[Part 1/4]

On the 10th day of Kisaragi (February) in the 14th year of the reign of the Emperor Seiri, The Onitsuki Family, granted permission by the Imperial Court, embarked on a mission to the forbidden third-class territory, 'Mount Hōraku,' alongside the Sakuama family, the Igarashi family, and six other Northern region exorcist families. Their objective was, of course, to eradicate the 'Mayoiga of Mount Hōraku.'

The extermination operation, carried out by multiple exorcist families, consisted of three stages. First, the vanguard team secured the path to Mount Hōraku, ensuring the safety of the route to the target 'Mayoiga' by eliminating the hordes of miscellaneous youkai roaming within the forbidden territory.

The second stage involved isolating and monitoring the surroundings of 'Mayoiga.' Find the boundaries in all directions and prepare to deploy a boundary using the spiritual energy sucked from the branches of the spiritual veins as fuel. This was done to gather the dependent youkai that would likely be expelled once 'Mayoiga' was destroyed and exterminate them in one fell swoop.

Finally, the third and final stage arrived. This is where the main group arrives. It is unnecessary to attract more youkai by densely clustering individuals with immense spiritual power. Hence, they were held in reserve until preparations were complete. Along with the vanguard team, they unleashed their most powerful techniques, striking relentlessly and showering the enemy. They focused their firepower, tearing through the outer shell and destroying the core in one swift motion. The remaining youkais hiding within the Mayoiga would be expelled to some extent, and the boundaries would ensure their thorough eradication. With that, it would be finished.

By the way, this time, the Onitsuki family's head, Lady Onitsuki Sumire, and her daughter, Gorilla-sama, as well as the master-disciple duo Murasaki and Tamaki, are scheduled to accompany the main force. Most likely, Suzune and Iruka will also come as their escorts. With this lineup, there should be no risk of encountering danger, or so I would like to believe.

"...That's the method to exterminate the 'Mayoiga' that even a monkey can understand. Well, as always, it's up to the exorcists to take the lead, while we handle the miscellaneous tasks. I certainly don't expect much from rookie youngsters like you. You can focus on keeping an eye on the surroundings."

As I rode on horseback, I arrogantly declared to the nearby group walking beside me.

"...Although, with this many people, the surveillance might become strict."

"You're making too much noise, you damn brats!"

When I questioned the exhausted and sweaty kids, barely making their way through the mountain, they immediately responded with high-pitched insults. Hmm, it seems they still have some energy left. Oh, I envy the young ones. But...

"Don't get emotional and start shouting. It's like telling those youkai exactly where you are. If you want to live longer, you need to control your emotions and be aware of your surroundings... You wouldn't want to end up as a feast for those monsters, would you?"


As I offered advice as their senior, the leader of the brats clicked his tongue with vigor. The rest of them either glared at me or looked around anxiously, each displaying their own reactions.

"...Yun-shoku, don't scare them too much. The brats will just shrink away."

Kashiwagi, appointed as the team leader and instructor for the kids, turned his elderly face towards me. He stroked the head of one of the frightened youngsters and shrugged his shoulders, sighing.

Being a long-serving member of the servant groups, Kashiwagi had been capably fulfilling the role of team leader for the past two years. He was already accustomed to dealing with younger individuals. That's why he was chosen for this position. And it seemed like the decision was not wrong, judging by the kids' unwilling but unresisting attitude.


"Hey, can you say that? Have you forgotten the hardships you faced with Miss Ayaka in the midst of the mist?"

I countered his opinions based on our shared experiences. In the mountains infested with mists, where all senses went awry, we were surrounded by youkai without even realizing it, resulting in a disastrous situation. Has he forgotten about it?

"Fortunately, I didn't end up as a ragged cloth like Yun-shoku did. So... I'm not saying we should let our guard down, but given the characteristics of our target and the number of people, we don't need to be so tense. The brats can't handle it."

