool to have agreed to date her when she confessed her love to me. I just did not want to lose our friendship and decided to give it a try."

He paused and his eyes seemed to have zeroed in on something but his lips never stopped talking as his mind took him down memory lane.

"We went out that night, all three of us and after they both got drunk, they started spilling secrets. Hao Huizhong, that bastard." At the mention of his friend’s name, his eyes blazed with fury but it only appeared for a split second and it went back to the same dull ones of before.

"Hee, he made her confess her love to me. Then I thought he was being supportive but now, it all made sense. It was for her to get closer and kill me from the inside. Those conniving."

He stopped talking and picked another bottle of wine and gulped one-third of its content into his mouth before looking at Li Jing and continued.

"She did. She confessed her love. At first, I did not give in to her but two months later, Bai Qing Mei started changing. She became depressed about my rejection. She was a different person from what we knew. Our friendship was breaking apart because of it, because of me and he told him to consider and give it a try."

"And you did."

"What kind of boyfriend would I be if I did not try to return her love. I never wanted to hurt her and months later, I started opening up to her and letting my feelings go but it all turned out to be a huge and bloody mistake."

"I am sorry, Ye Cheng."

"No, no, no. Do not be. You shouldn’t. She should be instead but then, she isn’t even sorry for what she did. None of them was. What was I to them? Just a means to an end?"

He gulped another mouthful of drink and dropped the bottle anyhow. Regrettably, his hand and hit one of the empty bottles, falling it to the ground and making a loud noise that attracted everyone.

Li Jing knew that he had to leave before he got tipsier than this, else things may go haywire.

A waiter rushed over to clean up the mess and Li Jing quickly apologized on Ye Cheng’s behalf.

"Ye Cheng, come on, let us go. You have had enough already."



Somewhere sitting in that bar were two men drinking and talking at the counter. The moment Ye Cheng had fallen the bottle, it had attracted their attention as well to this table.

"Wait, isn’t that Li Jing?"

"What, where?"

"Are you now too drunk to not see clearly?" Jun Tai Hua asked.

Luo Jinhai squinted at their table before he could see that the lady holding the tipsy guy’s hand was none other than Li Jing.

"What is she doing here? I thought she was at work." Luo Jinhai muttered to himself.

"Tsk, why not go over there and find out." Jun Tai Hua advised. From the look on the table, it did not look like a work-related something at least.

"No. It is okay. I would talk to her about it later."

"There you go again, giving up. Look at her coming here to soothe another guy, why you drown yourself at a corner."

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