Loving the Naughty Empress

Chapter 131 - Yuan Xing Palace

"Your highness… Please… what do you mean by that? I do not understand when you are saying something like that…." The empress is kneeling to beg in front of the emperor.

"What do you mean by that?" Jin Yu is gazing sharply at her.

"Your highness, are you already healthy? We are in here because we are trying to help you to solve the problem," Jin Yu is asking them about the sentence.

"I know that Lord Chu just trying to justify himself to take over the throne. The emperor is not sick at all and standing here healthy. You are too much," Jeong is refuting Lord Chu words.

"I am not, your highness. There is the royal physician who can give the book about your wellness and testify…" Lord Chu is bowing to the emperor regarding the false accusation of Lord Jeong. He was laying down sick and he pays the physician to give the sleeping pill.

"Put them all into the jail and I will take care of the rest of the case. The interrogation will be held by Ni Sheng and Zhao Yun. I want detailed case regarding the missing armoury…" Jin Yu is telling in front of the court case.

"Your highness…. We do not know about the missing weapon… why we are getting thrown into the same pit?" Lord Chu is asking the question regarding the missing weapon from the armoury.

"How about the missing salt inside the cave just outside the city?" Jin Yu is rebuking his word.

"Your highness… I really do not know anything about this thing…" Lord Chu still does not dare to talk about his side business. The empress dowager is turning her head to see her father.

"Then how about the plan regarding monopolizing the silk farm… do you think your emperor is stupid?" Jin Yu is opening all his trump cards when he is paying attention to the information feed by his wife.

Ni Qing is looking at her husband who is slaying everyone. However, it is not as easy as it is. How can the empress dowager seem so calm after killing so many people? This is not right when there is a life involves.

Ni Qing is trying to analyse everything when she finds the missing pieces. It can be someone trying to frame the empress dowager. She will need to ask about the information through negotiation with the empress dowager to confirm the missing puzzle.

She is quiet in the corner of the courtroom to be in thinking about all the possible think behind their scenario to kill her sister. it is not something light to happen behind this whole scenario.

Jin Yu is holding his wife's hand and leaving the courtroom when Zhang, Lin Yue and Ni Sheng are arresting all of them and release the rest of the minister. Some of them are wounded and need medical attention. Ni Qing saw some of the soldiers only ages teenager.

Outside the courtroom, Jin Yu is holding her hand walking outside the courtroom.

"Where are we going?" Ni Qing is asking Jin Yu.

"We are going to live in your palace while the renovation in my palace," Jin Yu is telling her while holding tightly her hand.

"What is wrong with your palace? You are the emperor, and can you actually behave as the emperor and visit your harem?" Ni Qing is begging her husband. She actually wants to sleep after the lack of sleep from last night and she is rushing to the palace with her husband.

Apparently, as usual, Lin Yue is moving efficiently and swift over to take charge of the situation as quickly as the thunderbolt. Ni Qing already gives in some insight into a strategy to Lin Yue yesterday morning.

"I only need one wife and woman. Do you want me to return them to their family or gifted them to the lord and neighbourhood country king and crown prince, so they are not vying into you?" Jin Yu is looking harshly toward his wife.

"your wish…" Ni Qing is walking out toward her palaces. Eunuch Li is busy setting up the palace to be able to accommodate the emperor. At least, the renovation of the palace is finished, and the palace is getting bigger with the adding area for Jin Yu study.

The original palace is only consisting of the main chamber, the outside area with the sitting area on top of it overviews the whole palace and capital city as the view. The emperor is adding extra buildings adjacent to the main chamber as his study and workplace. He also builds a private kitchen for his wife who loves to cook. There is a small garden and a small manmade lake in the courtyard. Apparently, Jin Yu is telling them to abolish the palace next to Ni Qing's palace and join it together. The new wall builds around it and gets a new name Yuan Xing Palace. Jin Yu even personally made the calligraphy to be put on top of the gate into the palace.

They are going inside the Yuan Xing palace when Eunuch Li and Eunuch Wang are in unity to stop him. XI Kai is startled to see his boss stop suddenly.

"What happened?" Jin Yu is asking them and stop in the middle of the gate. Eunuch Li is getting a clay furnace with fire and ask the emperor and Ni Qing to jump over it. they are tossing the rice toward the couple, and someone throws water on their way.

"What it is?" Jin Yu is curious about all the ceremonies held by his two loyal eunuchs.

"Your highness…. This is your new house with noble consort Qing. We have to make as it is the new ceremonies to ward off the bad luck. You are also just getting back together…" Eunuch Wang is telling the emperor regarding their way up and down of relationship with his wife.

"You…. Make sure you clean properly, or I will move you to the general area department," Jin Yu is reprimanding his loyal servant.

"I am sorry, your highness…. I am making sure the cleanliness is already up to your standard," Eunuch Wang is telling his emperor.

Jin Yu is carrying his wife princess style on his arm while she was enjoying the new courtyard view. The building is already double and it is not as small as the old palace. She is resting her head to the valley of his neck and waring his neck with her arm.

"You need to explain about the secret tunnel build under this palace…." Jin Yu is asking her about her tunnel. Apparently, the builder is finding the secret tunnel behind her bed chamber wardrobe and connected into the palace's outer wall. The outer door is hidden perfectly, and no one can find it if they do not know the exact location.

"You found it…. How can?" Ni Qing is laughing to see her husband annoying face.

"Why do you need the secret passage?" Jin Yu is asking her with his curiosity even though he already can know her reason for the passage.

"I can go away from you if you decide to leave or send me away into the cold palace." Ni Qing is telling him with her serious expression.

"There is nothing in my mind to cast you away. You have to promise not to leave me. If you dare to leave me then I will chain you with my leg…" Jin Yu is convincing her with his stern voice before he is going inside their new room.

The bed chamber is changing into more luxurious furniture like the emperor chamber. It is got underneath the furnace to make them warm all the way. There is a coal furnace to warm them up. Jin Yu is putting her into their soft bed and start to kiss her so passionately.

"Husband… Can I really sleep? I am so tired due to our lovemaking activities this morning," Ni Qing is stopping his kiss and put her arm into his neck.

"However, I still need to work hard and beat the lecherous empress to make crown prince," Jin Yu is telling him.

"You already impregnate her, and you are going to make me pregnant also…. You are really beast," Ni Qing is complaining to him who keep kissing her face and neck. He even takes off her outer robe with swift moves.

"I really cannot get enough with you, my love," Jin Yu is trying to open up her inner clothes and underwear. His cold hand is roaming around her inner chest area which makes her arouses again with all his actions. She even cannot deny her husband getting expert by the day. He even manages to remember all her sensitive areas without blinking his eyes.

Ni Qing is melting into her husband vigorous act and surrender her weak body will into her husband. She hates herself when her body become submissive to all his temptation.

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