[Part 2/4]

After dismounting the horses, we spread out mats on the snowy ground or sat on rocks after brushing away the snow. Each of us took out preserved food from our supplies and efficiently filled our stomachs while holding bamboo or gourd water flasks.

"Well then, shall we continue?" Iruka asked she rode her horse.

"Yeah," I replied, my tone cautionary yet supportive, "as long as you go around moderately. Don't push yourself to go too far." My words carried a note of concern for her well-being.

Iruka and another soldier rode on horseback to patrol the surroundings during our break. They had been scheduled to take over the patrol from another group halfway through, as the break was scheduled for half an hour.

"Tomobe-san...!! Can I eat with you?"

After tying the horses, Shiro trots over and timidly makes such a request. With a childlike expression, she anxiously waits for the adult's reaction while also hoping for a positive response.


I slightly loosen my expression at her reaction and respond by clearing away the snow from a suitable-sized rock nearby.


Shiro's face lights up with obvious joy. She runs over and sits on the edge of the rock where I am sitting. Then she takes something out of her pocket to show me.

"Hehe. Tomobe-san, look at this! I found it in the cellar of the storehouse!!"

She shouts with excitement, and what she shows me is a small bamboo tube. When she opens the lid...

"Yokan, huh."

As I examine the contents of the bamboos tube from right to left, I can tell what they are. The officer must have stocked it for entertaining guests. Well, it doesn't seem to have any mold on it. It must be new.

"It's commendable that you're not keeping it all for yourself, but shouldn't you tell Iruka about it?"

If she finds out that she didn't get her share, she'll definitely sulk later.

"That person... probably won't divide it equally."

Shiro says that while avoiding eye contact. It's difficult to deny. With two Yokan, she would undoubtedly take one whole yokan for herself without batting an eye.

"Haha, you're right. Let's keep it a secret between us, then. Here, take half. Let's eat it quickly before she comes back."

As I receive one bamboo tube, I hand the other one to Shiro. She receives it with a hint of excitement, sniffing the aroma of the Yokan. Her fox tail, sticking out from behind, sways back and forth.

"Well then, let's dig in."


Taking the Yokan out of the bamboo tube, I bite into it, while Shiro chews on it eagerly. The sweetness of the filling and sugar spreads in our mouths. Mmm, delicious. '(′•∀•` ) Papa, I want to eat too.' You can't eat it. 'w(゚Д゚)w What tragic heroine I am…'

"Well, it's definitely different from potatoes one. It feels like a waste to eat it all."

Ignoring the nonsensical remarks echoing in my mind, I suddenly remember something about the future.

"By the way... around early spring, there will be a Joraku (act of a sovereign or imperial ruler traveling from the capital city to the provinces). Are you planning to accompany?"

It was a question I had in mind, considering Azuma, the former head of the Onmyoji Dormitory. Most likely, the other party would request Shiro's presence during the Joraku (act of a sovereign or imperial ruler traveling from the capital city to the provinces) to see how she was doing. And, somewhat inevitably, I...

"Y-Yes. I heard that the princess is trying to arrange various favors... but, um, it's bothersome... isn't it?"

Shiro hastily answers my question, then immediately shows a bashful upward glance. Well, it's quite an expression that's difficult to react to.

"No, it's a promise, you know. Besides, it was the princess who decided to take care of you. Even if it's just a whim, it's the princess's duty to go through the trouble. I'm a servant, so I just have to follow when it comes to work."

For now, I encourage her while shifting all the responsibility onto the princess. Well, the princess prefers the glamorous capital city over the rural Northern region, so it should be fine. ...Probably.

"I'm sorry..."

"I told you not to worry about it. When we go over there, maybe we can bring back some potato yokan as a souvenir? Well, I'm afraid my wallet is too tight, though."


As I take a bite of the yokan and suggest that, Shiro's expression becomes complicated, but she does indeed smile as if finding it amusing. That's good. While overly energetic kids can be troublesome, it's better to be cheerful than feeling down.

