" What was that, you ice queen? "

Eli's joyous yet teasing voice made Ava slightly nervous.

" What's what? "

Ava tried to get rid of Eli, but couldn't since she was on her back.

" I've been your friend since we were young. Do you think I wouldn't notice? "

While Eli and Ava were doing wrestling Eric thought It'd be best for him to leave unannounced and quietly left two friends to strangle each other.

" ' We should give him the gold, since he pretty much defeated the boss alone ' "

Quoting Ava's words Eli got off her back and looked straight at her face.

" It's simple manners... "

Like a programmed robot Ava answered without any change in her expression.

" Okay, then why did you suddenly get angry after Leo won the fight? "

Eli's curled up lips rose even higher while Ava's cold facade started cracking apart.

" Because.... "

Ava herself didn't know the exact reason.

' Was it because he didn't tell me which university he'll go to? '

Lost in the thoughts Ava didn't even notice as her face turned from a serious to a dreamy one.

" You look love-struck "

The comment from Eli brought her back to earth.

" Your fan club would tear Leo apart if they knew you made that expression while thinking about him "

Eli's sharp tongue kept attacking Ava, making her cheeks turn a shade of pink.

" I wasn't thinking about Leo! We haven't even met each other in real life! "

Trying to control her tone Ava accessed her system planning to log out.

" Yeah, yeah I totally believe you "

Not having any of her friend's lies Eli waved her hand bidding Ava goodbye.


Opening her VR Pod's door Ava jumped out of it and fell on her bed.

' Annoying '

Recalling Eli's questioning brought Ava uncomfortable feelings that she couldn't understand and purposely pushed down.

Walking into the bathroom she quickly washed her face and tied her white hair in a Ponytail.

Changing into a sportswear Ava put on a jacket and left her house.

Doing a little bit of stretching she noticed a guy with black hair on the other side of the street also leaving his house.

He was wearing black jeans and a grey hoodie.

Absent-mindedly leaning on the mailbox he started tapping on his phone with an expression that seemed to radiate ' focused '.

Soon a car pulled up to his house and he sat in the backseat.

While climbing in the car he looked through the window and their eyes met.

Even though it was for a single second Ava was mesmerized by how handsome the man was. It wasn't only his handsomeness that stunned Ava, but his carefree look free of lust or desire which was usual for most males she has met.

With the car driving away Ava still did a few stretches before running towards the University she so wished to attend.



As soon as the car left the vicinity my expression turned pale.

' How the fuck do we live so close? '

I couldn't help, but shake my head.

If this keeps on happening my identity would probably be revealed in no time. Clenching the side of the seat I forcefully calmed my beating heart.

' She probably still has no clue where I live... '

Comforting myself, I focused on what I've planned for today's shopping.

I've already spoken with my parents and they agreed on me buying a dog. I was also planning to buy myself a car, an expensive one at that.

Salivating about today's products I didn't even notice as we reached the city.

Exiting the Uber I quickly went to the nearest car dealership.

Even though I was keen on buying a beautiful car, while paying the price I still felt like I sold half of my soul.

The car was the newest version of its model made in 2208 making it the most expensive one. Its low frame and cool design reminded me of old cars I've seen in museums.

Climbing into my newly bought grey vehicle I felt like I've reached the peak of male.

' This feels awesome '

Touching the smooth surface of the steering wheel I quickly drove out of the building and used my phone to navigate towards a pet store.

Calling my parents I showed every dog I saw and finally, we came to the same conclusion.

Our new family member will be a small Golden Retriever.

With an amusing expression I started scratching the dog's neck. Dazing off, I didn't even notice that a shop assistant approached me.

" Do you plan to buy him? "

Her annoyed voice woke me up from my stupor and I quickly bought my new friend and a few extra things like a collar, toys and dog food.

Carrying the dog into my car I put him in the front seat and drove back home. Fortunately the little guy didn't have any problems with the ride and didn't vomit.

In the middle of our way back home he even climbed on top of the driver's seat and made himself comfortable on my lap.

Arriving at our house I helped my dog out of the car and led him to the house. As soon as my mother caught sight of the dog she almost hugged him to death.

At the end of the long day we all agreed to name the dog Rick.

Going back inside my room I looked towards my bed.

" Meh "

Jumping into VR POD I quickly launched Fragmental.

< Welcome back to Fragmental! >

As soon as I logged into the game I quickly navigated towards video folder. Quickly rewatching the clip I made sure blur out my teammates faces and uploaded the video.

Since nowadays everything with the name ' Unknown Player ' or ' Leo ' gained big attraction in a short amount of time I could see the view count on my video going up in seconds.

' I'm a bit popular~ '

With a proud look I looked high into the sky. The moon was high, above my head indicating it was a bit before midnight.

" I might make it to the boss "

Moving through the streets I started approaching the Graveyard.

Boom... Boom...

Even from a distance I could hear the sounds of battle.

Nearing the Boss I entered the area through the gates and hid behind one of the tombstones.

Taking a peek I could see an intense battle taking place. A group of around 15 people were trying to assault a single boss.

I even noticed some dead bodies lying on the ground either crushed or cut in half.

Looking at the Grim Reaper's HP I could say that they would probably succeed, because the boss didn't have a chance to call his minions due to the group continuously attacking.

They were not bad for newbies...

I was about to leave the area when I noticed a particular man standing further from the group giving various instructions to the group.

His handsome looks and red hair couldn't be hidden even in the night's darkness.

' Angry Bird! '

I was kind of surprised to see such a wonderful guest around these parts.

Looking around I noticed no guards or other NPCs passing through meaning that I was free to attack the group unless somebody saw me.

' He wouldn't mind~ '

Looking towards the direction of a red haired individual I started sneaking behind him.


While walking I accidently stepped on the dry branch alerting Theo of my presence. ( Theo is Angry Bird's real name )

He quickly turned his head towards my direction and I saw his eyes widen seeing me dashing his direction.

Theo didn't even manage to equip his weapon as my Lightning Bolt pierced through his lower Abdomen.

" I swear I'll kill you! "

Bidding me goodbye he turned into the light particles. Now I was short on time since I had to kill all the players around the graveyard and defeat the boss until the guards came.

If I kill all the players my name will turn Dark Orange meaning that I'll be hunted by mercenaries and guards.

' No time to waste '

While I was killing Angry Bird's minions, a certain person was thrashing around his equipment.

" How dares he! "

Letting out his fury the red haired man was kicking and punching everything that got in his way.

Nothing was spared, even the VR Pod he was using a few minutes ago. Its shell was strangely bent inside and the glass was completely shattered.

After a few minutes of destroying everything around the man finally calmed down and walked outside his balcony.

Looking at the massive city below he took out a phone with a golden case from his pocket. Calling to an unknown number he mumbled a few words waiting for an answer.

Unfortunately the answer wasn't what he was expecting. Clenching his phone he barged back into his room and threw his phone against the wall.

" I'll make you pay "

With such words the man left his house.


I couldn't help, but smile bitterly at the approaching group.

After killing the party member everyone around was notified about the Angry Bird's death.

" Annoying "

Evading a sword strike from a player I punched him with the fist covered in flame.

" This'll be a long night~ "

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