[Part 1/4]

Onitsuki Tōuya, a member of the Onitsuki family and part of the younger generation belonging to the Northern Region Exorcists family, was weary of the scene unfolding before his eyes. The situation unfolding before him was both ugly and foolish.

"To begin with, isn't the fault of this incident on the Hanachouin Family and the laziness of the county? Why must we be the ones to clean up their mess?"

"Exactly! We should just condemn their incompetence and withdraw! This is a complete contradiction to what we were told. We shouldn't be held responsible!"

Several members of the elder group declared, or rather, berated. A few others expressed their agreement with approving words.

"But... it's not that simple. If the Imperial Court were to audit us, they would make a mockery of our previous actions. Instead, it might even put more pressure on us. We should consider the risks involved."

The cautious opinion was voiced, but its contents were merely for the sake of self-preservation within the family.

"And on top of that, they sent that Akō family young ladyhime-sama. This could be a bit troublesome, don't you think?"

Another Onitsuki exorcist sighed deeply. The Akō family, a prestigious clan from the western region, was somewhat of an anathema in the eyes of the majority of exorcist families who, if not openly, were internally wary of the imperial court. Considering their unwavering loyalty and obedience to the imperial commands... it was doubtful whether the young lady would easily comply with their request. Even if she did, there might be lingering suspicions.

"So what should we do? Should we send more reinforcements from here?"

"No, that would be foolish. According to reports, they already lack enough supplies for evacuations. With this shortage, it would be impossible to evacuate even the residents of the county capital, let alone the villages on the border. In that case..."

"Fight? That's impossible. Our opponent is none other than Namahage!"

As soon as that name is mentioned, almost all the attending exorcists in the assembly become unsettled. It becomes unavoidable.

Namahage, it was an existence that the Onitsuki family, a prestigious clan in the field of exorcism, preferred to avoid confrontation with. And if it were to come to battle... on three separate past, the Onitsuki family, based in the Northern region, was mobilized in response to the imperial orders for suppression. The results need not be mentioned again.

That is why everyone hesitates. While it is true that they are committed to their family duties, they cannot muster the same level of determination as if their lives depended on it. There are also factions within the Onitsuki family. No one wants to draw such an unlucky lot that brings no benefit to themselves.

And so, the discussion remained unresolved for an indefinite period. No one is willing to make decisions or nominate individuals to take responsibility. Indeed, even in this third meeting, following a rest and sleep since yesterday evening, nothing has been decided.

"How frustrating."

The meeting is too fruitless. Moreover, Tōuya understood well enough that as a young boy, his influence in discussions is little, and his opinions are neither sought nor required. With a yawn, he quietly mutters, aware that he is merely observing the argument in front of him as if it were happening to someone else. It is a fruitless waste of time, offering no stimulation. And so, he is starting to get fed up with it.

"Tōuya, what do you think? Personally, I think we should at least send some reinforcements... Should I volunteer?"

The silver-haired girl, his fellow young member seated right next to him, addresses Tōuya. Unable to hide her anxiety and impatience, she unintentionally catches Tōuya's wandering gaze. Because she still seems to be taking this absurd meeting seriously.

"Hold on, if you raise your hand, they'll just say that a little girl is being too assertive, you know?"

"But... if things continue like this, time will just keep passing, won't it?"

In response to Ayaka's desperate plea, Tōuya coldly considers that there might be some who actually intend for it to continue that way. However, he can't say such a thing to the girl right in front of him.

"Well, calm down. ...After all, nobody with real authority is offering any opinions."

As Tōuya muttered to himself, his gaze flickered towards the far end of the lengthy assembly hall, where a lean man sat on a cushion, his arms folded, silently listening to the deliberations.

On either side of him sat two girls, potential successors to the head of the family... They remained in a formal seated position, with closed eyes or fans covering their mouths, distancing themselves from the chaotic discussions.

Or rather, as soon as the meeting concluded, the candidates for the next head of the family would immediately engage in conversations with their respective faction supporters. Tōuya had observed them having secret discussions in the study or corridors of the estate, as well as exchanging messages through shikigami, including those outside of the house.

