[Part 2/4]

Whether Shizu's inward curses were directed at Yun-shoku himself or at the first princess who was utilizing his presence in the political struggles, she despised them both. They were obstacles to her loyalty towards the individuals she revered, as well as sources of anxiety.

"Shizu-dono, please."

"...Yes. Thank you very much."

Suppressing her overflowing hostility and hatred, Shizu accepted the teacup graciously, lifting it to her lips with solemnity.

"An exquisite offering."

With a friendly expression, she made the declaration. Shizu was well aware that her evaluation also affected the position of her esteemed lord.


Only Hina, by her side, narrowed her eyes and stared at Shizu without anyone else noticing...

* * *

"Halt! Halt! We will set up camp here tonight! Everyone, start working according to the pre-arranged plans!"

Upon arriving at the open plain in the mountainous area, I shouted from atop my horse to every corner of the line. I had acquired information about the geography of this entire area from the Hidden Group, who had scouted ahead. The mountain paths were treacherous, and the weather was unpredictable. Today, we planned to rest at this point and reach our destination, the area where 'Mount Hōraku's Mayoiga' stood, by noon tomorrow.

"Well then, for now, let's establish our base camp."

I entrusted the perimeter surveillance to the Hidden Group, and the meal preparation was being managed by the miscellaneous laborer under their own chain of command. I gave instructions to the Servant Group from each family and the hired laborers.

"Half of you will set up the tents, and the rest will prepare the temporary boundaries. As for the horses and cows, gather them in the open area over there. There's plenty of grass for them to eat."

As I rode my horse, moving swiftly from one place to another, I provided updates and reports. For the exorcists from each family, such tasks were considered the work of subordinates, and among the Servant Group of each family, the Onitsuki family had the most organized chain of command. Many of the team leaders had poor organizational skills. As for the laborers, needless to say, the worst of the lot.

And so, it was inevitable that I needed to coordinate and command them among themselves. If the regular exorcists were officers, then I was like a senior non-commissioned officer. ...It's a rather subtle analogy.

"Tie the rough ropes around those trees and over there, there, and there. It's heavy, right? Pull!"

Ensuring the tents and firewood were secured wasn't much of a problem due to the nature of our work. The challenge lay in deploying the temporary boundaries.

The servants were currently carrying the said boundaries, thick ropes attacged with multiple charms. The ropes were stretched from the trees as their base, marking the boundaries of the perimeter. It was called "Shayōjō" or "Youkai Sealing Rope," a curse-tool that contained spiritual energy. Typically, a boundary relied on the exorcist's own spiritual power or the spiritual energy from a spiritual vein. Unfortunately, the former couldn't be sustained for long periods, and the latter's main vein ran through the area where the Mayoiga was situated. Even securing the peripheral veins required a suitable place for a large group to camp, which was not always available. So, these boundaries lacked immediate responsiveness.

However, the "Youkai Sealing Rope" was expensive and consumable, yet it could be set up anywhere along a suitable base point, providing high responsiveness for deploying barriers. Another significant advantage was that it didn't deplete the exorcist's spiritual power.

However, setting up a base point on the ground and drawing the ropes took time, making it practically impossible due to the risk of underground attacks. Additionally, the boundaries were powerless against opponents with resistance or abilities against spiritual arts. During the kappa incident, physical barricades such as inverted trees and fences had to be constructed. Nonetheless, they were effective when establishing short-term and temporary bases like this.

"The boundaries have been set up!"

"Alright, understood. I'll inspect them now."

As the servants reported the completion of their work, I nodded and walked around with a basket I had prepared in advance. Along the way, I plunged my arm into the basket, which was filled with something, and dropped its contents along the border of the boundaries. Each time I did so, sparks flew, accompanied by the faint screams of small, weakened youkai.

This was mainly a confirmation that the boundaries were functioning. The moment the small youkai collided with the boundaries, they turned into embers. After confirming that the boundaries were fully operational, I allowed the removal of the emergency posture and granted permission for rest, excluding the necessary security personnel.

"Well, that should do it..."

Having given instructions and confirmed the work, I guided my dark-blue horse towards the area where the other horses and cows had been gathered.

"I know, I know. You're heading there now, so calm down."

I calmed my shivering and growling beloved horse. I knew why he was unhappy.

As we reached the open space, the horse dashed into the herd as if skipping. With its imposing physique, it pushed aside other horses and cows, sticking its head into a corner of the grass and began greedily munching. It probably snatched the most delicious patch of grass. While the surrounding horses and cows grumbled and protested, the horse itself paid no attention. It seemed to possess quite a thick-skinned temperament.

"You shameless creature... Don't start trouble with the others, okay?"

I dismounted from the horse, soothing it while stroking its neck. It shivered and growled in response, but I didn't think it truly understood my words. Even if it did, it seemed like it was just giving a perfunctory response.

( ´・∀・`) Papa, I'm hungry too!

"You're noisy."

I cursed the idiotic spider's word that sent directly to my brain. I cursed, but the vexing problem was that I couldn't let this stupid spider starve to death. What's so sadistic about having to raise a creature that wants to eat you...?

"...Around here should do. Come on, finish up quickly."

I dismounted, took out a insect cage from the load on my back, and, finding a suitable thicket, checked for any onlookers before entering. Once I found a suitable rock, I sat on it and prepared my meal.

