Loving the Naughty Empress

Chapter 62 - The Wedding Night

Jin Yu is carrying Ni Qing in his arm. The Palace maid and Eunuch are surprised to see their emperor warm love gesture toward their new consort. It makes them become less worried for the rumour spread around about their emperor. it is said that The Emperor has weird and unspoken sexual preference due to his uninterest toward the women. He never visits his women in the harem except for his empress. He always sleeps in his own chamber regardless the time of the day after the empress palace visit.

"Is this you, your highness?" Ni Qing is putting her arm into his neck after smell the familiar scent. His board chest also familiar to her knowledge.

"Who else dare to touch you, my consort?" Jin Yu is informing her with his gently voice.

"I know it… you such a cry jealous baby," 

"Did you just curse to your emperor? you are really sure to give that name to your husband. I can be more possessive toward you, wifey," Jin Yu is telling her coldly.

"No… No… No… You are good as it is," Ni Qing is putting her head to his chest before he put her into their wedding bed. They finish their last part of the wedding ceremonies. Jin Yu is opening her veil with the gold dragon stick and reveal her exquisite face with the wedding make up. 

Jin Yu is holding her hand so she can jump into the firepit on the ground. It believes to repel the bad luck before they are bowing to the God, ancestral and each other. They are enjoying their wedding wine with their hand twisting to each other before they feed each other with the wedding food on the table.

The wedding nanny leave the chamber with Eunuch Wang and they wait in the corridor in front of the emperor chamber's door. Ni Qing sees them walk out and sits down on the dining table. She picks up the chopstick and continue to devour the food on the table. Jin Yu is amazed to see his new wife.

"Are you serious?" Jin Yu is pouring himself a wine and sit down opposite of her.

"I am famished. I am not allowed to eat anything since I got woke up. I do not understand why all the girl is fantasizing to become a bride? This is a torture to become a bride. No drink, no food, and this heavy head pieces on my head," Ni Qing is shaking her head piece on her head.

"You will need to get use with the head pieces as the consort. You will use it seldom in the formal event as my consort. You are the head of the harem," Jin Yu is advising about her position inside the palace.

"If I do not want to accept the position and become just a consort and not the head of the harem. Will you subject with my decision?" Ni Qing is telling her about the request. If she become the head of the harem when she just enters the harem. She will become the target of the enemy like her sister.

"Why? You can give me your reason to subject as the head of the harem and managing the household in the palace," Jin Yu is intriguing for her refusal.

"I am a new girl who just entering the palace as one of your women. And you make me the head of the harem. Do you think that I will be safe and not becoming the target of your harem like my sister?" Ni Qing is drinking the wine from the cup on Jin Yu's hand.

"I will not allow anyone to touch a single strain of your hair. Remember it!" Jin Yu is promising her for the safety.

"I will help Wang to manage the household, but I am not the person who is in the paper and sign everything. I do not want to become the target of all the hooligan inside this palace wall. Is this your chamber? I thought you are agreeing with me to live in the outer part palace as my residence," Ni Qing is looking around while massaging her tall delicate neck with her hand. 

"You can use my stamp for managing the household. Wang will arrange it for you. This is my residence in the inner palace as this is our wedding and your residence is not quite ready. I will bring you there when it is ready for you," Jin Yu is walking behind her back and helping her to take off the gold head pieces on her head. The silky long hair is falling down into her long neck. Ni Qing is wiggling her neck from the stiffness when Jin Yu surrender into her charm. 

Jin Yu put her hair to the side and starts to kiss her silky white neck from behind her ear. Ni Qing is reacting into his kiss into her sensitive part. He is enjoying his time with his new wife and the love of his life. He never gets enough with her body and scent. 

Jin Yu help her to take off her heavy wedding robe on her body which is getting in way with his kissing and desire. 

"Hooney…." She moans with all his treatment which arouse her.

"hmmm… is it good enough for you or you want me to do more?" Jin Yu is looking into her when She is getting all sort of butterfly from her stomach.

"Do you want to do this here on the dining table?" Ni Qing suddenly got realise their surrounding area when Jin Yu is actually sweep all the plate into the floor. The sound of loud breaking plates crashes on the floor. Jin Yu is putting Ni Qing on the table and opening her dress one by one. It shows her delicate skin which have a red mark from him. Jin Yu eyes burns with desire and he cannot contain himself to see his wife body. The long night turn into hot and steamy night for the newly wed couple. Their steamy moan and groan accompanied the sound of the owl in the bright night.

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