Loving the Naughty Empress

Chapter 63 - His First Day Of Marriage

In the Lord Chu mansion in the morning, he summons this concubine Chu to his study while he has his breakfast. Concubine Chu is still recuperating from the beating two days ago. Yu Hu is helping her to walk and sit down in front of Lord Chu after bowing him.

"You have to make sure to trap the emperor and pregnant with his son," Lord Chu is staring hostility toward his niece. He was so ashamed when he found her naked with three men on her body. He cannot imagine about her immoral act inside the brothel house when she has a good title as concubine of the emperor.

"How I do it, uncle? He is not interesting with women," Chu Yi is refuting her uncle wish. She might be pregnant but with whose child as she remembers three men entered her body.

"He just marries the second daughter of Ni family as his consort and yet you tell me that he is uninterest with any women. How can you become so wild and sleep around like whore outside and do not dedicate your time to seduce your own husband?" Lord Chu is throwing his cup of tea to the ground near of her.

"I am sorry, Lord Chu…" Chu Yi is kneeling down and put her face to the ground in front of her angry uncle.

"I will be sent you the drug and bribe the maid to get flipped by the emperor. you have to use your body wisely and make sure to use this opportunity. If I know you do something shameful again as yesterday, I will make sure your lie will be worse than hell," Lord Chu is threatening her.

"I do understand it, uncle," Concubine Chu is still kneeling in front of her uncle.

"I will be sent you today to enter the palace and wait for my instruction," Lord Chu is signalling her to leave the room.

Chu Yi is following her maid toward the carriage in front of the Chu Mansion. Inside the carriage, Chu Yi is asking her maid to go to the palace pharmacy for the contraception. She is afraid to be pregnant with the child after the wild night. However, she wants more and carves more for the wild night. She cannot imagine her body and mind wants something more from the wild night.

They are arriving at her residence inside the palace. She is going to her bed to rest when Yu Hu is running toward the pharmacy for the contraception. Yu Hu is bribing one of the pharmacists to give her the contraception.

Chu Yi cannot think about her carving anymore when she is writing a letter to the youngest master of Chun. She is inviting him to enter the palace. She cannot wait for his crazy acts.


Jin Yu is waking up from his sleeping with Ni Qing inside of his arm. He is not attending the morning court due on the wedding until next week. This is the first time in his life where he feels extremely good. His life is complete at the moment and he wants to cherish every second on this moment. 

Ni Qing is still sleeping on his arm and snuggles more in his arm. He is getting his mind crazy when it is facing her. It is never enough with his wife. If he knows her sooner, he must have a crown prince already. Now, it will be his job to catch up with the lost time and devote his time to make her bear his crown prince. He will work hard to make her pregnant with his son.

"Your highness… Time for your lunch… you also need to finish the last wedding ceremonies," Eunuch Wang is telling outside the door. Jin Yu is sitting down and grab his under cloth on his six-packs body.

"Yes… enter…" He shouts to his loyal servant after closing the bed curtain where Ni Qing still sleeping with her naked body. Eunuch Wang is entering the dining area to find the mess on the floor and the clothes on the floor. His face blushed red to imagine his emperor hot steamy night while hearing the moaning from outside the door. He was so sleepy and can not sleep after al the loud noise from the room.

"Can you arrange some nourishment tonic for consort Qing?" Jin Yu is instructing his loyal maid.

"yes, your highness… I will ask the kitchen to prepare it as soon as possible," Eunuch Wang is bowing to the emperor while he signs the maid to clean up the mess on the common room before serving the lunch table. Meanwhile, Eunuch Wang is assisting the emperor to change his outfit and make his hair including shaves his light facial hair.

"what is the last part of the wedding ceremonies?" Jin Yu is asking the eunuch with a question while he is sipping his tea.

"Your highness consort Qing needs to sit into the egg which place on your lap until it crashes and drink the wedding tonic. It will believe to conceive sooner in the new marriage," Eunuch Wang is explaining to his emperor for the last procession.

"Why did I not do that thing with the last empress?"

"You were so mad and leave the late empress alone after opening her veil. She even did not do any of the marriage ceremony inside of the wedding chamber. We were so scared with your angry reaction," Eunuch Wang is telling him the truth.

"Any rumour is going out? How is the progress of consort Qing residence?" Jin Yu is asking him while putting some of the snack on the table with his tea.

"everyone is talking about the presence of fire spirit in the night. The area of the appearance is around the residence of Consort Qing and the cold palace. What should we do, your highness?" Eunuch Wang is telling the royal highness emperor about the rumour. He does not believe superstition but this time, he will need to believe about this story. As it shown in the mysterious area of cold palace.

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