Chapter 1304  Revenge

Raelle came to tap Yue Yue's shoulder and said, "Don't worry, Yue! I'd help you too in this." She looked at Mu Chenyan, "After all, it's my Yanyan's wedding. How can I just watch, right? I have to do my best for her. To make an unforgettable moment."

Mu Chenyan could literally hear the alarm bells ringing in her mind when she heard Raelle's words. It was tantamount to declaring revenge! Yes, this was blatant revenge for how she had been pushing Raelle around for her wedding. How could Raelle let her escape?

Mu Chenyan laughed awkwardly, "There is no need for that. We planned on getting a certificate only."

"No," said Raelle. "How is that enough? If the daughters of the Xiang family are getting married, there has to be a spectacle for people to talk about for years to come. Don't you agree, Yanyan?" Before Mu Chenyan could say anything, she added, "Of course, you agree. Aren't those the words you said to me? You won't go back on your words, right?"

Mu Chenyan wanted to spew out some curses to let out her emotions right now. She didn't think her Elle would do this to her. She didn't leave her a way out. How sad!

Grandfather Xiang also spoke up, "Yenay is right. How can we just get a certificate? Zhao, you can't treat my daughter like this. I don't allow it. I, Xiang Tianyu, only have one daughter. How can I entrust her to you with this attitude? It's unacceptable! I didn't raise my daughter so that she could be mistreated like this. I believe she deserves better."

Xia Zhao raised his hands in defeat, "Uncle, you know me. Getting just a certificate would never be my idea. I value Yan Zi a lot. How can I be willing to mistreat her? If possible, I'd like to follow all the etiquette. And I'm sure my grandparents would want that too. But Yan Zi isn't comfortable with a wedding. So, I can't really go against her either."

"No!" said Raelle. "There has to be a wedding. It's not up to Yanyan this time!"

Mu Chenyan closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "Elle, do you have to do this to your Yanyan? I loved you so much. And you're doing this to me?"

"That's why I say, one should always think about the future before doing anything. When you made me do things against my wishes, you always said, it was for my own good. Now, I'd like to give those words back to you. How can you miss out on having an unforgettable wedding?"

Mu Chenyan rubbed her head tiredly. She really shot herself in the foot. But when she was doing it all to Raelle, she really didn't think she'd have it today. Sigh! It was all her conceitedness that became her fall. That's why a person should always be humble in life.

"Okay," said Mu Chenyan. "I agree. But... We'll only have a small ceremony. An intimate gathering of family and friends only. I repeat, ONLY! After all, I'm not that young. So, let's not make it a big deal. Can we compromise on this much, darling?"

Raelle contemplated for a while before saying, "Fine. I'm okay with this. We can compromise this much."

"Don't just think, Yanyan. Have faith in yourself."

"Godson, even you?"

Hyson grinned to her, "I can't help it. Sorry!"

"When are you meeting Zhao's grandparents?" asked Grandfather Xiang.

"Whenever they are ready to come," replied Mu Chenyan and turned to look at Xia Zhao who was checking his phone. "Say something."

"It seems they are coming here today," he replied.

"What?" Mu Chenyan was taken aback, she thought she'd have some time for buffer. All of this was going too fast for her liking. Oh damn, she has never hated fast speed so much in her life! Is it the retribution for liking speeding? Oh, she did not like this.

Xia Zhao gave her a comforting smile, "They seem over excited so they are coming today. But don't worry, we'll only meet them tomorrow. You can slowly let this sink in."

"You are not giving me time to let anything sink in."

Xia Zhao gave her an apologetic look, "Sorry! They waited too long for this. So, I can't refuse them. Do you want me to tell them not to come?"

"No!" said Mu Chenyan. "Today or tomorrow. It doesn't matter. It's gonna happen anyway."

"So, you're fine with today, right, Yanyan?" asked Raelle.

Mu Chenyan gave her a look, "I'd still like a break for today."

Xia Zhao caressed her back, "We'd only meet tomorrow. Not today. They'd just settle in today."

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