TL: xLordFifth


‘No, even if Kidd knows the last location of Luger, it would be difficult to head straight there.’

After all, Kidd would need to know how to get to that place. Located in the New Continent and having constantly checked Luger’s location at every moment, Kidd would also need some time. Leeha steadied his breath. There was no need to get excited just because treasures were in sight. Moreover, Leeha, who has entered various treasuries multiple times, shouldn’t do that.

‘Slowly… Don’t expect coincidences in such a place. Focus only on what I want. The path I should take.’

Then, there’s no need to be greedy. One can only obtain what they want by letting go of greed here. Leeha walked slowly. He himself couldn’t tell how much time had passed. It was definitely more than an hour or two, maybe even long enough to be tedious. Leeha walked with focus.

Rare-grade equipment, rare-grade materials, hero-grade equipment, hero-grade materials, and finally, legendary-grade equipment. Even after passing all the legendary-grade equipment, what caught Leeha’s eye were the materials.

Legendary-grade materials.

‘From here on…’

Leeha entered the shelves on either side and thoroughly examined them.

The classification was meticulously done according to the characteristics of each material, so he could skip over materials that looked like minerals or sand, and even things that looked like framed pictures.

He knew each of those items, one by one, would be extremely valuable.

And he also knew that upon reading the item description, he would surely think of a way to use it.

‘But no. At least not now. What I need isn’t that.’

He knew because he heard it from Ju of the Holy Grill. What item did Leeha currently need the most?

“…Found one.”

Leeha picked up an item. And then continued walking.

There were materials from various monster body parts, and as Leeha looked around those shelves, he found another item.

Just as Ju had described.

“Found another one.”

Leeha held an item in each hand. He opened the description windows for both items.

[Legendary Growth Accelerator]

Effects: Enhances the rank of any creature in Middle Earth, including pets.

Description: A potion that made Bill Burgler famous as a legendary thief. Nobody believed his claim of having plundered a Platinum Dragon’s lair. However, among the items he brought back were two growth accelerators, and after seeing an ordinary horse swallow the potion and become a Pegasus, no one could doubt him anymore. The famous anecdote where the Platinum Dragon threatened to kill all humans if the potion wasn’t returned and set out to find it. It is said that the 11th Pope managed to calm the dragon and obtained this potion from Bill Burgler as a reward.

[Eye of Argos Revealing the Legend]

Description: One of the eyes of the legendary giant said to have a hundred eyes. The hundred eyes covering his body were to watch in all directions. In reality, when you hold one of his eyes in front of you, you can see everything in a straight line, regardless of distance, as clearly as with your own eyes.

Unlike magic using crystal balls or revealing coordinates, it can only be used when facing it. However, it has the advantage of feeling like things are right in front of you without distance limitations. It was a tribute received by the 3rd Pope.

‘Amazing. How did they know I needed something like this.’

The descriptions and effects of the items were impressive, but what truly astonished Leeha was the fact that the Holy Grill knew exactly what he needed the most at this moment.

One was a one-time use item, the growth accelerator. Its purpose was clear.

Growth of Blaugrun.

‘If he becomes a Juvenile-class and can communicate, we might find something in Blaugrun’s lair. Maybe a clue related to Koma’s growth… Or maybe something similar to this other item I’m holding.’

Leeha turned his head. The Eye of Argos. It’s not just a mere field boss like a Cyclops. It was literally material from a monster of legend! It was clear from the description. Simply put, using this would result in a scope with ‘infinite magnification.’

‘Not just 30 times like now. Literally, seeing as if it’s right in front of your eyes. Of course, I don’t need infinite magnification! Even 100 times – no, 60-70 times would be enough!’

Of course, adjusting the click settings to suit that level of magnification would be difficult, but that’s not Leeha’s worry. There’s already a skillful dwarf who knows the structure of scopes.


Leeha’s dilemma wasn’t just because of the advantages.

Each item had clear and distinct advantages, but there were unpredictable disadvantages as well.

‘What if I choose the growth accelerator and Blaugrun is just about to upgrade to Juvenile?’

The term ‘upgrade’ might sound a bit crude, but the situation itself made sense. There’s no percentage display for growth. Maybe Blaugrun is in a state where it could become Juvenile with just 5-10 more feedings before using the growth accelerator.

‘Yeah, I’ve been feeding it for quite some time now. I might get a chance to obtain it a few more times in Fibiel’s royal treasury, but I might never return to the Vatican’s treasury again.’

This incredible opportunity must not be wasted in vain. Leeha looked at the growth accelerator. Another risk was related to Blaugrun’s lair. Having become partners with Blaugrun and grown closer, Leeha could possibly get a few more items by flattering it.