Tōuya couldn't fathom the purpose or content of those interactions, but they were certainly working behind the scenes. The fact that they maintained silence meant that their plans had not yet come to fruition. In any case, they wanted to avoid getting too involved in the current situation, where various conspiracies and machinations could be lurking. No, they should avoid it.


Ayaka, who still seemed intent on saying something, abruptly fell silent. Then she turned her gaze on Touya. She momentarily felt a sense of doubt, but she quickly understood the reason and turned her face to follow his line of sight. And it was the same for almost all the attendees gathered in the room.

"Everyone, I apologize for interrupting your gathering. I have come to make a report. May I proceed?"

As the shōji sliding doors opened, Shisui, the head of the servant group who had not been present at the meeting appeared, bowing deeply.

"Yes, go ahead."

And now, at this moment, Yuusei, who had remained silent without uttering a single word, spoke hoarsely. Some of the attendees glanced at him with suspicion for a moment.

However, their attention quickly shifted as the head of the servant group began his report.

"Very well. Let me report. First, negotiations with the Hanachouin Family and the Kagaku Family, the successor family, have concluded. Both families have pledged full cooperation and the dispatch of personnel for this matter. Furthermore, other households involved in this mission have also expressed their commitment to mediate with the imperial court."

The meeting hall buzzed with murmurs as Onitsuki Shisui, the head of the servant group, continued his calm and steady speech, still bowing respectfully.

"Lord ShisuiShisui-dono, is that true!?"

"Having the Kagaku family and their resources on our side is reassuring, considering Hanachouin's blunder."

"Other families have also cooperated remarkably in mediating for us. Moreover, we received this news just a few days ago? To accomplish this in such a short period..."

Amidst the astonishment of the attending members, only Uemon stroked his beard and unabashedly, or rather blatantly, let out a triumphant, if not slightly malicious, chuckle. And everyone realized the reason why Shisui was able to secure cooperation from the various families.

"Furthermore, we have made arrangements to procure the supplies that were lacking due to the negligence of the local authorities. The Tachibana family's trading company has informed us that they have available goods stored in Shiro'oku's warehouse. They claim that by utilizing the river, we can transport the necessary supplies to the county within three days... Princess Aoi, I am grateful for your intervention."

This time, all eyes turned towards the peach-colored princess in response to Shisui's statement. The princess herself smiled silently behind her fan, concealing her mouth.

"Well, with this, we might be able to manage somehow."

Tōuya sensed that the atmosphere in the meeting quickly shifted to optimism. He also noticed the relief on the face of the archer girl standing nearby. At the same time, he clicked his tongue. Unlike her, Tōuya understood that this resolution didn't mean everything was resolved.

"Now, the question is who will take command on the field."

"I have acquaintances among the Kagaku family, so I could..."

"No, no, I should take the lead here."

"Hold on. Sneaking ahead is not admirable. In times like this, we should listen to everyone's opinions, shouldn't we?"

People who had been engaged in futile arguments, pointing fingers at each other, suddenly tried to seize the mission, one after another. It was even more grotesque than before. Tōuya couldn't help but sigh in exasperation, resting his cheek on his hand. Ayaka next to him wore a similarly perplexed expression. He wished they would finally recognize what kind of family they were. And the discussions in the room gradually heated up...

"Silence, everyone."

Those words echoed surprisingly well in the spacious room. The room, which had been filled with noise, fell silent all at once in response to the head of the family's statement.

"First and foremost, I commend you, Head of the Servants, for your negotiations. And Aoi, you have been a great help to the Hidden Group."

In response to the family head's words of praise, Shisui replied quietly, Uemon arrogantly, and Aoi calmly—each in their own way.

"Now then, everyone. With the situation having changed like this, it seems we have no choice but to dispatch our clan members to handle the situation. Any objections?"

The members's response to the clan head's question was silence, an affirmative one. The family head nodded slightly and continued.

"In this case, other families will also mobilize an appropriate number of personnel. Therefore, it will require the coordination of a large group of people. ...Head of the Servants, with your experience, you should be capable of leading a large number of people. You are also the one who negotiated this matter. Will you take on this task?"

