Coming back home I was right on time when the lasagna was made.

I have to say... the meal was delicious, my mother really does have a talent for cooking.

Thanking for the food, I informed my parents that I'll go to the city, since I needed to buy some new clothes.

Asking if they need anything I wasn't surprised as both of them replied with a negative answer.

I could only shrug my shoulders.

' Habits do die hard '

Calling an Uber soon a luxurious car pulled up to our house making me think that I really need to buy a car myself, so I wouldn't need to call Uber every time I go somewhere.

' It costs more than usual as well '

I murmured while looking at the prize of the ride.

Recalling that I've put some money into the Fragmental stocks I quickly looked it up on my phone.

< 32 760 Dollars >

The Stocks have risen over 100% bringing me quite a fortune.

' It still hasn't reached at least half of its peak prize '

I snickered duping all 32 thousand dollars back into the stocks. I was so confident that I've even put x20 leverage. ( ~ Explanation at the end of the chapter ~ )

' I feel like I am exploiting the market '

My conscience was trying to fight back, but in the end the money demon won over.

With nothing else to do I started scrolling through the Internet.

~ New Player Strikes Again! He defeated yet another boss...

One of the articles attracted my attention. Clicking on the link I was sent to a website dedicated solely to me, the unknown player.

Different from the last time the website was more refined, there was also a lot more information written there.

Reading one of the articles a vein bulged out in my forehead.

' Now there's no doubt in my mind. He's the same guy! '

I couldn't help, but lower my head in resign. It turns out that the Monk, Eric, was also famous in my past life. His nickname was - The Buddha who can't stop talking for his own good. He was never trusted with any information, because somehow he always gave it away. He really wasn't very good at lying.

And... I was at the same party as him. I even shared the method on how to purify and not kill the boss.

It wasn't even my main concern that this information was leaked, because the boss wouldn't respawn. The main problem was that he revealed my name and some of the skills I've used. Luckily he didn't say anything about me coming back to life.

' I'd be chased to the world's end '

A shiver ran down my back.

Even though Eric was such a catastrophic liar I couldn't bring myself to hate him. There's not a lot of people that are pure in this world. I should cherish his inability to lie.

Sighing I quickly looked over everything that was known about me.

-- Main Information

~ Name - Leo

~ Race - Demon

~ Level - 10

~ Class - Mage

~ Sub-class - Unknown


-- Skills / Spells

~ White Flame?

- Very corrosive

~ Dark Blast

~ Unique spell of a Demon mage


-- Pet

~ Wolf?

-- A huge, black, 2 meter wolf


-- The player seems to be highly knowledgeable about the game, has good combat ability seeing that he defeated a boss by himself....


-- Clothing

~ Black Robe with a hood

~ Shoes / Look similar to Salamander scales shoe's

~ a Staff with a diamond on its top


-- Kill Count

~ 1 Hidden Boss

~ 1 Raid Boss

~ 4 Player


Blinking my eyes a stupid smile crept up on my face.

' At this point I might as well have a wiki page '

I Murmured, slightly annoyed by the information I've just found out. Looking at the comment section I almost lost grip on my phone

-- Comments

- [ Ushuga ] ~ I wonder how strong is he?

- [ DarknessKnight3 ] < Replying to Ushuga > ~ I'd bet my money he can't defeat a group of goblins! Fairies have it way harder than demons, if one can just defeat a hidden boss that easily!

- [ CringeOfWorld ] ~ I am cringe and I shall divide this realm in two with the power of....

- [ DraconicChild ] ~ Can we put a bounty on the player?

- [ IQless_M8 ] < Replying to DraconicChild > ~ There is no such rule that prevents us from doing so...



The comment section was planning to kill me.

Scrolling through all the chats I quickly caught up to the newest message but my mind was turning into a mush.

' Why is my head worth 70k dollars? '

I silently brushed away the imaginary tears.

' Suffering from success in its finest '

Such thoughts were circulating in my mind when suddenly the car stopped.