‘But I have to remember that Blaugrun’s last stage was ‘Adult,’ not ‘Ancient.’’

It’s not an incredibly powerful dragon, like Bailephus or Kuzgunak’sh. Of course, a dragon is a dragon, and it would be formidable compared to ordinary monsters or players, but would it have a plethora of legendary-grade items?

‘The worst-case scenario would be using the growth accelerator just before Blaugrun upgrades to Juvenile, and Blaugrun’s lair having poor loot, and even Bottleneck failing to make a better scope. No, what if he can make it but says, ‘Bring me the Eye of Argos!’…

Then I would face the worst-case scenario neatly.

Wasting 100% of the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to use the Vatican’s treasury.

Leeha smirked and examined the Eye of Argos, resembling a huge crystal ball. Could he choose this without any burden? It turned out not to be the case.

‘This time, the opposite of the bad scenarios that could arise from choosing the growth accelerator.’

One advantage is that there is no monster or NPC named Argos currently existing.

Meaning, this item could only be obtained here.

If Bottleneck mentions this as an essential ingredient for making a better scope?

Leeha’s choice would be spot-on.

‘But what if that’s not the case?’

For instance, what if the scope can be made with materials easily bought from the auction house? What if there’s still a long way to go before Blaugrun becomes Juvenile? Choosing the Eye of Argos over the growth accelerator might end up being utterly useless.

Having two scopes would be pointless.

“Ah! Madame Ju! Just tell me one! If you had told me just one, I wouldn’t be agonizing and could have made a choice!”

Why did it have to be two items? In situations like this, not knowing seems to be a blessing, thought Leeha. If his affinity with the intelligence guild was lower, and Ju had casually mentioned just one item, he would have already chosen an item and left! After struggling and stomping around for a while, Leeha calmed his mind again. His internal situation indicated that his current thinking was correct. He had to consider various possibilities. But excluding everything else and thinking only about the immediate external factors, what would be the best choice? The answer was simple when pondered that way. Currently, there was only one opponent Leeha needed to focus on.

“…If the Matan’s Shooter has appeared, then what I need first and foremost is a scope.”

He had already guessed it. The Matan’s Shooter would be one of the former Three Musketeers. Either Mister Brown or Miss Elizabeth, he would have to fight one of them. It’s not a giant like the Brass Golem. Just a human.

‘Can I hit such a human-sized target from 4km away, like I did with the Brass Golem?’

If it’s 4km, that would be a relief.

What about 5km? Or 6, 7km? What if it’s 10km, as recorded in the Second Human-Dragon War Chronicles?

Without a better scope, he would be practically helpless.

Excluding the unknowns, the choice became clear. The safety-oriented ‘Eye of Argos’ or the adventure-oriented ‘Growth Accelerator.’

“This game really drives people crazy with choices.”

There can’t be a right answer this time. It’s impossible to calculate.

“It’s beyond the range of calculation a player can do -”

Suddenly, a thought flashed through Leeha’s mind. From a player’s perspective, they couldn’t calculate what would happen to Blaugrun or what Bottleneck could do.

That’s entirely up to the system. So then… what if? Leeha held the two items in his hands and stood there blankly for quite some time. After nearly 30 minutes of standing motionless without even blinking, Leeha’s expression returned to normal. His lips were slowly curling into a smile. “Hehehe…”

Leeha finally chose one item. As soon as he left the Vatican’s treasury, he activated the crystal ball. Moments later, the place Leeha landed was somewhat unexpected.

“I didn’t expect to come here so soon.” Facing the being showing a brief moment of surprise, Leeha greeted with a smile. In the giant artificially created cave, there was only one person, but the old man sitting on the chair had a presence that seemed to fill the cave.

“When horns are hot, they say it’s best to strike. Have you been well, Lord?”

“What could possibly happen? Bailephus is having fun across the sea and doesn’t come to visit, just a bit boring.”

The old man, grumbling and pouting upon hearing Leeha’s words, was none other than the leader of the Metal Dragons, the Platinum Dragon, Lord Bahamut.

“Lord Bahamut, it’s because you blew such winds. Saying there are beings stronger than dragons, no wonder Lord Bailephus’s heart is not at ease.”

“But, it’s the truth. There are indeed mighty mystical creatures among the spiritual beings. It would be good if there were friendly interactions with them. I’m curious to see how things will unfold.”

He said he was curious, but his expression showed no worry or concern. His interest-driven demeanor allowed Leeha to sense the absolute ease of the Platinum Dragon. Leeha was here for one reason only.

He had been in ‘whisper’ conversations with him all along from the Vatican’s treasury.

One might wonder what Leeha could possibly have to discuss with Bahamut at this point, but on reflection, it wasn’t strange at all. In fact, he had precisely chosen the target for his conversation.

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