Chapter 189

As Ian’s carriage arrived at the Ministry of Magic, mages who had been standing by in the building came rushing out one by one. With a mountain of reports and approvals to handle, they wasted no time in approaching him. They followed closely behind Ian as he strode forward, each throwing out a comment.


“In an hour, the Prime Minister will convene a grand council meeting.”

“Understood. Have each department forward their materials to Romandro.”

“Lord Ian. We have completed the disposal of all the bodies in the palace. The identified individuals have had their names distributed to each department, and those who could not be identified have been disposed of. We should be able to investigate further based on the responses from the departments and the reports coming in after the opening of the city gates. Ah, and the necromancers are requesting a few intact corpses.”

Ian received the report while walking, skimming through it but accurately capturing all the important details. He signed off on it with a pen and handed it back.


“Yes. Of course, given the circumstances.”

“Additionally, we have recovered 5 mana sealing stones from His Highness Gale’s residence. They are all in 10-gram and 50-gram sizes, which is less than the officially registered amount of mana sealing stones. We suspect some were lost during the battle with His Highness Mariv, specifically when killing Commander Riama.”

“Prince Mariv likely carried a small amount as well.”

“We are currently searching his residence and office, but there has been no news. Please grant permission to interrogate His Highness Mariv once he awakens. Here is the authorization form.”

“Very well. Also, request the Administrative Department to review their records. There must have been an adjustment of authority regarding the management of mana sealing stones during Wesley’s tenure. It wasn’t too long ago.”

Since Wesley had handed over most of the mana sealing stones to Gale, it wouldn’t be difficult to trace the flow. Ian signed the form, indicating his permission, and repeated the same actions until he reached his office.

Click. As the sound of footsteps approached, Beric, Xiaoshi, and Jin, who had been waiting inside, simultaneously turned to look at Ian. The three of them were gathered around a drawing paper, sketching something. Unfortunately, it was still indecipherable.

“Did you not sleep?”

Ian asked, looking at Xiaoshi. It was clear why she was here despite his order to stay with Arsen. Dilaina must have taken Arsen away while he was gone.

“Ah, I woke up.”

Jin grinned, dimples forming on his cheeks. Behind him, Beric made a horn-like gesture with his fingers and made all sorts of grim expressions. It seemed Dilaina’s commotion had been quite loud. The child silently continued scribbling with colored pencils, the shapes becoming even more indistinct.

“Are you leaving right away?”

At Xiaoshi’s question, Ian nodded. After a moment’s thought, he changed into his robe and called for Jin.

“Your Highness.”


“If you are unable to sleep, would you accompany me?”


“I will be attending the grand council meeting. You may join me if you wish, or take a night stroll if you prefer. Beric and Xiaoshi will be with you, so you need not worry. Although it has only been two days, staying indoors all day disrupts sleep patterns and eventually disturbs the day-night cycle.”

Jin blinked. Ian had suggested a night stroll, but it was clear what he truly wanted. He was inviting Jin to the grand council meeting.

“Isn’t Mother there?”

Jin had a vague idea. With Mariv and Gale distanced from the line of succession, the next would be Arsen and himself. Thus, judging from Ian’s attitude, he might one day have to directly confront Arsen.

However, he had not expected to enter the political scene this quickly.

“No. She won’t be there.”

Dilaina would be preoccupied with meeting Duke Hayman. Moreover, the grand council meeting currently being held was to discuss the direct handling of the palace situation, so there wasn’t much for Dilaina to be involved in. She would likely find it more efficient to gather her forces and align her intentions with Hayman rather than attend the meeting.

“Aren’t you curious? About how the palace officials discuss, resolve, and handle state affairs.”

Although he had consistently received imperial education, most of it focused on etiquette, knowledge, or culture, with political aspects intentionally excluded.

It was partly due to the twins’ young age, but largely because Mariv and Gale had a strong hold at the top. For them, state affairs were like a forbidden fruit, something they could only gaze upon.

“You will find it interesting.”

As Ian smiled brightly, Jin abruptly stood up. His eyes sparkled with a rare liveliness. The child clasped his small hands tightly and exclaimed.

“Yes, I’m curious!”

“Change into your outdoor attire. Is anyone outside?”

At Ian’s call, an attendant entered and bowed. Jin hurriedly followed him out, and Xiaoshi naturally accompanied them. Only Beric remained sprawled on the sofa, idling. He held the indistinguishable drawing up to the light.

“Ian, look at this. The prince drew me.”

“Beric, you should also prepare to go out.”

“Eh? Me too?”

“With your masters all leaving, how can you enjoy the luxury alone?”

At Ian’s command, laced with laughter, Beric tilted his head back. Since the palace incident, he hadn’t been able to eat properly. It was only natural, given the limited supplies and inability to leave.

Knock knock.

“Ian, where are Jin and His Highness going at this hour?”

Just then, Romandro tapped on the open door, announcing his presence. His arms were filled with reports received from outside.

“They will be accompanying me to the grand council meeting. Please make the necessary arrangements.”

