TL: xLordFifth



“What’s the matter, squid?”

“Ugh… Well, if it’s more comfortable for you to call me that way, go ahead. Anyway, do you happen to know where other paleo races are?”

Still a squid? Though it wasn’t a pleasant remark, Leeha chose not to point it out. More important information was needed right now.

“Don’t know. Don’t care.”

“You’re of the same race. Even if you don’t care, you must know something. Or at least the location of other villages?”

“I don’t know. We worship Guardian Deity-nim, engage in activities, hunt, and give birth to children. What does that have to do with other paleos?”

The expression “give birth to children” made it clear that paleos could be distinguished between male and female.

Can female bodies also transform? If so, what would be their form and abilities? Although it was intriguing, it was a less important aspect. Leeha just nodded and asked again.

“Well, you know, at least the approximate locations around… Anything similar to that. Maybe-?”

“Are you talking about our home? That’s in my head. It’s the excellent knowledge passed down from the father to the child, from the child to their child in our lineage.”

“Oh, I see.”

It wasn’t what Leeha meant.

Leeha swallowed the rest of his words. He could clearly understand from Youngblood’s firm words that there was no need to pursue that further. 

‘It seems that their appearance and lifestyle, all reminiscent of primitive tribes, were intentionally designed. It could be inferred that they had no knowledge about the Erica continent, considering the setting.’

The only difference was the existence of a guardian deity and the ability to manifest its power. In essence, the term “paleo” meant no different from the primitives or savages shown in TV documentaries. Perhaps the relatively small number of red goats living together might be attributed to the general tendency of all paleos.

If they were content with a simple life and didn’t aim to form large societies, gathering to create a tribe and living modestly in the present, it raised questions. Perhaps, with the guardian deity as the focal point, all paleos were living the life of a small tribe.

‘Well… if that were the case, would it be difficult to approach the locations of other Paleos? Should I consider each territory as the domain of a different race? Maybe this situation is unique, and I shouldn’t expect friendliness from other Paleos or creatures in the future?’

To them, all users, regardless of their race, are akin to suddenly dropped strangers in the foreign land of the Lope Continent.

Did they instinctively understand the significance of clashes between civilizations…?

If they understood that fundamentally, you should consider the potential for hostility. Perhaps every encounter would require a constant demonstration of strength and goodwill. Naturally, this was not a welcome prospect for Leeha.


Finally, the prison door opened again. As Leeha and Youngblood entered, the users were puzzled.

“Eong-ah? Where’s Bailephus-nim?”

“Uh, that’s a bit… Anyway, Bailephus-nim cannot participate in this quest, everyone.”

In response to Kijung’s question, Leeha answered to everyone. Alexander’s eyebrows twitched.

“What happened to my partner?”

“It’s nothing major. Their leader here didn’t approve, so… Ah! You should think of Bailephus-nim’s withdrawal as part of the quest. Right now, Bailephus-nim is happily engaging in a conversation with their leader here, so there’s no need to worry.”


Leeha reassured Alexander and then observed the users outside the bars again before getting to the main point. By the time Leeha was about to bring up the main topic, everyone had already understood the situation.

“So, we need to replace one member for the quest-“

“Why are you blabbering, you fool? If you had asked me from the beginning, there would be no need for unnecessary words-“

“No, get back. Luger, sit down since it’s not you.”

Before Luger could even lift his butt, Leeha stopped him. Overwhelming firepower wasn’t necessary for this quest. Hyein’s eyes sparkled for a moment.

“Sorry, this time it’s not spatial magic.”

Fernand, who was silently pleading to be taken along just by moving his lips—a remarkable skill from Leeha’s perspective—was the greatest adventurer and pioneer on the old continent. While his strength was unparalleled even on the new continent, it was challenging to utilize in the current situation.

From the beginning, Leeha had thought of these two individuals, and it was a profession where they could choose one person without much deliberation among the two candidates. There was also no need to consider the other candidate, Chiyou.

“Rubini-nim, will you join me?”

“Oh, uh, me? I thought it wouldn’t be me.” 

Rubini looked surprised and adopted a confused posture.

Rubini, who was neither standing nor sitting, alternately looked at Leeha and Shin Nara. Leeha quickly checked Shin Nara and Ram Hwajung’s reactions. Despite initially deciding on Rubini, there was an inexplicable hesitation because of them.

“Would my… presence be helpful?”

“Why such a harsh remark? Of course, it would be.”

Leeha urged Rubini to hurry, but she still hesitated. Subtly, Chiyou seemed about to step forward. However, when she was about to lift her butt, someone beat her to it.

“Oh, come on! Rubini-nim! Why are you hesitating like that? Leeha-ssi has everything planned. Right, Leeha-ssi?”

“Oh? Ah, yes, of course. It’s obvious, Nara-ssi.”

Shin Nara approached Rubini, lightly patting her back. In the encouraging and supportive gestures, no trace of worry could be found in Shin Nara’s eyes. Indeed, Shin Nara’s actions, showing 100% trust in Leeha, resonated with Chiyou.

“Ugh, if I pushed a little harder, I could have made Shin Nara poke Rubini… Too bad, too bad. Well, Shin Nara does have charm. Except for that cheeky expression.”

Chiyou, who aimed to create friction between Shin Nara and Leeha and further sow discord within the expedition force of the new continent, had to admit defeat in her grand plan. Leeha’s boldness, displayed right after their arrival on the new continent, shattered Chiyou’s ambitious scheme.

“Now! There! Rubini-nim!”

“Uh, oh, yes.”

