“Prime Minister. Minister Ian Hiello heard..”

“Hurry up and stop by. Quintana. I'm talking about the tax rate adjustment proposal I gave you earlier during the day. I think there was a similar case before. Was it 5 years ago? It would be good to calculate it by comparing it to then..”

“Jin is also with you..”

The prime minister and high-ranking officials who had gathered first to share reports paused..

Oh my god?

Of course, it was no problem at all for the prince to attend the great meeting. On the contrary, taking the lead in sorting out the chaos in the imperial palace is an extremely exemplary attitude..

But Jin was too young, and more than anything else, there was the issue of succession..

‘Sir Ian drew his sword properly..’

I can't believe you brought Jin like that to the conference. His purpose was clear: to announce his support for the 5th Prince and at the same time gradually establish his political presence. Quintana stamped his stamp, ignoring the whispering officials..

“I smoked all my cigarettes today. What are you doing? Won't you serve me??”

The servant bowed and turned around, and soon the huge door slowly swung to the side. Ian was holding Jin’s hand. The Prime Minister and other officials stood up to greet Jin..

It's good.

“Poor Jin. You're safe..”

“The scars on my face are deep and I am truly saddened..”

“Come up this way, low..”

Is it because my skin is so white? An ugly wound stood out from her left forehead to her right chin. Her wound was so deep and deep that it felt like it was a blessing from God that her eye wasn't damaged, cutting her child's face in half..

Quintana frowned as he put the cigarette case in his pocket..

‘Marib and Gail are also amazing. What crime did the young man commit to make you do that?.’

But I'm glad that his complexion looks good, regardless of the scars. In fact, compared to four months ago, his eyes seemed to have become more vibrant. Sometimes, when I passed by her, I felt like she was a moving doll, unlike Arsene..

“Thank you all for your hard work. Since you are the ones supporting the cluttered imperial palace, His Majesty the Emperor will be deeply pleased..”

“That's too much praise, sir. It's the right thing to do.”

“you're right. It's our duty.”

“I feel reassured. So, I came here to lend my strength. Please allow us to learn from the insights of the Prime Minister and Ministers..”

Everyone bowed their heads at Jin’s request. Was Jin always that kind of kid? No. In fact she almost never heard a voice.

For a moment, everyone was surprised by the completely different appearance from what they remembered. Ian pulled out a chair and guided her to Jin. The seat closest to the Prime Minister was his seat..

“Please sit this way, sir..”

“Thank you.”

Jin answered firmly and sat down on the chair. She had a solemn expression, but her hands were shaking under her table. She did exactly as Ian told her, but Jean was so nervous that she couldn't even remember what she said..

“Are you and I the last ones to arrive??”

“exactly. start the meeting.”

Ian glanced at the child's hand and asked the Prime Minister. The impact of Jin's appearance was clear, but it soon subsided. There was a lot to discuss and countless issues to deal with before the prince was conscious of it..


Subordinates from each department walked around the conference room and distributed reports. Romandro also joined them and conveyed the opinions of the Ministry of Magic leaders..

“First, the administration, Quintana..”

Quintana raised his hand when nominated by the Prime Minister..

“This is a report on measures to secure the national budget. The damage to the buildings of each imperial palace is more serious than expected, so an additional half of the budget set for this year is needed..”

“3The fire near the imperial palace was big. That annex would have to be completely renovated. Fortunately, it is a place where only Sojongbu is located, so there is no disruption to work..”

“How about downsizing and rebuilding? The budget is tight, so I don't think there's any need to build it the way it was originally built..”

“To be honest, the building was big compared to the work I was doing..”

“The backlash will be severe. I'm not talking about efficiency, but it's a building that was destroyed due to an unfortunate incident. It is meaningful to fully find the way it was before..”

Sojongbu? As the officials heatedly added one word after another, Jin just watched calmly. Since this is my first time hearing about this department, I have no idea what they are talking about..


-This is the Minority Diplomatic Support Department. I am in charge of minority races that have officially entered Bariel. However, the standards set by Bariel are so low that most cases are transferred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Even if there is, most of it is illegal entry, so the jurisdiction is different. I understand that it has already moved to a new building because it is a department that is going out of business..

Ian wrote on the corner of the report and tapped it. Since everyone was so familiar with it, we used abbreviations for convenience, but it was natural that it would be difficult for someone who came to the meeting for the first time to understand. That's why they say experience is important.


Jin muttered softly as if he had realized something. The embarrassed face began to shine again. Now that she knows what she is referring to, she can follow the officials' opinions..

“What do you think Sir Ian??”

“I think it would be a good idea to downsize. Aside from orthodoxy, it is very far from the main building of the Third Imperial Palace. I suggest removing the middle garden and building there. Then you can take a new path that leads to the 2nd Imperial Palace..”

The question came suddenly, but Ian answered naturally. The sound of paper being turned here and there could be heard at her unusual opinion. Examine the imperial palace map to see how valid Ian’s words are..

“That makes sense. To get from the central annex of the 2nd Imperial Palace to the left annex of the 3rd Imperial Palace, you had to pass by three buildings..”

‘Ah, if you want to get from here to there, you have no choice but to go like this..’

Jin nodded, tracing the map with his finger. Although he didn't have much to go to, he didn't know about the hardships of the officials who went to work every day by carriage. Everything they said was so amazing and new that Jin felt his heart pounding..