"Now then, just the yokan won't be enough, right? Here, have this..."

Perhaps due to the deliciousness, Shiro finishes the yokan first. I then give her some dried meat from my supplies, knowing that protein is crucial for growth. As she takes a bite and enjoys it, I turn my focus back to the remaining yokan. However, my concentration is broken by the arrival of someone nearby.

"What do you want?"

"Is there a rule that says I can't come here if I don't have anything to do?"

Approaching with heavy steps, it's Hikorokurō. I respond to his words by shrugging my shoulders. Meanwhile, Shiro anxiously hides behind me, peeking out to observe Hikorokurō. Sniffing in response, Hikorokurō displays an unpleasant expression at her reaction.

"Hah, as always, you're good at hiding behind others. Can't let your guard down with this fox monster. Clever little thing."

"Hey, cut it out. ...We have a cooperative relationship, and while I don't care what you think deep down, I'd appreciate it if you refrained from saying it to my face."

While comforting the frightened Shiro by patting her head, I warn Hikorokurō. In response, Shiro clings to my legs. From Hikorokurō's position and the norms of this world, I can understand his remarks, but I have also experienced being helped by this white fox. Besides, given my promise with Azuma as well, I couldn't help but voice my objection to avoid stirring up trouble beyond a certain extent.

However, Hikorokurō's perception of my words was highly unwelcome.

"Tsk. You're messed up in the head too. Being so indulgent towards a half-youkai. I hope you're not into that kind of thing toward that white fox?"

Hikorokurō accuses me with a remark that could be taken as a joke or seriously. As I grasp the meaning behind his words, I visibly grimace. I couldn't control my reaction; it was highly disrespectful. Without delay, I swiftly respond.

"Hey, don't say things that aren't funny. Sorry, but I have a preference for a well-built figure, you know?"


If I were to add, I prefer someone graceful, gentle, and with a calm personality. I find strong-willed or hot-tempered individuals to be rather intimidating, like they might be yandere. ...Anyway, for now, I'll just ignore the indescribable gaze I feel from behind for now. Children are pure-minded beings. It can't be helped. It's better than being suspected of being a lolicon.

"I admit that you seems to match my taste for women. So, what about it? Is that little white brat your sister or something?"

Without asking for it, Hikorokurō proceeds to make assumptions about my preferences, and then he tilts his head at the way I treat Shiro—'(`・∀・´) I'm his daughter'—Shut up already!

"Sister? What the hell are you talking about?"

"Oh? Is that not it?"

"I was actually surprised by such a sudden line. Even if we're siblings, we should resemble each other at least a little... Wait, don't you know what I look like?"

Considering I almost always wear a hannya mask, it's understandable. Could it be because of that...?

"There's no way. I'm not that stupid," Hikorokurō said.

"Well, the acting commander, Fire, also has a sister. I'm sure he treats her the same way as yours," another soldier chimed in.

"Despite having such a wicked face, he's sweet to his sister?" I asked.

"If he were just sweet, that would be fine. He's all lovey-dovey and affectionate. It's moving to see him endure drinking hot water after training just for the sake of a birthday hair ornament," the soldier replied.

"You b*stard! I'll chop you all up and bury you in the snow!" Hikorokurō exclaimed angrily.

As the other members of the soldiers, who had been eavesdropping on our conversation, mockingly jeer, Hikorokurō unsheathes his sword and angrily scatters threats. Startled, his teasing colleagues flee the scene, and upon catching a glimpse of it, he begrudgingly sheathes his sword.

"You have a sister?" I inquire, my curiosity piqued by this unexpected revelation.

"What's wrong with that?" Hikorokuro retorts sharply, his voice laced with defiance.

His response catches me off guard, and I pause, searching for the right words. "Well," I begin, choosing my tone carefully, "it just gave me a slight sense of familiarity. I also had a sister, you know."`

"I see..." Hikorokurō murmurs, his voice trailing off. He locks his gaze with mine, and a subtle crease forms between his brows, reflecting his puzzlement. "Well, I suppose you spiritual power-holders are born from under a human's loins too. But why... past tense?" The words hang in the air, his query laced with a touch of concern.

