TL: xLordFifth


[Legendary Growth Accelerator]

Description: …No one believed him when he said he had plundered the lair of the Platinum Dragon. The famous tale of the Platinum Dragon threatening to kill all humans if the potion wasn’t returned and setting out to find it…

‘The growth accelerator was made by Bahamut himself! He clearly said it. That he made it. But, it’s been so long that he has forgotten how to make it!’

While whispering with Bahamut, Leeha felt a sense of incongruity.

The Platinum Dragon, also the Lord of the Metal Dragons, said he had forgotten how to make the growth accelerator!

A dragon?

A being that could be considered the epitome of wisdom and knowledge?

Moreover, not just an Adult but not even an Ancient, but the leader of the Metal Dragons?!

For such an important and fantastical item! It could potentially allow all the Metal Dragon race’s hatchlings, juveniles, and adults to grow beyond Ancient-Class! He forgot how to make something that could enable such a dramatic growth of their own species?

That’s unbelievable.

Therefore, Leeha realized this was another mystery of Middle Earth.

‘Logically thinking, the item description doesn’t make sense! If the Platinum Dragon was so agitated that he threatened to kill everyone if the item wasn’t returned? The Platinum Dragon is the boss of the Metal Dragons, isn’t he?’

Would the other Metal Dragons have just sat idly by while their boss rampaged? That’s unlikely.

‘It’s impossible that the ‘11th Pope calmed down a rampaging Platinum Dragon’!’

If the item description is true, it might be a prank of God, or rather, something accomplished by the Pope with the help of divine power. So, the persuasion mentioned in the item description isn’t just a verbal negotiation or some bargaining skill but something more. Leeha whispered with Bahamut in the treasury.

But no matter what keywords he brought up, Bahamut’s response was not very satisfactory. The reason for this is apparent.

‘The Pope used some kind of magic, some kind of divine power. That’s how the rampaging Platinum Dragon was ‘persuaded’.’

That could be the hidden power of the Ezwen Holy State. Leeha thought it was something close to memory manipulation, especially considering Bahamut claimed to have forgotten how to make the growth accelerator.

“I mentioned this earlier. The 11th Pope was from a very long time ago, but anyway, you must have been the Platinum Dragon even then. You said you’ve been in that position for thousands of years.”

Leeha carefully took out the growth accelerator from his bag.

Remember, recall it. A vial containing a liquid that changes color depending on the angle of light. Leeha handled it delicately and extended it towards the Platinum Dragon.

Though there was a fair distance to Bahamut, that posed no hindrance. Soon the vial left Leeha’s hand, floating in the air towards Bahamut.

Leeha saw it.

There was a distinct change in Bahamut’s expression.

“This is… This thing-”

He knew his gamble had paid off. Leeha’s reason for talking to Bahamut and bringing the growth accelerator was obviously singular.

‘Maybe not mass-produced, but… if I can just make one more!’

If the Platinum Dragon could recall how to make the growth accelerator. Just one more, and…

The hatchling Blaugrun could rapidly grow beyond Juvenile and reach Adult level, just like the noble and intelligent young man who had fought alongside Leeha against Kuzgunak’sh.


Bahamut quietly called his name as he looked at the vial.

Without any summoning skill or casting trace, Blaugrun had suddenly appeared in Bahamut’s lair.

[Kyuu!? Kyuu?]

Blaugrun seemed momentarily perplexed at being teleported, but upon seeing Bahamut and Leeha, he quickly relaxed.

[Kyuu, Kyuu, Kyuu.]

It seemed almost like a greeting of “I pay my respects, Lord,” as Blaugrun bowed his long neck gracefully to Bahamut. Bahamut glanced at Blaugrun, then at the vial, and finally at Leeha. His expression was akin to that of a grandfather admiring his grandson who had scored a perfect 100 on a test.


“Yes, Lord.”

“Indeed, accepting you into our clan was undoubtedly the right choice.”


“I’d like to find and burn that 11th Pope’s hat… but this will do. Thank you. I finally remember.”

Leeha barely contained his urge to cheer, ‘See, I knew it would work!’

He simply bowed his head silently, and Bahamut nodded before gesturing to Blaugrun.



“You’ve worked hard. Now, return.”

The vial floated in Bahamut’s hand.

Blaugrun, watching the vial drift through the air, knew what he had to do.

The hatchling flapped its wings, took the vial, and drank from it.


Leeha squeezed his eyes shut and turned his head away.

He even had to shield his eyes with his arm, such was the intensity of the light filling Bahamut’s lair. Leeha wondered if the lair might crumble from the erupting light.

‘After all the feeding, the rare potions and fresh ingredients mixed together… and now, actual evolution is triggered by a potion, of all things.’

Despite his complaints, Leeha’s face was bright. The evolution’s light, still burning brightly beyond his eyelids, felt like it was illuminating his future. The long duration of the light suggested a significant gap in the dragon’s growth stages. Leeha hoped that was the case. Even reaching Juvenile level would be immensely helpful, a world apart from his hatchling state.

