Jin Yu can not refute his wife wills to come and join them in the palace. They are riding horses to the palace in the rush under the protection of the ten soldiers of eagle troops including Xi Kai. Zhang is already entering the palace to swap the palace guard with his own troops and sneak in the eagle troops and Lin Yue soldier into the palace.

In the court, the empress dowager is coming inside the court with her official outfit. She is sitting in the chair next to the emperor seat. In the courtroom, there are the ministers with their grim facial expressions.

It is not a good time for them to come and celebrate the officiate of the regent position for the empress dowager. The empress is sitting on her seat on the right chair of the emperor. she is trying to put the best appearance in front of her cousin and her uncle.

The minister was not going to come to the court today if Lord Chu not threatening them with their family safety. They are not going to be present inside this courtroom and supporting his crazy idea. This is the first time during whole their career as the minister to see such a brave move from the empress dowager to seize the power. They cannot be found to join hands with this kind of act.

Lord Jeong is barging inside the emperor palace and trying to find out about the emperor condition before he is doing his own agenda. He will kill the emperor in his sleep and blame it on Lord Chu. Jeong is barging inside the emperor chamber to find the naked Physician Long Man.

"Who the hell are you?" Jeong is pointing his sword toward him who is stutter and kneeling on the floor due to the sword in front of his face.

"I am Royal Physician Long Man…. The empress locks me down in this chamber to get her pregnant and admit it as the son of the emperor…. I want to get out from this place," Long Man is bowing to Jeong's feet and put his forehead into the ground. He does not want to join in the fight inside the Palace.

"Come with me and someone gets him some clothes…" Jeong is telling his subordinate to hold him while he searches the room for the seal and the emperor stamp. He even cannot find the secret compartment inside his study.

Jeong is going out with his anger for failing his job to secure the seal and jade stamp to prove that the emperor mandates him as his successor. He has to change his plan accordingly and do the thing the hard way. Now, he has to make sure to fight the empress and the empress dowager as the kidnaper of the emperor.

He is going to the court with all his soldiers and goes inside the court. Jeong does not have any hard time penetrating the courtroom since it is only two-guard in front of the courtroom.

"Surrender the royal highness the emperor or I will make sure that you are going to the prison for kidnapping and deceiving the court for seizing the throne!" Lord Jeong is pointing his sword into the face of the empress dowager without any respect for her position as the empress dowager.

"Guard….. Please take Lord Jeong to jail. He is delusional telling and accusing our empress dowager about treason," Lord Chu is calling his own people to seize Lord Jeong when he killed them without lifting an eyelid.

"You are really something and Killing a human being inside this sacred courtroom…. Who is the rebel in this courtroom?" Lord Chu is pointing his sword at Lord Jeong.

Lord Jeong is not accepting his oppression and fight back to Lord Chu. There is chaos inside the courtroom between the soldier of Lord Chu and Lord Jeong. Apparently, Lin Yue and Zhang are sealing the court chamber and let them fight inside the court. They manage to secure and taking control back of the Palace security and manage to catch all the left-over of Lord Chu and Lord Jeong soldiers.

The minister and the empress stuck between the fight. She is saving herself by hiding in the back area of the throne with the room separator. She met with Long Man and the empress dowager who is trying to save themselves in there. the other minister is scattered in the room tries to save their lives. They are trying to open the door and window, but they fail as it blocks by the Lin Yue soldier.

The emperor entourage is arriving at the palace when he is going into the courtroom straight away with his horse. Eunuch Wang is helping him go down from his horse and Jin Yu will help his wife. They are walking into the courtroom when Jin Yu is imposing murdering aura come out from his body. Ni Qing and Ni Sheng are following from behind with Lin Yue, Zhang and XI Kai.

The eagle troop is opening the blocked door when they can see the courtroom full of the injured soldier and injured minister. They can see Lord Chu and Lord Jeong drained appearance after their intense fight. They even got some wounds in their body.

Jin Yu can see the soldier's weapon got broken into pieces as his plan to swap the weapon from the armoury. The two-side soldier got the fake weapon. Jin Yu killing aura is coming out from his body when he is approaching his throne who already not in the initial shape.

"Seize everyone in this room!" Jin Yu is standing on top of the room and facing the whole room. He is instructing them to get capture by his people with his low cold voice.

Ni Qing looks at her husband with awe because this is the first time ever, she is attending his court and look at him ruling his court. His murderous aura is sending goosebumps to everyone in the room.

"Your highness the emperor, what do you want me to do with the empress, the empress dowager and this man?" Ni Sheng is finding them hiding behind the wall separator.

"Bring them in front of me!" Jin Yu is instructing him to bring them to the front of him. everyone in the room got gobsmacked to see the real emperor standing healthy in front of them. Everyone is kneeling on the floor in front of Jin Yu.

"Your highness, I am only trying to check into your condition when I find your chamber is empty…" Lord Jeong is making the excuse while he is bowing down on the floor.

"He is accusing the royal highness empress dowager to kidnap you… we are trying to help you to balance the court and the country when you are recuperating," Lord Chu is kneeling down on the floor.

"I am not kneeling in front of my son… you impudence," The empress dowager is refusing to kneel in front of the emperor when Jin Yu is signalling Zhang to kick her and force her to kneel down. He can not accept the main person who is killing his empress and his unborn baby tries to pull rank. She is not worth becoming his mother. There is a loud scream from the empress dowager for the humiliation to get a kick and push down to kneel by Zhang.

"You are not worth to become my mother. For your information, my royal mother already passes away and resting with my royal father in heaven…. You do not need to act like my mother when you never actually care with anyone else except yourself," Jin Yu is dropping his word without any hint of remorse on his voice to cut ties with the empress dowager.

"You can not treat me the empress dowager like a prisoner and commoner. I am your father the late emperor legal wife…" The empress dowager is complaining and screaming to the cold emperor who is standing in front of her.

"Your highness…. I am pregnant with your children… I really do not know anything about their plan. I was so scared with the fight and how about our future crown prince?" The empress is sobbing on the floor while kneeling and rubbing her flat stomach.

"You are pregnant!" Jin Yu scorn her with his detest look. He is well aware of her infidelity and her unloyalty about marriage life.

"Yes, your highness… hopefully, it is a prince so it can follow your pathway to become a wise ruler for this country," The empress keeps talking as the emperor does not know her stupid plan. Jin Yu is coming closer to her when he is holding her face with his hand.

"Do You think that I am retard, you filthy woman? Whose seed inside your womb?" Jin Yu is throwing her face to the side after telling her the reality. Ni Qing is coming closer to her husband to give him the handkerchief to clean his hand before he throws it to the floor as he just touches something filthy.

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