TL: xLordFifth


They planned to gather on small, inconspicuous ships that enemies would find difficult to detect, the red goats intended to ambush their enemies’ ships when the black cranes appeared. The current situation revealed that the plan had failed. 

The black cranes could transform and abandon the ship in the first place, so attacking them would have never been easy.

“Prepare for throwing! Get ready to throw-“

“Stop, Youngblood.”

“…Red goat! Understood, Guardian Deity-nim.”

Aibex watched Hudid and his paleos flying away in the night sky. Youngblood, the ‘eldest brother,’ followed the orders of the Guardian Deity, calming the surrounding red goats. It was a short but intense assault.

“There was an incident like that. This surely is the New Continent…” Leeha returned and explained to everyone. However, none of the New Continent participants in prison immediately understood or accepted the situation.

“What… What are you talking about?”

“A goat with eyes on its back? A mystical creature?”

“Is it like a dragon?”

“Those paleos? Are they indigenous people who can transform from looking like humans to turning into red goats?”

A barrage of questions was directed at Leeha. However, he couldn’t provide a clear answer.

“Well, well! First of all, the mystical creatures and paleos are different. Um, I’m not sure. About those mystical creatures. Goats with eyes on their backs, or a one-legged creature with a blue head like a black crane… According to that goat, it seems like there are many of them scattered all over this continent.”

Like university students re-enrolling in their courses, the users’ eyes sparkled with anticipation.

“However, whether numerous mystical creatures all lead paleos, protecting their ‘children’ and sharing their power to transform them… about that, I can only speculate, and I still don’t know. Also, I don’t know how strong these mystical creatures are, or how powerful they can become. But-” Leeha glanced briefly at Bailephus. The Ancient Gold Dragon in human form wore a peculiar expression.

“-I’m sure you’ve all experienced the transformation states and damage of those ‘child-like’ paleos.”

“Of course. The New Continent, no, this ‘Erica Continent,’ is originally a place for high-level players… NPCs living here are incomparable to monsters from the old continent.”

Fernand looked at Leeha with eyes full of interest.

It’s already been mentioned that one person was needed for the quest, and his gaze clearly conveyed the desire for Leeha to be that chosen individual.

“Hmm, so… the success or failure of our [New Continent Quest] depends on whether Ha Leeha-ssi’s quest is successful?”

Chiyou already understood everything but pretended not to and asked.

To complete the quest, a Mana Relay Tower must be erected within the New Continent. To do that, Leeha had to restore the leader of the Black Cranes, the Guardian Deity ‘Hudid.’

“Yes. That’s correct. I apologize for acting on my own, but there was no other way, and I wanted to let you know in advance-“

“Oh-hohoho, everyone would probably be thankful. If Ha Leeha-ssi takes care of it, we just have to wait here. But our representative wouldn’t hide information or tell lies, right?”

“What do you take me for?”

“Oh, don’t be so scary. It’s no fun if you get all serious about a joke, right? Anyway, good luck!”

Chiyou poked her own cheek with her index finger, adding an exaggerated aegyo. It wasn’t exactly encouragement but rather a way of bringing up what everyone else had grasped.

‘Since I openly declared that I won’t hide anything from everyone, it’s unlikely I will conceal information, even if it’s terrifying,” Leeha thought. Chiyou’s psychological warfare seemed more like pressure and burden on Leeha.

After Chiyou’s words, the gaze of some users changed, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere for Leeha.

‘This troublesome woman… I don’t know how much research was done at the Holy Grill in Gaza City. But it is pretty much confirmed that she is working with Shinobi-Gumi and that she is the ‘hidden hand’… just thinking about-’ Leeha grumbled inwardly.

“Well, who are you going to bring, Ha Leeha-ssi?” Alexander spoke up.

Although Alexander assumed that Leeha would choose him, Leeha had no intention of bringing him along.

“As much as I’d like to pick both Alexander-nim and Bailephus-nim… anyway, it’s a one-person condition. Aibex won’t treat both of you as one, so-” Leeha explained.

“Hmm, I’ll have to ask my partner. Bailephus, please,” Alexander admitted. If they were to deal with such matters in the New Continent, Bailephus’s ‘NPC Helper’ tendency would likely be necessary. There was no reason for other users to object.

Leeha immediately spoke to the paleos and hurried to move to the ‘abode of the tribal guardian god’ with Bailippus.

“Bailephus-nim, do you happen to know anything about these beings called ‘mystical creatures’?” Leeha asked as they walked, guarded by the paleos. However, Bailephus only tilted his head slightly in response.

“I already mentioned it. This is my first time on Erica Continent. However… I seem to have heard something about it before.”

“Heard something?” Leeha inquired.