‘Now that I think about it, the last time I met a Juvenile-class was… near Kuzgunak’sh’s lair. Those little ones from the Chromatic Dragon clan.’

He remembered the green and white dragons but not their names. However, he recalled they were proactive enough to attack him.

‘But they were a bit arrogant. Hmm… No, still, Blaugrun isn’t newly born. He’s been resurrected, so he should have memories of being an Adult, right? Or does he? I’ve never really checked.’

What if he doesn’t? A sudden thought struck Leeha. In his plan, Blaugrun was to be a perfect ally, matching his sniping with precision. Like Blaugrun at the Adult stage, intellectual, kind, smart, tactical, and strategic. A partner freely wielding various utility spells and paralyzing electrical magic! As Leeha was puffing up with these expectations, the light finally began to fade. Leeha lowered his arm and opened his eyes.

Bahamut called the name of the Bronze Dragon only after the light completely vanished. Leeha could clearly see whom Bahamut was addressing.


His hair, a blend of bright blonde and emerald hues, flowed neatly, giving off an unbalanced but adorable appearance with its rounded tips.

The child, around ten years old in size, wore a pure white garment that harmonized well with his hair color, exuding

a sense of sanctity.

“Hello, Lord. It seems like a while since I’ve properly greeted you. It’s amazing how spacious this place is and yet not a hint of moldy smell – typical of Lord’s lair.”

With a face resembling a child actor, featuring a pert nose and double eyelids, Blaugrun greeted Bahamut. It was like watching an endearingly cute nephew, someone you’d want to pinch on the cheek. But more than mere delight, Leeha felt an overwhelming sense of emotion. However, there was an unavoidable curiosity…

‘…His manner of speaking is…’

It was different from what Leeha had expected. Where had the polite, composed demeanor gone? What about the intellectual air that seemed even more pronounced than Hyein’s? Blaugrun’s behavior now seemed different from the intellectual and considerate dragon that Leeha had anticipated.

‘If Blaugrun pointing out mold smell in Bahamut’s lair is considered intellectual, then yes, he is intellectual – but…’

That wasn’t quite the demeanor Leeha had expected. Blaugrun glanced at a pleased Bahamut, then turned to look at Leeha.


“Yes? Oh, you- uh, Blaugrun-ssi.”

Blaugrun walked up to Leeha, taking small steps and standing in front of him with his emerald eyes shining.

“First, I wanted to properly thank you for resurrecting me. Thank you.”

“Well, that’s- yeah. Of course. Uh… I’m not sure where your memory starts, but anyway, it was you, Blaugrun-ssi, who gave your heart to catch Kuzgunak’sh-”

“Yes, I remember. I think using my heart to create a flamethrower-like weapon was brilliant. But when handling an owner’s property, especially when using it for a slightly different purpose than what the owner said, it’s important to ask for permission first, don’t you think?”

“Uh? Oh, right, sorry about that.”

“No, it’s okay. I’ve somewhat understood your nature while accompanying you as a hatchling, Leeha-ssi. We’re partners, bound by Lord [Bahamut], after all. I believe it’s important to understand that.”

Leeha looked over Blaugrun’s small head at Bahamut, who was smiling contentedly. What is this? Who is this cheeky little thing? Seeing Leeha’s expression, Bahamut shrugged his shoulders. Leeha couldn’t ask any more questions. Blaugrun had become a perfect Juvenile-level dragon. His personality seems to be adjusted to his current stage of growth, even though he retains his memory?! Leeha observed Blaugrun, who was surprisingly sharp, too shrewd for his liking, and even a bit presumptuous.

“Thank you for the future cooperation. But I’d appreciate it if you consult with me before engaging in dangerous activities. You understand, right?”

Leeha suddenly felt overwhelmed by exhaustion. He wondered if he should hold out his hand to the fern-like hand in front of him, pondering for a moment.

“I’ll be in the lair first. Although I’m still quite lacking, I can handle mana now, so I have to clean the lair. If Leeha-ssi had visited my lair even once, I could have reduced some workload.”

“That’s right… I never visited. I’m sorry.”

“No need to apologize. Just visit more often. You couldn’t have had a proper conversation when I was a hatchling anyway. It’s natural. Please contact me when needed. Ah, and preferably, use a messaging spell before summoning me.”

“Okay, cough. Understood, Blaugrun-ssi.”

Would Blaugrun’s shining crown even reach Leeha’s waist?

Leeha felt somewhat paralyzed by the presence of Blaugrun, who looked like a 10-year-old human child, half his height.

‘What kind of kid is this?!’

Leeha wanted to revoke his earlier thought of Blaugrun being like an adorable nephew, as his astute behavior felt both cringe-worthy and spine-chilling to Leeha.

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