As soon as the King was transported out of the room a crowd of people started flowing into the room.

Looking towards Leo I didn't miss the black wolf disappearing into his chest.

Looking at him I was about to ask what's happening when he suddenly sent me a friend request. I didn't even have a chance to reply as he bid us goodbye before instantly logging off.

I was momentarily shocked, since I didn't expect him to run away from the crowd in such an abrupt way.

< Player Leo has sent you a Friend Request >


Looking at the system I absentmindedly accepted the request. Only a second later I understood what I did.

" Wha... "

I was slightly flustered by my own actions. Never in my life have I ever let my guard down near a stranger and just now, a few seconds earlier I accepted his request without hesitation.

Hiding my slightly pink cheeks I noticed a system notification hovering above me.

< Do You Want to Announce your Achievement to the World? >

< YES / NO >

Previously I would've pressed the YES button without even thinking, but now after spending some time with the Unknown Player, Leo, I felt strangely attracted to the 'NO' button.

' I still need money '


The YES button lit up green as I pressed it.

Thinking about Leo's actions I couldn't help, but admire his attitude to keep his identity secret.

' He's like a Shadow '

A thought passed through my mind as I felt someone nudge my shoulder. Turning my head towards the person I noticed that it was the Monk, Eric.

< Player Eric has sent you a Friend Request >


He was scratching his neck, I also noticed his cheeks being slightly red.

" Let's add friends, so we can later contact each other to collect the rewards "

Eric said while trying to hide his blushing cheeks.

' Shouldn't I be blushing? '

Deeply thinking about my options I chose to accept his request. I didn't want to act hostile towards him, since I felt it'd be truly useful to plan our meet up.

Accepting his request I couldn't help, but notice Eric's face turn into a dumb smile as soon as he saw my name appear on the friend list.

' I have to log off '

Seeing all the people quickly approaching our group I nudged Eli to log off as well.


Turning into the light particles I left the game and soon was back inside my own room. Looking around the land of pinkness I climbed out of my VR Pod and stretched my back.

" I've spent some good time "

Brushing my white hair behind the ear I walked towards a wooden table situated in the corner of the room and opening one of the drawers I took out my laptop.

Pushing the Power-on button I waited until the device would boot up and quickly navigated myself towards the Text file I've started writing a few weeks ago.

~~ Fragmental Notebook ~~

Opening the file, a wall of text appeared in my sight. It was similar to a diary, but it was all about what I've done in Fragmental and now I'll have to spend some time writing down everything that occurred today.

Tap... Tap...

Quickly tapping the keyboard I didn't even notice that I've written over 1000 words.

As soon as I was done rewriting today's adventure I closed the device and placed it back in the table's drawer.

Putting on the white bunny slippers I exited my room.

Blink... Blink...

Since my room was fully dark I had to spend some time adapting to the light outside.

As soon as the light stopped pricking my eyes I started walking through a huge corridor with its walls covered with various paintings. Turning right I climbed down an expensive white, marble stairs and went into the living room.

" I'm done for today! "

Not even seeing if there was anyone in the room I shouted only hearing a growl for a reply.

Soon a dog with brown fur slowly walked out of the room, touching my hand with his warm nose and following me to the kitchen.

Approaching the fridge I noticed his eyes shining and him wiggling his tail.

" You should go on a diet "

I said seeing his slightly bulky appearance. In the end I still gave him some chicken wings that should sustain a dog twice his size.

" I'm going to the city today, do you want anything? "

Scratching his chin I didn't receive any answer, but I wasn't upset. If anything I was happy just for his presence. Since I've started living alone he was a huge mental support, especially after that event...

Blocking the painful memories I giggled at myself for holding a conversation with a dog.

' I wonder how Eli would react? '

Thinking about my friend who invited me to play Fragmental, I couldn't help, but wonder how lucky I was to have such a friend.

' It'd be better if I could somehow mask my beauty '

My thoughts unknowingly drifted to the hooded man's face.

' Since after the currencies were tied together I earned a fortune and without a doubt he did the same. I doubt he'd sell the robe for money... '

Biting my lips I suddenly heard my phone ringing. Looking at the screen I noticed that it was Eli.

" Hello? "

With a questionable tone I greeted Eli.

" Do you want to go shopping? "

I heard a joyous voice on the other side of the line.

' I do need a break '

I thought, pushing away all the worries and thoughts to the corner of my mind.

" Ok, but you'll have to pick me up, since I haven't yet bought a vehicle "

Replying to Eli I opened the door to let my dog play outside.

" So have I, we got rich overnight there's no wa.... "

Her voice was suddenly cut in the middle of the sentence. Looking at my phone's screen I noticed that its battery was dead.

Walking through the empty house I went back to my room and put the phone on the charger.

' I hope it'll be at least 20% charged when Eli comes '

I thought while digging through various clothes stored in my wardrobe.


After I got all dressed up I noticed an Uber car pull up to the house similar to mine on the other side of the road.

Soon I saw a young male similar age to me leave the building and enter the car before it drove off. Even though I couldn't fully see his facial features from this far I knew he was handsome.

' Eli would probably be jealous '

I thought, recalling how beauty-hungry my friend was. I've known her since childhood and ever since she was small she was always into beautiful things, be it buildings, pictures or people.

She joined Fragmental, because the graphics seemed surreal. Eli also pulled me into the game, since previously we were living near each other. We both were from poor households, but since the game exploded and had its currency tied together with real life money we both became rich overnight.

We immediately decided to buy houses in a more protected area. I was pretty lucky, since I've wanted to attend the university and I never expected that I'd live in an area close to Preklin University. I even had enough funds to attend the facility without any fear of any ends being loose.

Lost in the thoughts I didn't even notice as another Uber car arrived near my house.

Honk... Honk...

I lifted my eyes hearing the car horn. A certain girl with brown hair was waving in my direction.

Quickly approaching Eli we greeted each other and entered the car. While moving towards the city we talked about various subjects, when suddenly Eli said something that almost made me spit the water I was drinking.

" I wonder if Leo has a girlfriend? "

Trying to suppress the coughs I raised my eyebrows looking at my childhood friend.

" I thought you only lusted after beautiful people? "

I giggled trying to recover from the shock. Unfortunately before I could Eli dropped another bomb.

" I do not lust after people! Plus he is beautiful, didn't you see his face after he died? When the King cut him in half I could see a silhouette of his face and I have to say, his handsomeness can rival your beauty "

Eli showed me her tongue before opening the door and exiting the car, we've arrived at the city.

As soon as the car was out of sight Eli held my hand and pulled me everywhere around the city while I was still trying to piece a puzzle out of the information I've just received.

' To have looks that can rival mine... '

I couldn't help, but get interested in Leo's appearance.

' I wonder if he suffered as I did? '

I thought, recalling how many people perstered me, because of my looks.

" Hey, I have to go buy myself a new phone, you go to the clothes shop right there I'll follow you right after "

Informing about her plans Eli swayed her brown hair to the side and disappeared into the crowd.


The next few hours passed in a flash.

The day was long and... enjoyable? My mind is aching from too much noise, but I'm emotionally satisfied, since I've spent some time with my friend.

' Life couldn't be better '

I thought, entering my house.


Author comment ~

Thank you guys for all the support you've given me, I truly appreciate it!

P:S ~ If you want me to post a picture of how I imagine the main Character to look, comment ' I like apple pie! ' :)

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