Kashiwagi retorted casually and glanced at the line. The vanguard team consisted of ten exorcists and around forty Servant Group members, while ten members of the Hidden Group were on guard duty around the line sides and periphery. Including the miscellaneous caretakers and laborers, the total number exceeded forty. Despite being slightly undermanned to completely destroy the target 'Mayoiga,' it was still a sufficiently sizable force.

Furthermore, no matter how many times I count, it feels like there is one extra laborer. It seems like there's a noisy demon (oni) cracking lewd jokes, but I won't point it out. She's good at obstructing perception for no reason.

...Oops, I'm getting off track here. Well, based on my past experiences, encountering a great youkai that messes with your senses is not something that happens often. With the firepower we have, we can easily defeat youkai of medium and small stature. Considering the passive nature of 'Mayoiga,' Kashiwagi's opinion couldn't be denied. Anyway, it would be difficult for the damn brats, who haven't completed their training, to remain constantly alert and vigilant.

Yes, normally...

(I remember now, there's supposed to be an ambush before the main force arrives...)

I recall my memories from a past life. The timing is different, but in the original game and novel versions, the protagonist dispatched with the vanguard team was supposed to be attacked by a horde of youkai. They were sandwiched between the 'Mayoiga' territory and the swarm of youkai. In the game, if he/she made the wrong choices, and in the novel, after a struggle, the protagonist and several others were trapped in the labyrinth of 'Mayoiga'...

(Of course, it's not directly applicable since it deviates greatly from the original...)

It's quite unclear whether we will follow the same path as the original work or other media. This time, the protagonist has been incorporated into the main force, and even Hina was part of the main force in the original. The vanguard team was about half the size and, above all, the timing is off by several months. It's highly unlikely that we will walk the exact same path. However...


"Hey, doesn't it seem noisier up ahead?"

I noticed the anomaly, and a moment later, the leader of the foul-mouthed brats pointed it out.

"We must have bumped into youkai."

"Let's halt the line for a moment. Judging from their presence, they don't seem like a big threat... They might be a diversion. Don't let your guard down, okay?"

After advising Kashiwagi and the others, I spurred my horse into action. While calming down the flustered laborers, I made my way to the front of the column.

The battle had already begun. It seemed they were attracted by human presence, as there were around ten small youkai of the beast and reptile variety. One of them was a large specimen that seemed close to shedding its skin and becoming a medium-sized youkai. It was a massive alligator-like creature, covered in armor-like scales. Five or six servant groups members and the two from Hidden Group from other family were fighting against them. Compared to ours, they seemed to lack both equipment and training.

"Back off!"

I shouted at one of the servants on the path. The servant noticed me and quickly evaded, causing the small youkai, a wild dog, to be crushed under the horse's front hooves before it could comprehend the situation. With a weight of nearly 200 kan (1653 lbs/750 kg), the colossal body and the iron hooves with protrusions, serving as both traction and weaponry, instantly crushed the dog's skull and tore through its flesh, ending its life. Ignoring the fallen dog, I urged my horse forward.

My target was the most troublesome one in this situation, an alligator that was facing off against one member of the Hidden Group and two servant group members. They hadn't noticed my presence due to the commotion. I readied my short spear, pulled the reins, and urged my horse into a gallop.


The alligator finally noticed my existence and hastily turned to face me, opening its jaws in a threat display. It's even better this way...!!

"There's someone behind you. Let's make this quick!!"

I shouted while throwing my entire strength into hurling the short spear directly at the alligator's cheek...

* * *

"Oh, it seems the commotion has settled down," remarked one of the exorcists from another family who was enjoying tea inside Onitsuki's 'Mayoiga (Stray House).' His words sounded as if it had nothing to do with him. Miyamizu Shizu, standing beside Hina at the head of the table, frowned slightly.

Naturally, the artificial 'Mayoiga' owned by the Onitsuki family had far superior living conditions compared to regular wagons. However, the materials required for its construction were rare, and although the manufacturing process had been established, new production had long been prohibited by the imperial court. Since all publicly operated units were recorded by the court, secret production was not easy.