Some of those present in the meeting were mildly surprised by the family head's command. Given the relationship between the family head and Shisui, it was unexpected for such an order to be given in this situation. All eyes then turned to Shisui, observing his reaction with anticipation and tension.

"…I humbly accept."

Shisui's voice was devoid of any agitation or tremor. It was a calm and indifferent response, like the surface of a still water.

"Very well. Shisui, you shall represent our family and state your requirements. Whether it be people or resources, we intend to fulfill them to the best of our abilities."

The family head continued the conversation without paying any attention to Shisui's reaction and he still requested Shisui's demands. To those who were unaware of the circumstances, it seemed like an ordinary request. However, to those who understood the situation, it was an extremely unusual sight.

...By the way, Ayaka represented the former group among the young members, while Tōuya represented the latter group. Having heard various stories from his father about the past, Tōuya had started to seriously doubt whether the family head was just playing dumb or wearing a mask of a monster based on the events of the past few months.

"Understood. Then, without hesitation..."

And so, unaware of Tōuya's inner thoughts, the situation before him continued to unfold one after another. Shisui responded to the family head's words and began stating one, then another request. Tōuya, on the other hand, observed the attendees in the meeting, scanning their reactions with his gaze.

"And the young one wish to have Touya-dono accompany them."


At the sudden mention of his name in the meeting, Tōuya unintentionally let out a voice that lacked any enthusiasm...

* * *

In the 13th year of Emperor Seiri's reign, on the seventh day of December. The sky was clear, as if the heavy snowstorm from the previous day had been a lie.

"Alright, everyone got the necessary supplies? Anything left behind?"

'( •̀ ω •́ )✧I'm good!'

"I wasn't asking you, okay?"

Or rather, don't talk to me inside my head. It might seem like I'm talking to myself.

"What are you doing?"

"Just talking to myself, don't mind it."

Giving Hikorokurō a puzzled look, I muttered so to dismiss the matter and continued with the task at hand. I threw the torch towards the main building of the station. With oil and straw prepared in advance, the fire quickly spread throughout the building.

Setting fire to the station wasn't an act of madness or venting frustration. It was a perfectly natural task for someone who undertakes the duty of exorcism.

The remains of youkai can become food for other youkai. Therefore, when I stepped into the station and encountered the corpses of youkai, it was only appropriate to gather them, douse them in oil, and burn down the main building along with them.

By the way, the soldiers who died in the recent battle were buried separately. No matter how greedy and pragmatic the people in this world may be, there are taboos. In this country, treating dead humans alongside youkai was considered the ultimate insult.

"...Well then, let's go."

As the main building of the station burned brightly, and with the confidence that it would thoroughly carbonize the youkai packed inside, I pulled the reins of the conspicuously blue-maned dark horse in the snowy field and made the declaration.

"Well, we'll take our leave then," I announced, my voice carrying an air of authority.

"Fire commander, you are a very curious one, huh?" the soldier commented, his tone laced with a hint of amusement to Hikorokurō behind me. "But for us, we didn't have enough lives to spare for joining in the search for monsters," he added, his voice betraying a hint of weariness.

Following the prior agreement, two of the soldiers army we encountered at the station chose to return to the county capital, leading their horses and heading east. They cowered at the decision of their remaining colleagues, partly because their hometown was not on the route that Namahage was expected to take.

Anyway, after saying goodbye to the two who went their separate ways, Hikorokurō and other soldiers, myself, Shiro, and Iruka—'(^ω^) Don't forget about me!!'—embarked on a northern route from the station. We now had a total of five horses, including the original two. With supplies borrowed from the station's storehouse, we made our way through the snowy path, keeping a watchful eye on our surroundings with our improved visibility.

"Stay alert in the vicinity! We don't stand a chance in a fight. Find them before they find us!"


Only Shiro obediently responded to my orders, while the others gave casual replies like "Sure, sure" or "Okay, okay." Although their replies were casual, they were indeed maintaining a level of vigilance in their surroundings... but it wasn't very tight. '(´・ω・`) Hey, you are in the same situation, right?'

Ignoring the spider's word, the march continued for a little over two hours. By the time the sun had risen directly overhead—around noon—I declared a rest at the entrance of a suitable forest.

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