“Oh, that’s excellent. Seeing His Highness safe and sound will provide further reassurance to the officials.”

The Hayman faction had fabricated rumors in mind, while Dilaina had been unable to meet her son. Their encounter would lend credence to the notion that Ian had forcefully seized control of the palace. It was necessary to take gradual actions to counter that.

“Not only that, but one day, His Highness Jin will come of age and personally lead state affairs. It would be beneficial for him to gain a sense of it beforehand. Such situations are rare, so it will undoubtedly be helpful.”

It was a remark with the intention of formally educating the prince. With his father, the emperor, frozen and bedridden, and his mother solely focused on his brother, who else would teach him such things?

In a way, it was an opportunity for Jin. The emperor himself would be by his side, guiding him step by step. What could be more certain than the path to becoming an emperor, as taught by the emperor himself?

‘Having been betrayed and nearly beheaded, I also know the worst path that should never be taken. I have much to teach Jin.’

May Ian’s experience become Jin’s wisdom.

He smiled faintly while organizing the documents.


The carriage sped towards the grand council hall.

Jin and Beric had their foreheads pressed against the window, admiring the night view of the palace. Having always led a regular life, it was their first time venturing outside at such a late hour. Fortunately, the partially destroyed palace appeared presentable in the darkness.

‘How interesting. This hour is not as dark as I thought.’

“Your Highness.”

At Ian’s call, Jin turned his head. The silver hair shimmered with a bluish hue under the moonlight.

“There is something I need to tell you before we enter.”

“What is it?”

Romandro cleared his throat and lowered his gaze. Judging from the atmosphere, it didn’t seem to be a pleasant message.

However, Jin straightened his posture and firmly held his gaze. None of what Ian had said thus far had been detrimental. No matter what it was.

“Currently, Lady Dilaina is the sole guardian of Arsen and Your Highness Jin in the palace. No one can deny this, legally or morally.”

“But Lord Ian is also here, is he not?”

At Jin’s response, Ian smiled slightly. He had been a guardian deep in his heart, but to outsiders, it would appear far from the truth. He was vulnerable to blatant attacks, accused of exploiting a powerless prince to monopolize the palace’s authority.

“On days like today, if Lady Dilaina wishes to see Your Highness Jin, I have no choice but to step aside.”

Suddenly, a shadow fell across the window. The moon had hidden behind the clouds, but Ian felt as if Jin’s expression had darkened.

“After all, Lady Dilaina is Your Highness Jin’s mother. We will soon complete the restoration and open the palace, and by then, there will be no justification for protecting Your Highness Jin.”

“Then what should I…”

“There is one way. However, this may also be burdensome for Your Highness Jin, so I am seeking your opinion in advance.”

Jin easily recalled the midday two days ago.

Encountering Mariv in the chamber. The refreshing breeze. Someone’s head rolling on the ground. Arsen’s whispers. His mother releasing his hand.

“Are you saying that Mother handed me over to Brother Mariv?”

Ian nodded briefly.

Dilaina had begged for Jin’s life from a traitor who would go down in history. Although it was to save Arsen, Jin was also of noble imperial blood. As a guardian, it was a choice that should never have been made. This was the only justification to separate Jin from Dilaina.

“If you permit it.”

If Jin permitted it, he would reveal it and help him break free from Dilaina.

As the child fell silent, only the sound of hoofbeats could be heard in the carriage. Ian waited for an answer but did not rush. He was to be the emperor. Each choice needed to be made independently.

“Lord Ian.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“I want to live.”

After a long pause, the child’s answer was concise. He touched the still-unhealed wound and, through the window, touched that day as well.

“But if I stay with Mother now, I feel like I will die. Whether it’s my breath or my soul.”

He couldn’t completely abandon her. After all, she was his mother.

The name “mother,” to which countless people offered all the world’s respect with just a mention.

“So when I feel strong enough to stand on my own, I will go see Mother. By then, even if Mother doesn’t embrace me, perhaps I can embrace her instead.”

Also, when Arsen’s whispers no longer strangled his heart.

He needed a little time. He could endure that much. Even if everyone whispered that he was an abandoned prince, he could endure it.

“That is an admirable resolve.”

“Please help me, Lord Ian.”


The carriage came to a halt. As the door opened, Ian stepped out first and extended his hand to Jin. It was an answer through action. That he would always hold his hand like this.


Jin lightly stepped onto the ground and tried to calm his pounding heart as he looked up at the grand council hall. The carriages of high-ranking officials were lined up, and mid-level managers from various departments had also gathered, exchanging information in a disorderly manner.

“Your Highness, remember this night.”

Jin, holding Ian’s hand, climbed the stairs one by one. People recognized Ian first, and then they noticed Jin beside him. The parting crowd bowed their heads and greeted Jin.

“Today is the day Your Highness Jin attends the grand council meeting for the first time.”

Then, smiling, he whispered very softly.

This was a place even Arsen couldn’t reach. A step ahead in the path to the emperor’s throne.

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