The exorcist families accompanying the expedition were all second-rate or third-rate, and there were only a few families that possessed a 'Mayoiga,' which had been prohibited from production long ago. Perhaps for that reason, it seemed like they were trying to find every possible excuse to linger in Onitsuki's 'Mayoiga' for even a single second longer during events like this tea gathering.

(How exasperating.)

Although Onitsuki's 'Mayoiga' had powerful defensive functions, it was unsettling to see them so careless about the commotion outside... no, that wasn't the only issue.

"Assistants, confirm the situation outside."


Shizu responded dutifully to the leader of this vanguard team's request, setting aside the tea she was serving to the guests and standing up.

As soon as she stepped outside the wagon, the still cold air of February licked her pale skin, contrasting the warmth inside the wagon. She instinctively frowned.

"What's going on? How serious is the commotion!? Someone report!"

"Yes! Right here!"

The one who rushed over was a servant with a fearsome Hannya mask, riding a jet-black horse. As he approached, he immediately dismounted and lowered his head.

"Yun-shoku (允職), what happened with the commotion?"

"It has been resolved. The vanguard group was attacked by youkai, but we managed to defeat them all. As far as we can ascertain at the moment, one member of the Hidden Group and two servant group members have been injured. We are currently organizing the line and maintaining vigilance in the surrounding area. We are also preparing to collect the youkai corpses and incinerate them with oil."

"I see."

Miyamizu Shizu's response to the concise report and precise judgment was cold.

"Very well. Resume the march as soon as the post-processing is complete. Time is limited. I will not tolerate unnecessary waste of time."


Even before Yun-shoku could respond, Shizu had already turned on her heel. However, just as she was about to return inside the wagon, she was called back.

"...What is it? If it's something trivial, I will impose punishment on you."

"It's about the injured individuals. Although they are not members of our household, it seems there are medical deficiencies in the other family. We can't afford to reduce our personnel count. Would it be acceptable for us to provide first aid?"

Upon Yun-shoku (允職)'s request, Shizu's face twisted into an expression of displeasure. She directed an obvious hostility towards him, glaring at the servant in silence...

"Tch, understood. Finish it quickly."


With a click of her tongue, Shizu gave her approval, and Yun-shoku expressed his gratitude respectfully. Ignoring his voice, Shizu returned to the wagon.

"So, how was it, Shizu-dono?"

"It seems they have already finished the aftermath. We should start moving soon."

"Well, well..."

"It's truly befitting of the prestigious Onitsuki family. Even the servant is provided with excellent horse."

"He has received proper training as well. He is efficient in his work despite being servant."

"Thank you for your compliment."

After sipping from her teacup, an elderly exorcist dispatched from the Igarashi family started praising the tea, followed by other exorcists. Shizu responded with a bow and a courteous reply, while inwardly cursing.

(How contrived...!)

If she recalls correctly, the servant groups deployed in the vanguard column belonged to the Igarashi family. It was no coincidence that the old man was the first to speak up. Given the circumstances, Shizu had no choice but to accept the proposal made by that servant. And most likely, that servant had anticipated her response.

(He's cunning. It's dangerous.)

The entire conversation earlier was abnormal to begin with. The servant was exceeding his role by autonomously making judgments. Not only was he considering his own subordinates but also collaborating and interacting with members of other households, exerting indirect influence. Moreover, he was acting in a way that would go unnoticed by the indifferent majority of exorcists...


Shizuka, who has returned to Hina's side, bites her back teeth hard as she realizes the situation again.

In fact, Miyamizu Shizu held contempt for servants, but she couldn't deny that Yun-shoku was too much of a risk. He used his position under the protection of Onitsuki's second princess and even manipulated political struggles to secure his own life and freedom of action. And considering his background, she couldn't afford to be unguarded. She deliberately showed indifference to the exhaustion of the servant groups, hoping for Yun-shoku to fail, be demoted, or even die.

...And that Yun-shoku was cunningly surpassing Shizu's expectations, using his wit and resourcefulness as a servant. Moreover, he was gaining popularity and influence among the servant group.

(He's truly troublesome!)

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