Evading the sword strike I punched the player in his stomach with my fist covered in white flames. While he was stumbling backwards I noticed him taking out a red potion and quickly consuming its contents.

' This'll be a long fight '

Looking at the group of 15 people all staring towards me with an intent to kill I felt a weird sense of excitement.

These players were all visibly above Lv. 7 meaning that they were above average.

' It's been a while, since I fought against a strong person '

Stretching my back I moved towards the same swordsman that consumed a Health potion.

I saw his eyes slightly widen seeing that I went after the same target, but since his speed could somewhat keep up with mine he managed to block my burning Staff with his sword.

" You should've dodged "

Taunting my enemy I pointed towards his weapon who's blade was melting from the Demonic Flame.


I rather heard than saw a projectile rapidly approaching me.

Using my 35 Strength I pushed myself away from the swordsman evading an Ice spike. Following the trajectory from where the spell came from I noticed a male elf hiding behind one of the trees.

" Catch this! "

I shouted while throwing a Lightning Bolt at the tree. Unfortunately the group was very balanced and had different class players.

- 53 Magical Damage!

A huge man with a shield appeared before the tree, tanking all the damage. Peeking his head out I noticed the man to be very short and weirdly hairy?

" He sure hits hard! "

His deep voice resounded through the graveyard attracting the attention of the people who were keeping the boss busy.

" Shut up Bob! "

One of them even shouted at the dwarf.

While half of the group was fighting me the other half was keeping the boss in check so it wouldn't summon its legion.


I sensed something fast descending from above. Lifting my eyes I noticed a human monk jumping down from a high tree, trying to take me by surprise. Unfortunately for him the target in the air had close to no mobility.


My well aimed Lightning Bolt pierced right through the monk's heart killing him on the spot.

While his lifeless was still falling on the ground I summoned another Lightning Projectile before throwing it at the Elf who was waiting for a moment to cast his spell.

Thud... Thud...

In a few seconds 2 out of 8 enemies fell without any chance to resist, even the Dwarf Tank didn't manage to block the projectile flying towards the Elf.

Later in the game Tank class players should get a spell called < Taunt > which should taunt a player or a monster and gain their attention/aggro making tanker's job way easier.

The battle came into a sudden pause. Even the people who were holding off the boss momentarily stopped to gaze towards our direction.

Seeing the attention I pointed towards the boss who was about to cast his skill prompting them awake.

Turning my gaze back from the boss I noticed another Elven mage hiding at the backline of the group, behind the tank.

' Good choice '

Giving her an invisible thumbs up I looked at my stats Window and seeing 20 unassigned SP points put half of them in Shadow Energy and the other part in Health.

' Huh? '

I saw the elf take out her bow and rapidly fire 3 consecutive arrows right at my chest.

Whoosh... Whoosh... Whoosh...

I fell on the ground letting all the arrows fly above my head.

Warily looking at the group I noticed the same swordsman that consumed a HP potion rapidly approaching my location.

' Shit! '

Not having enough time to stand up I quickly casted a Shadow Protection blocking his sword trajectory.


His metal sword colliding with my shield suddenly broke apart, due to previously severely melting from the Demonic Flames.

The swordsman didn't even have a chance to recover as his head was smashed by my staff engulfed in thin, white flame.

" 3 Down! "

Intimidating the group I moved towards the Archer, but my path was blocked by a Dwarf with a huge shield.

" You'll have to pass through me "

His brown eyes were warily looking towards my direction while his shield was placed in the position where he could easily lift it up.

Looking towards the dude I casted Shadow Blast and threw it at his head making him lift the shield up.


While the projectile was blocking the tank's vision I had enough time to pass by side moving towards the elf. Unfortunately another two swordsmen stood in my way.

Eyeing the players I felt that they were stronger from the previous swordsman. With a burning staff I closed in the distance swinging it in a long arc.


One of the players managed to block my staff at the cost of his weapon's durability while the other one used his sword to slash at my arm.

Unfortunately for them, I didn't mind losing an arm...


The sword detached my arm from below the elbow while I managed to use my staff to completely melt the sword's blade and hit the player in the chest, making him spit a mouthful of blood.

Retreating a dozen steps away I hissed in pain while drinking a HP potion. Soon my arm was back in its place while the sword user was still spitting blood on the ground and the other player looking at me we widened eyes.


I heard arrows piercing through the air and quickly moved to the side. Unfortunately I didn't notice as the other group keeping the boss in check was right behind me.

Whoosh... Whoosh...

Multiple spells rained towards my direction. I didn't even notice them until a fireball hit the back of my head.

- 53 HP

My health was severely lowered, but I didn't have time to care, because a dozen similar projectiles were heading my way.

Moving through the area I was forced to dodge at least 10 spells until the other group went

back to keep the boss in check. Unfortunately, while I was dodging the spells the 4 players had to recover while the swordsman took out another weapon from his inventory.

Whoosh... Whoosh...

The elf shot arrows towards me expecting to make me dodge and reveal an opening. Unfortunately for her I took a deep breath before swinging my staff in rapid succession destroying both arrows in a millisecond.

Lighting my fists on fire I suddenly dashed towards the tank before punching his shield with all my strength.

- 23 HP

Due to punching the shield with my bare fists I felt something in my fist break. Fortunately my goal was reached as the fire managed to spread on the dwarf's body.

" Agh! "

I heard his shout as the fire devoured him in a few seconds which was kind of long compared to how much time it'd take for a normal person to die.

Shifting my eyes towards the group of two swordsmen and the archer I noticed the hands of the elf slightly shake as she shot another arrow towards my direction.

Even though she was shaking I felt that the arrow was different from previous ones and just to be safe I deployed Shadow Protection.


The arrow collided with my spell exploding as soon as its head hit the hard surface.

The explosion was so strong that I even felt the shockwaves spread around the collision.

' I wonder how much money they've spent on that '

Recalling the arrow I couldn't help, but recall the price of an explosive arrow.

' Well Angry Bird is a millionaire... '

Shrugging my shoulders I casted a Shadow Blast and threw it at the closest swordsman. Since the group no longer had a tank, they could only dodge my spells.


The explosion shook the ground claiming yet another life from the group.

" 2 to go! "

Smiling, I moved towards the Elf and the swordsman. Both of their faces were slightly pale, but both were still in fighting stances.

Seeing my approaching silhouette the swordsman quickly slashed his sword aiming for my neck.


Stopping right outside the swordsman's reach I allowed the sword to pass right before my nose. As the player's attack didn't meet any resistance the momentum made the swordsman slightly turn to the right revealing his wide open side.


My staff hit the Mana shield he managed to deploy before the strike, but it was soon shattered due to the flame.


His body fell on the ground leaving the archer elf alone.

Shifting my gaze I noticed that the group handling the Reaper was having little to none problems, the boss had around a quarter of HP left.

' I should hurry '

Turning my head towards the archer I dashed towards her while she released another arrow.

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