"No, it's not some tearful story about her being deceased or anything. She's alive and kicking even now. It's just... we'll never meet again as siblings, that's all."

Our relationship is like that of a servant and maid, which is sufficient given our work responsibilities. And I am satisfied with this arrangement. Besides, I want her to live a peaceful and long life. I have no intention of dragging her into any trouble. '(^ω^) I want to heard about her' No, I don't want to involve her, no matter what.

"I see. It's good to hear that you had a good relationship as siblings. ...Do you have any other family?"

Hikorokurō asks while munching on dried sweet potatoes, most likely borrowed from the storehouse. I stop my inner ramblings and respond.

"I have two younger brothers. As for our parents... well, I can't exactly say they're in good health. My father had his legs eaten and became disabled."

"So, there's a little brat with spiritual power there. Well, it's not an unusual story. Selling oneself into servitude isn't that uncommon."

"Yeah. It's much better than the whole family being scattered or wiped out."

Falling into slavery, ending up in a brothel or a mine, or dying of freezing, starvation, or illness... none of them are rare in this world. As some Pomeranian said, life is about playing the hand you're dealt. If it results in selling off one child, just as Yukine mentioned, it might even be considered lucky.

Well, I guess I had a naive perspective back then, trying to get involved with the original work and cheat the system. Perhaps my circumstances were partly self-destructive... '(*´∀`) And then I met Papa!' ...Yeah and I regretted it immensely.

"I see. ...In a way, my situation is somewhat similar."

"Oh? Did you lose your main source of income?"

"You could say that. ...In my case, our parent vegetable sellers went to town to sell our goods and never returned. According to the inspection by the city patrol, they were probably eaten along the way. So, I reluctantly ended up at my grandmother's place with my sister."

However, with only their grandmother in the house, two hungry kids in their prime found themselves unable to be adequately fed. So, his only option was to enlist in the military, where, despite receiving a low monthly salary, they could at least have their basic needs met.

There seems to be a proverb in China that says, "Good iron does not make good nails." Even in Fusō-kuni, the military isn't exactly a popular employment option due to its dangers and low pay. On the other hand, it's not difficult to find a job as a foot soldier, and there are preferential treatment measures such as slightly reduced taxes for households that have soldiers. Some people join with those expectations.

"I see. It sounds tough for you too."

"Well, I'm not trying to brag about misfortunes or anything. ...D*mn, why are we even having this conversation?"

Hikorokurō complains about the taste of the food as he tears a piece of dried sweet potato and throws it into his mouth without savoring it, washing it down with a swig from his water flask. I also notice the presence of the white fox looking up at me with disgruntled expression by my side, as I try to bring a piece of Yokan to my mouth with a bamboo tube in my hand.

"What's wrong? Why are you staring at me like that? Did something happen?"

"...No, nothing at all."

I inquire, but the white fox remains silent, simply gnawing on the dried meat with a sullen expression. She bites at the meat's fibers with her canine teeth, chewing and crunching loudly. Her actions resemble those of a ferocious carnivorous beast. I can't help but think that she still carries the blood of a beast youkai, without any particular meaning. As she licks her lips, the movement evokes the cruel and bewitching presence of Korishiraki (Korishiroki).

I sigh, partly amazed at what I might be thinking, and attempt to resume my meal for the third time when I suddenly stand up.

"Hm? What's the matter?"


Hikorokurō and the white fox react to my sudden action, turning their gaze in the same direction as I glare. Their expressions grow stern.

Approaching from beyond the snowy field is a figure on horseback, and it is none other than Iruka and the others who left for their patrol not long ago.

The problem is, it's not yet time for the shift change for their patrol. It couldn't be that they got tired of their work and decided to finish early. The situation surrounding us is far from peaceful, allowing us to be carefree and joke around.

"...Let's temporarily stop the meal. Prepare for leave."

With a sense of foreboding, I give instructions to those around me...

*To be continued*

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