" We've arrived "

The driver said climbing out of the car and opening my door.

' I feel like a celebrity '

A thought passed through my mind as I exited the vehicle. What greeted me was a beautiful city with huge skyscrapers that pierced even the clouds. Bidding goodbye to the driver I left into the crowds of people.

Walking through the city I saw a lot of different shops, but wanted to walk a bit further from the center so it'd be less crowded.

Luckily I found such a place after five minutes of walking...

A doorman was standing in front of the beautiful building with glass doors. On the side of the structure there was a huge sign ' Kluirk '.

' Seems expensive '

I shook my head and was about to leave when I saw a girl with white hair enter the shop.

' Ava? '

I quietly whispered. She wasn't supposed to be anywhere near the city for at least half a year.

' Did the future change? '

I bit my lip thinking about all the possible events that may occur, because of this.

' Shit, she'll probably attend Preklin University! '

My eyebrows knitted together. The future I knew was already shifting into something entirely new.

' I need to investigate... '

Thinking along these lines I absentmindedly opened up the Preklin website and completed the registration form.

' Fuck, this is stressful '

Putting the phone back in my pocket I left the shop's area. Even though I've seen Ava enter the shop I had no real reason to come inside. I'd rather go into a crowded shop with reasonable prices than into a deserted money extortion building.

Walking through the main street I walked into many stores, but only a few suited my taste.

Spending a few hours in the city I spent around a few thousand dollars buying clothes for me and my parents. I haven't yet told them about this, but I will probably be pummeled by my mother for such an outrageous sum of money I've spent solely on clothes. Even with such risks I'm going to say it was worth it.

' I look stylish '

I thought looking at my clothing. I was now wearing skinny black jeans that costed me a little bit over hundred dollars, white button-down shirt and a grey coat. I've also managed to buy myself a moderately priced watch.

While going through the shops I almost forgot the fact that the timeline somehow got messed up and the future that previously was similar was slowly slightly deviating from its original route.

' Nothing I can do about it '

Shrugging my shoulders I took a peek at the clock on my wrist.

[ 17:53 ]

It was starting to get late. Since I wouldn't be able to make it home for dinner I messaged my parents that I'll have a meal in the city.

Putting the phone in my pocket I looked at its rough edges and thought about buying a newer one.


My stomach grumbled making my cheeks slightly blush.

' The phone can wait after I eat '

Walking into the closest restaurant I was guided to one of the tables. Taking a look at the Menu I was kind of surprised.

The Menu was simply huge. There were so many options to choose from and all of them sounded delicious as well. Unfortunately I didn't have the luxury to be picky.


My stomach cursed me for not giving it any food.

In the end I ordered a 3 course meal which costed me a solid amount of money, but even I, who is very stingy with money, have to say that it was 100% worth it.

After finishing eating the dinner I paid the bill. At first I didn't believe the sum written on the receipt, closing and reopening my eyes a few times I hoped that the first numbers would change places. Unfortunately this world had no magic.

< - 214 Dollars >

Leaving the restaurant with a sunken mood and hands full of bags with clothes I called an Uber and drove to the closest Phone store buying a newer phone.

Spending so much money had emotionally drained me. Driving back home I almost fell asleep.

As soon as we reached our house I put all the clothes' bags near the front door and retired to bed.

' Give me back my money! '

I cried taking off my newly bought coat that costed me around two hundred dollars.

After taking a shower I fell onto my bed thinking about how to proceed forward.

' I've already completed a registration form to Preklin University, but I'm not 100% sure if Ava will attend it or else I would waste thousands of dollars a month for such a learning facility. I can still cancel my Attendance, but I need more information '

Contemplating how to ask Ava about the University and not look like a stalker I drifted off to the dreamland.


Leverage - A trading mechanism one can use to increase their exposure to the market by allowing them to pay less than the full amount of the investment.


You have 5$, but since you've put the leverage on x5 the exposure/value on the market will be worth/equal to 25$

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