[Part 3/4]


"Hmm, what's wrong? Caught a cold?"

Iruka, who was chewing on dried meat next to me, exclaimed.

"Well, I wonder. Perhaps someone is talking about you?"

"Superstitions, huh?"

I sniffed and grumbled, and Iruka chuckled in response. It was true, I had made a stupid joke.

It was the late winter of the 14th year of the Seiri Emperor's reign when I and Iruka took a break in the shade of the outdoor training ground for the servants in the Onitsuki house. We wiped away the sweat with towels, hydrated ourselves, and had a light snack. In front of us, my subordinates were sparring with imitation weapons.

Let me clarify, just because I'm the boss doesn't mean I take it easy. I finished the warm-up jogging and strength training first, and then I sparred with the rookie newcomers, all three of them at once, to show them what I'm made of before taking a break.

By the way, I also had Iruka spar with two of them. In fact, she was even more merciless and ruthless than me. Don't enjoy beating up brats with such a gleeful expression.

"Hey, come on, that's not fair, you know? They have real swords, and I'm just using my hands. Isn't it cruel to throw weak ladies into the fire and make fun of her?"

"And you say that as a half-youkai?"

If it were top-notch exorcists wielding famous swords, it would be a different story, but these amateur brats wielding cheap swords for servants would either be caught in Iruka's youkai arms and crushed, or they would be broken in half. In fact, I witnessed their shock when she actually broke one of them and they ended up wetting themselves.

"It's better to give them a good scare. Even you, haven't you had any incidents with the rookies trying to get the better of you? But have you seen them ruin themselves or be dealt with?"


Iruka's words left me speechless. I am still a Yun-shoku with no viable replacement, and I am relatively free despite being treated as Gorilla-sama's plaything. But it's not the same for the lower ranks servant. It's not that easy.

If I were to rebel even slightly, I would suffer through the engraved curse and eventually die in agony. Not to mention, the newcomers who were replenished at the end of the previous year were a handful to deal with.

"We can't afford to be picky because we're short-handed..."

According to the head of the group of servants who had purchased them, they were a notorious group that engaged in bandit-like activities in the city streets. After being captured by the court and found to be below the minimum age for execution during interrogation, they escaped the death penalty due to their valuable spiritual powers and were sold to the Onitsuki family. The older ones? Well, the leader and the others were beheaded in their hometown where they were captured.

"Indeed... It was troublesome when they were brought in with collars on. They were almost dissolved one by one as an example by the servant's head assistant."

The special abilities possessed by the servant's head assistant was exceptional for a newcomer exorcist with a history of only about a hundred years, being a bearer of spiritual power as the third generation. Almost any enemy who comes into contact with this person becomes dust, and the way they perish is quite gruesome. Certainly, no fool would dare to defy them after witnessing the effects of their abilities.

Resentment and hatred still remain, and above all, regardless of the source, I didn't want to lose valuable subordinates that were just replenished. It's not often that we can bring in a good number of new recruits!

"Servants are disposable, huh? Although it was you who ended up dealing with them first, so it's understandable that your perspective is warped. I've come to understand that now. ...You're quite a peculiar one among the servants, too."

"Hey, stop it. Don't lean in like that, it's creepy."

Iruka moved with the agility of a wolf and came close to me. I reprimanded her with a frown, but she had no intention of stopping and continued further. She wrapped her wolf-like arm around my neck, dug her claws into my throat, bared her fangs, narrowed her eyes like a predator targeting its prey...

"Hey, don't say such cold things. Aren't we like brothers? Right, bro?"

"(o≧▽゜)o No, it’s like parent and child! Right, my little sister?"


Both Iruka and I are taken aback by the sudden foolish voice echoing in our minds. While feeling exasperated, I ask,

"...Sigh. What's your intention, huh?"

"...There are various things I can't understand."

As the serious atmosphere is shattered, I sigh while asking, and Iruka, who had been twirling her arm, unties it and sits cross-legged in front of me, responding.

"Various things you can't understand?"

"I don't intend to doubt you. However, I have sharp instincts."

"Because you're a wild child, I suppose."

"You're annoying... but I've been bothered by observing and monitoring you."

"What's the matter?"

First of all, I'm surprised by the fact that she has been observing and monitoring me... not so much by the act itself, but by the fact that she had the intelligence to do so... I press on for more.

"I know you have a soft spot for that Suzune. Keeping your identity hidden as well. That's why I can't understand. Despite your softness, there's a part of you that touches something delicate."


In response to Iruka's mysterious expression, I simply remain silent.

(I thought I was trying to behave as naturally as possible... but there seems to be some sense of discomfort.)

Iruka's uneasiness is understandable. After all, Tamaki is the key and the bomb that could determine whether this world, Fusō-kuni, will be destroyed or not. She is the protagonist. Even if she makes a slight mistake, she could be disposed of by the heroines or turned into a daruma. She has already used her darkness' power, so I has to handle her with caution.

"I'll say this now, but I remember it well, okay? I remember the scene where you groped her chest... Did you have any certainty that you could do something about that darkness?"

"You were watching?"

"Faintly, I only vaguely remember."

Iruka declares while chewing on a piece of dried meat. Now, how should I respond... I can't afford to make any mistakes with her.

"...Well, I had no certainty, it's a load of crap. I don't even know what that darkness is. But it's only natural to be cautious when faced with something like that, right?"

I didn't 'lie'. It was thanks to my prior knowledge from the original story that I was able to help at that time, but I have no knowledge about the core of Tamaki's character.

"...I still don't understand it."

With a face that shows her inexplicable feelings, Iruka then looks at me.

"Why is that? Do you have any evidence?"

"Because I can't let my guard down."

"Coming from you?"

Adding such a retort, I further explain, albeit unnecessarily.

"Don't worry. I won't do anything that would harm Miss Tamaki if it's not related to Suzune. Personally, I have no gratitude or resentment towards her."

Using a yandere as a decoy? Well, it's originally her fate, so it can't be helped. Yuri is supreme, so there's no room for a man to intervene, as Batcha (ばっちゃ) said. Well, in the first place, even for Gorilla-sama, it's not really love but more like a toy. The only truly dangerous one would be someone like that demon (Oni).

"…Well, let's leave it at that for now."

"That's fine. If you're not convinced, I had just ordered Magoroku to skip your portion of tonight's dinner."

"Are you threatening me!?"

Iruka exclaims in utter astonishment at my declaration. Well, what's with your messed up priorities?

"You're truly exasperating, aren't you? And it's about time to end the break. If the boss keeps enjoying himself forever, the subordinates won't have any motivation."

I take a sip from my water bottle, pick up my spear, and gesture for Iruka to join me.

"Seriously? Again? Aren't we done yet? Why don't you train on your own..."

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