“The Lord spoke interesting words. He mentioned encountering ancient beings who couldn’t become dragons, didn’t follow God or the Devil, and were powerful enough to threaten even beyond the Ancient-class, depending on their nature and abilities. Someday, he advised meeting them all and performing the mission. He said something about fascinating creatures.”

“What?! Uh, th-that…”

“Yeah. I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time, even during my time in prison. Rather than worry, it’s more about anticipation and excitement. I’ve been waiting for a being that would finally make me feel excited and look forward to it for thousands of years.”

This time, they didn’t even cover their eyes. The paleos guided Aibex and Bailephus into the abode.

“Kneel here-“

“Indeed…! Could such beings really exist in the world?”

“R-Red goat! You! Kneel down and sit here!”

The paleos tried to force Bailephus to kneel, but they were unable to do so. Aibex, sitting quietly, also had widened eyes in surprise.

“What is this, what is this?!”

“Do you recognize me?”

With a surprised tone from Aibex, Bailephus smiled. Aibex’s heart was pounding, raising the tension in his muscles.

‘I hope he doesn’t suddenly start jumping around.’

If Aibex and Bailephus were to fight here, the village would be completely devastated.

Fortunately, the feared event did not occur. Aibex continued to sit, observing Bailephus and Aibex alternately, while Bailephus confidently sat in front of him.

“This scoundrel! How dare he act so arrogantly in front of the Guardian Deity-nim—”

“No, no. That’s enough. Bring your eldest brother here; the rest can leave.”

“R-Red goat!”

The paleos immediately followed their guardian’s orders.

The vast abode, with an open ceiling that gave a sense of space, felt crowded even though there were only three beings inside. However, the feeling of being cramped might be due to the fact that they were the mystical creature of Erica Continent Aibex, the Ancient-class Gold Dragon Bailephus, and the world’s strongest player sniper, Leeha.

‘Why does Bailephus have such eyes?’ Looking at the elderly man’s eyes, which were brighter than when Leeha first saw him, with those sparkling eyes like a child’s.

“Ha Leeha.”

“Oh, yes. Let me introduce you. This person will be performing the mission with me—”

“Um, no, that’s not it.”


“He is not a ‘human.’ You promised to perform the mission with a ‘human,’ didn’t you?”


“Check it yourself.”

This is another trick? Aibex hastily opened the quest window.

[Wake up, my friend]

Content: Heal the contaminated mind of the mystical creature Hudid with a fellow human.

“Ah! Ahhh?!”

Once again, at the very last moment!

‘You Middle Earth scammers, damn it, again!’

Aibex gave an incredulous look, and Aibek’s lips curled into a smile.

Their eyes and mouths were laughing in different places, which looked strange, but what he said was not wrong. From the beginning, it was a request to ‘test the abilities and faith of humans.’ Moreover, if failed, the penalty that would occur was named ‘Achievement – Are Humans Born to Betray.’

Bringing a dragon in human form would violate the rules from the start.

“Youngblood will come soon. Choose a ‘human companion’ to perform the mission together. I’ll be busy during that time. Probably, if my guess is not wrong, it’s a being called a dragon. Is that right?”

“Oh, oh, oh! As expected! Do you know who I am?”

“I remember the rumors. About 3,800 years ago…”

“About that time! Um, yes! That’s right! Our Lord probably said something like that to our clan around that time! If he talks like that, there probably aren’t any dragons in this place, the Erica Continent!”

“Haha, communication is working well. Yes, indeed. I’ve seen many uncultured and low-level creatures, but meeting someone so cultured and sophisticated is a first.”

Leeha looked at the curious expressions of these beings who had skipped 3,800 years with a puzzled face. It was like elderly people from a primary school alumni meeting recalling hazy memories.

“Red goat! Guardian Deity-nim! I’ve received orders!”

Youngblood arrived around that time. Aibek shook his horned head as if he were annoyed and shouted.

“Oh, Youngblood. Come and take Ha Leeha here. We need to bring a human from the prison.”

“Red goat!”

“By the way, bring some drinks on your way. The best ones, I mean.”

“Red goat!”

Youngblood, now turned into a messenger, grabbed Leeha’s bewildered arm and started moving.

Although he was smaller in stature than Leeha, and still not transformed, Youngblood’s sturdy muscles could be felt.

‘Anyway, if it turns out like this, my quest…’

Who to bring, and how to go about it.

Aibex already had a face expressing his lack of interest in beings like Hudid, and Bailephus didn’t show any interest either.

This was a task to be cleared solely with the power of users.

‘There is one person that comes to mind…’

Leeha’s struggle to establish a base for users from the old continent in the new continent was about to begin.

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