In the end, Rubini was gently pushed forward by Shin Nara toward the window bars. Ram Hwajung briefly glared at Leeha with a displeased expression, but that was all. In some aspects, Ram Hwajung seemed to trust Leeha even more than Shin Nara. She only snorted, turned, and sat back down.

Watching the defiant Ram Hwajung, Leeha briefly touched her forehead.

‘Come to think of it, Ram Hwayeon sent a ticket to Hong Kong, right? Ugh, when going to Hong Kong, I should buy gifts not only for Ram Hwayeon but also for Ram Hwajung.’

While contemplating additional expenses.

“Will need her help?”

“Yes. I will need her help.”

“Red goat! Let’s go to the guardian deity!”

“Let’s go, Rubini-nim.”

“Oh, yes. Um… well… Please take care of me.”

Rubini politely bowed towards Leeha. Leeha, in turn, unexpectedly greeted her with courtesy.

Shin Nara was smiling.

On the contrary, those who seemed nervous and uneasy were Kijung, Biyemi, and others. There was a fear that if they teased Leeha too much, her sword might turn them into kebabs.

“Oh, this time it’s a real human!”

“Hello, I’m Rubini.”

Although she was often perplexed and passive during the journey, facing Aibex, she appeared more confident than Leeha. Even though she had a blindfold, she must have seen Aibex’s appearance. Even if Leeha described it, it shouldn’t be a surprise! Leeha found her impressive once again.

“Yeah, yeah. Is she a female?”

Of course, even someone like her was caught off guard by the magical power of the spirits. Instead of the perplexed Rubini, Leeha stepped forward.

“Ahem, um… Aibex-nim? In the human world, we don’t use such expressions.”

“Expression? Is there another term besides female?”

“No, well… Forget it.”

While Aibex blinked, there was no need for Leeha to insist. Aibex’s appearance was strange, and it had lived for thousands of years, but in the end, the fundamental animal it was based on was a ‘goat.’ There was no need to explain the words ‘male’ and ‘female’ to him.

Leeha suddenly wondered how magical beings like Aibex would reproduce.

“There doesn’t seem to be a similar-looking opposite gender… Maybe, being a magical being means one must exist on its own. There might not even be a concept of reproduction… unless it’s asexual reproduction. Unless it’s not self-fertilization, I can’t think of any other way.”

In that moment of peculiar thoughts, a quest window appeared in front of Rubini as well.

The content was the same as Leeha’s:

[Wake up, my friend]

Content: Heal the corrupted spirit of the fellow human with the help of Aibex’s magical power.

Reward: Construction permit for Mana Relay Tower and Safety Guarantee

Intimacy with Aibex and his Palaeos +100%

Intimacy with Hooded and his Palaeos +100%

Failure: Achievement – Are humans born to betray?

Intimacy with Aibex and his Paleos -100%

Intimacy with Hooded and his Paleos -100%

However, from now on, it was a shared quest. The only difference was that Rubini also qualified to receive both the failure penalty and success rewards, but she calmly read the quest window and then looked at Leeha.

“Ha Leeha-nim.”

Rubini couldn’t figure out what she should do. Her nickname, “Doctor Doom,” was based on her ability to combine various pieces of information to make deductions. In reality, her skill was limited to creating maps. While she had many other unused skills, looking at the quests, she didn’t feel useful.

Even though she had repeatedly made resolutions to herself while coming this far, she still couldn’t be sure if she would be of any help.

“Rubini-nim, trust me. Only Rubini-nim can do it.”

Leeha looked at her and spoke with conviction.

“…Yes. I’ll trust you. If Ha Leeha-nim says so.”

Her response was swift. Without the need for further words or hesitation, a magical trust in Leeha, making her unable to even think further, blossomed in Rubini’s heart.

“Is it okay, Ha Leeha?”

“Bailephus-nim is right. Can you really communicate with that female? I thought you would choose a capable warrior.”

While Leeha was briefly away, the two beings, who had become like ‘bosom friends,’ showed a mix of worry and curiosity. From Aibex’s words, Leeha also felt that this place was truly ‘remote.’

“Rubini-nim is indeed a capable warrior, Aibex-nim.”

“A female?”

“Does the presence or absence of abilities, or their excellence, depend on gender? Isn’t that right, Rubini-nim?”

In response to Aibex’s question, Leeha confidently answered.

However, Rubini, the person in question, wasn’t particularly confident. “But that’s also something I’m worried about… What can I do?”

“Hehe, shall I give you a hint?”

“A hint?”

When Rubini tilted her head, Leeha had a realization.

“Oh, did I get affected by Middle Earth? I spoke too much like a Middle Earth quest. Actually, there’s no need for a hint. Originally, just saying [Sniping is not done alone] should be enough.”

Although Leeha confidently raised his thumb, there was no being who understood his words accurately. Not the gold dragon Bailephus, not the mythical creature Aibex, not Youngblood, and not even Rubini, who was doing the quest with Leeha.

“You’ll understand when we go, you’ll understand.”

The reason Leeha chose Rubini was precisely this. Until now, he could only clear quests alone. Even when someone’s power was needed, even when help was desperately needed, he couldn’t get assistance.

‘Because their ‘eyes’ are not as good as mine!’

Even if he tried to summon someone, their abilities would be lower than Leeha’s.

But Rubini? A skilled individual selected as a member of the Expeditionary Force of the New Continent and even known as the ‘One who sees the future’ with her skill?

What Leeha said as a hint was not just a hint but the answer itself. Sniping is not done alone.

‘There’s no one better observer than Rubini-nim.’

In essence, the user’s strongest observer had joined Leeha’s side.

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