"I'm reluctant as well, but you're the only one who can give me a decent challenge."

Now, as a member of the senior group among the servant group, I belong to the most elite position. While there are a few individuals older than me, most of them have become instructors, including those with physical disabilities. As for the rest who haven't, it's just me, and somehow my physical abilities have become extraordinary, probably because of that cursed youkai mother's influence. So, Iruka is the perfect match for me.

...Well, the main reason is that I don't have to worry about someone reporting our sparring matches.

"Sigh, I guess I can't help it. Fine, let's do it then. Let's..."

Iruka stands up with an annoyed expression, but then she moves her wolf ears on top of her head and gazes into the distance. Curious, I follow her gaze.

There's a figure approaching us, heading in our direction.

"...Looks like she's after you, huh?"

"...Seems like it. Hey, let's not cause too much commotion, okay?"

After giving her that warning, I cover the tip of my spear with a cloth and stand up straight, bowing slightly to greet the approaching superior.

We, the servant, welcoming Miyamizu Shizu...

* * *

Miyamizu Shizu is a typical exorcist who doesn't have any attachment to the servant group. Naturally, it's rare for her to show up at the training grounds for the servant group unless there's a specific reason.

(Well, most of the time I'm called out by her in a bad mood...)

As I follow behind Miyamizu Shizu, I inwardly sigh. In the original work and other media, she's portrayed as a minor character with a tough personality, but actually being in a direct superior-subordinate relationship with her makes it even more apparent.

"What's the matter? Why are you staring at my back like that? Did you think I hadn't noticed?"

As I was thinking that, Shizu stops and glares at me with a look of deep displeasure.

"No, it's just that I find it intimidating to have you, the esteemed head's assistant, personally calling me out. I thought it would be more appropriate to use a shikigami or a subordinate."

"I've already suggested that. However, according to the head, direct summons are the most appropriate for the sake of confidentiality. It doesn't mean you're highly valued or anything. You should stop being conceited. Servants have their own place. Understand that."

"Yes, ma'am"

With a clearly sarcastic remark, I refrain from arguing and comply with her words. Shizu resumes walking, and I follow closely behind. ...This is giving me a stomachache from the stress.

After a while, we arrive at a corner of the Onitsuki house, specifically at the office of the servant group head. More precisely, it's in the courtyard where the head's office is located. It shouldn't have been too long since we left, but the journey felt excessively long. Perhaps it's due to the theory of relativity.

"Wait there for a moment," the assistant ordered, kneeling in the gravel-filled courtyard. Seriously, am I being ignored? The gravel is hurting my feet.


Silently, I continued to endure the situation, aware of my weak-willed and passive servant persona. How much time had passed? It couldn't have been more than half an hour. The figure approached from the depths, and I bowed deeply, offering my respects.

Whispered conversation could be heard. A brief exchange... and then a clear voice spoke.

"You can raise your head; it's fine. It'll be easier to talk that way, won't it?"


I responded to the servant group's head's words, who appears with Shizu, without hesitation, keeping my head raised.

"I apologize for interrupting your training. We had a meeting this morning. I thought it was necessary to inform Yun-shoku about the future plans."


Once again, I responded to Shisui's words. Of course, I had a general idea of what to expect. It was the time for this gathering. Based on my knowledge of the original work, it was probably about the personnel for the summer Joraku event.

In the original work, it was mentioned that the Imperial Court had requested an increase in the number of attendants for Joraku this year. The proposal was put forth by the Minister of the Right, who took advantage of the repeated youkai incidents and the potential for rebellion among the exorcist families. The Minister of the Left, seeing it as an opportunity to annihilate the exorcists, supported the decision.

From the perspective of the Minister of the Left, it was convenient for the extermination of the exorcists to consolidate the difficulties faced by exorcist families across the country and incite resistance against the Imperial Court. However, that didn't mean the Minister of the Right was incompetent. In fact, he had no choice in this matter.

The Central Region, in which Fusō-kuni was located, was the core of the country. Despite accounting for less than 20% of the land area, it constituted nearly 30% of the population and over 50% of the agricultural and industrial production of Fusō-kuni. It could be called the heart of the nation. By official accounts, the next most important region was the Western Region.

In extreme terms, even if Fusō-kuni lost all other territories, as long as the Central Region remained, the country could recover. This was acknowledged not only in the official setting but also by the higher echelons of Fusō-kuni. Naturally, the Minister of the Right was aware of this as well. That's why the Central Region always maintained an excessive force, including warrior units and exorcist families, constantly deployed for Joraku and other purposes.

Even the presence of Korishiraki, who had been beaten to a pulp, was an unprecedented event for the Imperial Court. The fact that the Central Region had been invaded, let alone that the capital itself had been threatened, was a seismic event. The same went for the Youbo (youkai mother) lurking in the underground sewer.

"Prepare three squads of 15 people each. We'll be sending them on a one-year mission to Joraku. I understand we're understaffed, but I'm relying on you."

"Yes, sir."

Regardless, I couldn't say no, could I?

(However, 15 people... This is going to be difficult.)

Our schedule, the servants, is already packed to the brim. There are no any vacancies until Joraku... Now, what should I do? How can I manage through all the upcoming events until then?

"Also, there's a somewhat major task coming up in the middle of Kisaragi (February). Prepare fifteen people for that as well."


I couldn't help but let out an unintentional groan, causing Shisui's assistant, Shizu, to give me a stern look. Nevertheless, I couldn't help but groan. It's already a challenge to gather a three-team unit several months from now due to the shortage of personnel, and now they want us to prepare for the following month...!!?

"I, it's... difficult to explain, but with the current manpower of the servant group, it's challenging to manage..."

"Didn't the unit already receive reinforcements? If it's still not enough, should I assume that?"

Shisui scolded me, but honestly, it's not nearly enough. Besides, they're still in training!!

"Don't worry about their proficiency. After all, you won't be the ones fighting on the front lines. Just monitoring should be enough. I think even those in training can be mobilized for that purpose, don't you?"

"Understood. However, the lack of practical combat possibilities is..."

"You shouldn't pry into that matters as Yun-shoku's position! Understand your place and don't argue with orders!!"

"Assistant, that's enough."

As Shizu shouted, Shisui gently calmed her down. With a fixed smile on his face, Shisui answered my question.

"The purpose is Mount Hōraku."

"...!? U, understood!"

Upon hearing that location, I immediately understood what Shisui was implying—the aim of the Onitsuki family. Indeed, if that's the opponent, there would be less danger as long as we don't recklessly engage them from our side.

(But... has the event been moved up?)

While bowing my head, I couldn't help but have doubts. Furthermore, this event was supposed to occur on a route that doesn't branch off in the Darth Tamaki route.

The third-class forbidden place, "Mount Hōraku," was the stage for an event that takes place in a route that doesn't lead to Joraku in the original game. During this event, the protagonist's thoughts become unclear due to a strange influence. He has to defeat a particular creature called the "Mayoiga," which is a dangerous and unpredictable youkai representing both dreams and madness, hope and despair, and silence...

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