Chapter 1305  Murderer

After that, Grandfather Xiang asked Mu Chenyan and Xia Zhao to follow him. Xiang Hulin also decided to join them. "Ellie, do you wanna eat grapes?" asked Hyson.


"Let's go and get some grapes from the grapevine. Fresh! I think they'd be super delicious."

"Where is it?" asked Raelle.

"In my yard," answered Hyson as he pulled her along.

When he brought her there and looked back, his lips twitched at the people who followed.

"I only called my best friend," he said.

"I come in a package with your best friend. Don't you remember that, Fai?" asked Shui Xian shamelessly.

Hyson didn't have anything to say to him, "Okay. What about you guys?"

"I also wanted to eat grapes," said Xiang Wai.

"Justin wanted to see the grapes trellis," said Xiang Weimin.

Hyson rolled his eyes at them and shook his head. He walked to the grapes trellis and showed it to Raelle proudly, "How is it? Isn't it beautiful? This is my yard. It's more beautiful than you. My Opa arranged it for me, after all."

"Did you bring me here to share your grapes with me or to show off?"

"Whichever one you like," he said.

Shui Xian took a bunch of grapes and went to wash it before bringing it to feed his wife. He pulled her to sit on the stone table that was placed under the grapes trellis and fed Raelle one grape at a time leisurely. He had to say, this was a beautiful arrangement. Grandfather Xiang really put some serious effort into it. It only showed how much he valued Hyson.

"There is a swing too," came Xiang Wai's voice. "Wow! Grandpa is really partial. Ge, come and push me!"

"Why do you think it's a bit odd?"

"I can't explain it either."

"Is it the fact that everything around you is changing?" asked Xiang Weimin as he sat down with him. "Right. Everything is changing. Everyone's relationship status is also changing. And I am standing right where I was."

"Don't worry, I'm with you," said Xiang Weimin as he placed his hand on his shoulder.

Hyson pushed his hand away and said, "Ge, you jumped straight to being a father. You cheated! You took the biggest jump around here. Who are you to say that you're standing right where you were?"

Xiang Weimin rubbed his nose and didn't know what to say in response.

"Hey, what's in your pocket, Ge?" asked Hyson.

Xiang Weimin pulled out the slingshot and told him, "Justin had it. So, I took it from him."

"Why? You won't let him play with a slingshot? How cruel of you! How can you deprive your son from the right of experiencing new things? Do you know how fun it is to shot pebbles at those leachers' bums with the slingshot?"

"You have quite some experience, Fai!"

Hyson smiled proudly, "I do!"

"Well, I feel sad. I only have experience of shooting down birds with my slingshot."


"Don't exaggerate so much, Hyson," said Raelle and then turned to Xiang Weimin. "But you're right. Murderer!"

Xiang Weimin laughed at their reaction and said, "Try staying in a forest for training. Much less birds, you'd have to hunt snakes and even rats to eat to survive."

"Okay, I don't know this person. Disgusting!" said Hyson as he looked like he was about to throw up. He calmed himself down, "But I can disown you too. It's because you're a soldier so I'd let your behavior slide. Or else, I hate bird killers!"

Xiang Weimin chuckled, "I know how much you love birds. You don't have to tell me that. And I don't have to do that too. I'm mostly in the sky. I only ate those things when I was training or when I was stranded. Otherwise, I'd definitely not hunt these things to eat. Especially birds. They are truly too innocent for me to bring myself to eat them."

"I don't believe you," said Hyson. "But as I said, I'd let this slide."

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