Ian flipped through the report and lightly raised his hand. The Prime Minister gave permission to speak with a wink..

“Ask about Ministry of Magic compensation.”

“…Thanks to the protective shield, no damage was done, but damage was confirmed. Since it is minor, it will be carried out last..”

Quintana responded with a skeptical look. Like I don't know why she's asking that.

“Along with the renovation work at the Ministry of Magic, we plan to proceed with the construction of an annex..”

It was a notice, not a suggestion..

Quintana's eyebrows naturally furrowed at Ian's remarks. Isn’t this what Wesley tried so hard to do during his lifetime? However, due to sharp conflict with Marib, it continued to fail..

“Construction of an annex??”

The status of the Ministry of Magic in the imperial palace was already sky-high, and it could be assumed that it would continue to be so. But wouldn't his power become even stronger if he expanded the building? It was natural that the larger the area they occupied in the imperial palace, the more psychologically pressure other departments would feel..

Quintana retorted sharply..

“I am against it. Compared to other departments, the Ministry of Magic has sufficient work space for its personnel. Plus I can't budget anymore.”

“Well, I agree. Sir Ian Hiello, I acknowledge that the Ministry of Magic has done a great job this time, but the construction of the annex is a different matter..”

Some officials also stood up and said that it would not be possible at once. The force was stronger than expected, so Jin unconsciously glanced at Ian sitting next to him..

What was Ian thinking when he raised a topic that everyone was against? I was curious and worried.

“Deputy Minister Quintana.”

Ian was smiling leisurely. Even while everyone sitting across from him stiffened their mouths, Ian remained undisturbed..

“I heard that when setting a budget, you set aside 5 years' worth in addition to that year's budget. Is that correct??”


This is because when additional budget is needed in the event of war, natural disaster, or such a sudden crisis, it is drawn from the future. Ian asked, flipping through the paper..

“In that case, the budget written here reflects the Ruron Stone installments that the Ministry of Magic had set aside in advance..”

When Ian sold the Luron Stone to the Ministry of Magic, the amount was so enormous that he could not pay for it all at once. Instead, it was supposed to be paid in installments over a number of years, and that's what I'm talking about now..

Quintana looked at Ian, speechless. I think I know what he's trying to say.

“I will redirect the money from Ruron Stone to the construction of an annex. According to our calculations, the price is greater than the construction cost..”


The sound of documents being turned over was heard again..

When the fixed price disappears, there is actually a little bit of budget left. Since buildings are not built overnight and construction costs are paid in installments anyway, Ian's proposal is beneficial when considering the national treasury..

“Well, if that happens, there is no need to pull 2 ??years worth of budget. All you have to do is pull one year’s worth in advance..”

“The cost of the Ruron Stone exceeds the Ministry of Magic's budget for several years. It seems that there will be no problem in proceeding with construction..”

“Huh. This is really great.”

Even so, the Ministry of Magic was the place that took the most budget in the imperial palace after the imperial family. Quintana quickly played with her pen and did some simple calculations. Certainly, in the current situation where you need to save every penny of your budget, if only the cost of Ruron stone disappears,…….

“Of course, this all happens after the imperial palace is stabilized. However, since there is talk about reconstruction, I am telling you this..”

I told you in advance, so don't even think about objecting later. They say they will use the money as they see fit, so there is no real reason to object. In fact, Marib's power was disintegrated and there were no people to carry the guns.. “And there are quite a few magic-related items that the Ministry of Magic is preparing for commercialization, including the Sildam potion. It would be more helpful if a certain portion was deducted as tax. Deputy Minister Quintana.”

When Ian finished with a grin, she twirled her pen and sighed. Since I have nothing to pay, I have nothing to say. Quintana was in no position to engage in blind opposition to keep her in check..

“…All right. We will check the details separately on our side. Please move on to the next item..”

I took a step back. When Quintana, who holds her budget, came out, she swallowed a sigh that made other officials sigh as well..

Bang bang!

“Next item on the agenda.”

The Prime Minister struck down his baton and decided to downsize the Third Imperial Palace Annex and consider building an Annex for the Ministry of Magic..

Similar situations have happened several times. Officials gave their best opinions from their positions, and the answer was reached through coordination..

Dawn came, but Jin didn't notice and kept nodding. In the corners of the report, the explanation written by Ian increased..

“Then can I just finish this??”

“Oh, I have a suggestion..”

“Speak up, Lord Hiello..”

By the time it's finished. Ian looked at his gin and opened his mouth..

“It's about the fate of Emperor Jin..”

“Since your residence has been destroyed, aren't you staying in the second imperial palace annex for the time being? I know that Delina translated it that way too..”

Jin wiggled his fingers under the table. It turns out she was an abandoned child.

“For the time being, I would like to take care of you, not Delina. The location is also assigned to a location close to the Ministry of Magic..”


“When Prince Mariv stormed into the residence, he saw Delaina begging for her life and handing over Emperor Jin's recruits. That's when the wounds of my deterioration occurred..”

The officials frowned at Ian’s words. Now, what are you saying??

“It is my opinion that we cannot expect Delina to fulfill her duties as a guardian..”

“Sir, is that true??”

The Prime Minister straightened his back and asked Jin. Everyone in the conference room looked at Jin. Pity, sympathy, astonishment, and absurdity. All those eyes were mixed up.

The child thought for a moment and nodded with difficulty..

“It's true.”

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