I rolled up my sleeve, disinfected my arm with alcohol, and placed a large spider about the size of my palm on my arm. Yeah, it's creepy.

'(*´∀`*) Thanks for the food! ( ̄з ̄) Chuu♪'

With a joking cry, the sh*tty spider ruthlessly sank its fangs into my arm. A dull pain surged through my body. It sucked my bodily fluids, my blood, along with the wretched Youbo (youkai mother) factor.

"Hey, hey, what are you hiding in the bushes for? Did you molt your skin or something?"

"...Is that sarcasm?"

In response to the alcohol-laden voice from behind, I turned around with a skeptical look. As expected, there stood a shabby laborer in hemp clothing, wearing a hat. She held a bottle of sake, probably stolen from somewhere, which had become a customary sight. Seeing my expression, the blue demon grinned so widely that it seemed her mouth might split open. She bared her sharp fangs—( ゚ε゚;) Smooch smooch (^ω^) I want to taste your sweat!. Like I care, you fool.

"Hey, don't read too much into it. You're the one who said that. Oh, man, I couldn't help but burst into laughter! I was rolling on the floor, clutching my stomach!"

She probably knew that the spider was proclaiming foolish things in my head. The blue demon continued to mock me unnecessarily, recounting a certain scene from Hotoya Village with glee. She had a consistently nasty personality.

"Come on now. Hehehe, want a drink?"

"No, thanks. And don't sit next to me."

The demon sat down right beside me and offered the sake bottle. I promptly rejected it, gripping my dagger tightly and assuming a fighting stance. It was a battle of verbal exchanges, a stylistic back-and-forth.

"There's a lake one and a half ri (6 km/3.7 mil) west from here."


Suddenly, she made a completely unrelated statement, and I couldn't help but let out a foolish voice. Then, I looked at the demon. Our gazes met. The blue demon smiled with delight, as if her mouth might split open.

"Hey, there's a group of youkai over there. The leader is a huge great youkai, Ōsanshōuo (Japanese giant salamander). Its subordinates... well, around two or three hundred, I guess? They might have caught wind of us and are heading this way. It would be better to strike early, don't you think?"

"Why are you telling me this?"

The information seemed dubious, but what seemed even more dubious was why she was bothering to convey such a story to me. Even if I were to humorously assume that she was enjoying my pitiful state, struggling in an unexpected situation, from a safe distance while enjoying her sake, or maybe she would expose me at the last moment like in Hotoya Village...

"Hey, that's a harsh evaluation. Even so, I'm giving you this information because I have a high opinion of you, you know?"


"Yeah. Your performance in the recent fight against Yamanba was quite impressive. It was commendable that you decided not to rely on that ugly creature's power!"

Kukukuku She burst into vulgar laughter, drank from the sake bottle, and exhaled with a sake-laden breath, wiping her mouth with her sleeve. Then she continued.

"Well, well, I have to admit that I underrated you. You exceeded my expectations. It's only natural that I reward you."

"...You've got to be kidding me."

'( ゚ε゚;) Slurp? (ノ´Д`) No worries, I'll just eat again!'

I internally berated the spider, thinking it wasn't for her sake, while pinching its butt that continued to suck my blood. For an instant, the spider lowered her foolish face, flapping her legs, and demanding a refill, but I throw the spider into the depths of the insect cage with the sensation of throwing it into a dustbin. I immediately closed the lid.

Now, about the demon's earlier words. If I didn't have prior knowledge of the source material, then there was some credibility to her words. However...

"I hope you don't expect me to believe your words and then get punched, do you?"

"Well, who knows?"

It was a response that tested me, filled with mischievousness. Alright, then there's no problem.

(Rather, it's more suspicious when things are said clearly.)

Considering the demon's nasty personality, a somewhat ambiguous response that couldn't be easily interpreted was more trustworthy... not that I could trust too much, though.

"Kekeke. It seems you've made up your mind, huh? Well then, let's get straight to the point. As for me... I'm not fond of unrefined fellows who've come here."


The blue demon, who had shown a smile like a child looking forward to a snack, suddenly contorted her face and spat out her words. Before I could understand her meaning, a gust of wind swept through the surroundings. I instinctively blinked for a moment. And in that moment, the drunken demon before me vanished like a mirage...

"Demon? Hey, where did you disa-"

"Who's there?"

Just after the annoying demon disappeared, I began searching in all directions. In the midst of that, I heard a voice that exuded a noble and intelligent impression. I turned around, and at almost the same time, the other party seemed to have spotted me.

"Princess Hina?"

"Yun-shoku, is it? What a coincidence to meet here."

In response to my call, Hina's lips relaxed, and she whispered. Her expression was gentle, filled with warmth and benevolence. It exuded a gentle impression that would put the other person at ease...

"Um, ah... yes, well..."

"Hehehe. It's better not to give such feeble responses. If it were anyone else, they would scold you for it."

"Yes, um... I apologize!"

As Hina smiled wryly, I replied dumbfoundedly, and then immediately realized how awkward the situation was and tried to bow my head.

"No, it's fine. Stop."

Hina, who had come close to my side, grabbed both my shoulders and prevented me from bending my knees. I looked up. Before me stood the first princess of Onitsuki, staring at me with a solemn expression...

"Princess Hina?"


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